I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 809 807 Haidong Dashu Don't panic, I'm here to help you! (When I saw you, I knew t

Chapter 809 807: Kaito Daishu: Don't panic, I'll help you! (Sougo: When I saw you, I knew my TV was finished)


"Sure enough, this is what a blasting band should look like!"

Pushing open the door of the room, Kiryu Sento and Manjo Ryuga were dressed in classic hip-hop outfits, with winning bandanas tied on their heads, and wearing red and blue clothes to decide the outcome.

Even on their faces, they had stickers with the team logos of their support bands.

Although on the surface, the two of them were running a music-themed barbecue restaurant, in fact, the identities of the two behind the scenes were close friends who also formed a band.

This can be seen just by looking at this music-themed barbecue restaurant. There are team logos or group photos of certain bands hanging everywhere, and some are photos of bands enjoying themselves on the stage, which are enough to show their love for the band.

Then, he pushed open the door and entered his own barbecue restaurant. The two who went to cheer early in the morning appeared as usual, but the moment they entered the store, they saw an extra person in the store.

The two were frightened and quickly returned to normal.

But then, Kiryu Sento noticed something was wrong.

"This guest... our store... is not open yet." Kiryu Sento looked at his sign hanging outside and was sure that it was not yet business hours.

"Tsk..." Looking at Kiryu Sento and Manjo Ryuga, who were dressed in hip-hop, Aberrut shook his head.

Just looking at these two guys, it was hard to imagine that it was them who brought him the final blow.

"Kiryu Sento." Aberrut, who maintained his human posture, played with the hat in his hand: "And Manjo Ryuga, right."

"Why do you know our names?" Manjo Ryuga, who upholds the good character of asking questions when he doesn't understand, asked Aberrut directly.

"If I have to say, whether it's Kiryu Sento or Manjo Ryu, they all come from me." Albert smiled. At the end of the game, he was kicked away by Soki and was about to die. At that moment, Albert felt more emotions through that blow.

That was a feeling that he could feel more than before when he was injected by the genius. At that moment, it filled his heart and made him have other ideas besides the initial goal.

If it were the old me, I would probably take this opportunity to kill these two big threats at the first time.

But now... Compared to killing them, the emotions overflowing in my heart at this moment are so abundant that Albert himself can't describe it.

"From you? What are you talking about?" If Albert's words were placed on the next continent, they could probably be understood as: I am your ancestor! Such extremely humiliating words.

I think people living on that continent would definitely not be able to bear hearing this sentence and would feel that they have suffered extreme humiliation.

But here, obviously, this situation will not occur.

Abrut didn't say anything, but threw the Build Rider dial in his hand, which landed right on top of Kiryu Sento's head.

Even though Kiryu Sento took the Build Rider dial in his hand, he had no idea what it was. He even picked it up and looked at it carefully, without any nostalgia for this form in his eyes.

"What is this?" Kiryu Sento's eyes were confused, and his face was full of confusion: "Is it a new toy?"

"Hey, guest, do you want to order some barbecue first?" Manjo Ryuga said carefully.

"Manjo..." The smile on Abrut's face gradually disappeared. Looking at Kiryu Sento who was holding the Build Rider dial but didn't realize it, and Manjo Ryuga who didn't know who he was, his originally complicated heart became even more complicated at this moment.

Some of the feelings that Abrut couldn't understand disappeared.

Some of the feelings that Abrut could understand were magnified at this moment.

That was a feeling called anger, a feeling that came from seeing Kiryu Sento and Manjo Ryuga become like this.

"No effect? ​​It seems that even if the dial is taken and returned to its original owner, it can't restore your memory." Abelroot stood up from the chair. Although he was just a thin middle-aged man and not too tall, the moment he stood up, Kiryu Sento unconsciously took a few steps back and felt a great pressure coming.

"As expected of the legendary demon king, taking away the power of Kamen Rider is not just taking away the power." Abelroot's mind was set. The Build Rider dial was obtained by Kiryu Sento but Kiryu Sento could not restore his memory, which means that in addition to the dial, something else was taken away.

Either the history of Kiryu Sento's existence as Kamen Rider, or the fact of existence was taken away.

But no matter which one it was, it explained one thing.

"Your memory is defective, Kiryu Sento." Abelut smiled, "It's strange that you don't remember me."

"Huh?" Kiryu Sento was stunned, not understanding what he meant.

Abelut reached out and took the dial from Kiryu Sento's hand. Under his operation, the dial was returned to its original position and the Build Rider dial was activated.

[Build Rider]

"This is the proof."

After putting the activated Build Rider dial back into Kiryu Sento's hand, Abelut smiled and said.

"Even if you don't remember anything, it doesn't matter."

"It's just starting over again."

"What do you think? Kamen Rider - Build Knight." Abelroot recalled the time when he first saw Kiryu Sento, the boy looked at him with confused eyes in the heavy rain.

That was Kiryu Sento's first encounter with him.

Although he lost his memory.

It was just to create a life as Kiryu Sento again.

Abelroot was already familiar with it.

But before that, he had one more thing to do.


Standing on the street, Gates clenched the Croz dial in his hand, looking at the knight pattern engraved on it, Gates whispered softly: "If what that guy said is true..."

Because his power is far from reaching the ultimate level, Gates cannot use his own dial to transform, but directly use the Bastard dial.

In addition to the Kamen Rider dial, he also needs a dial that is enough to reach the ultimate Kamen Rider to use it together.

The best choice must be the Rider dial in his hand, but Gates chose not to use it, but held Kloz tightly in his hand.

What he wanted to do was self-evident.

"Is it your turn to stand in front of me?" With his hands in his pockets, Aberrut walked closer from the street lamp, and gradually appeared under the light.

The shadow he cast reflected his true posture under the human body.

"No matter what, you can't even take a step forward!" Taking a deep breath, Gates raised the two dials at the same time, activated the Rider and Kloz dials at the same time, and installed them together on the space-time drive.

He didn't know what kind of power the superposition of the two would bring him, but at this moment, he had to stand in front of Aberrut.



The moment the power represented by the two dials sounded, there was also a brand new lyrics.

And the voice of this lyrics was a high-pitched and passionate female voice, which was completely different from the previous voice.

[Universe! Dragon of the Universe! 】

When the two dials were connected, Melina, who was reading in the house, picked up the paintbrush that had been placed aside, and left her first stroke on the blank page.

Accompanied by the rise and fall and changes of the transformation sound effects that served as music from the outside world, Melina's paintbrush turned. Although she didn't look at it, she drew a pattern that was exactly the same as Gates' new form.

It was as if she had known it for a long time and had known it would turn out like this.

"Hey! That guy outside is Aberrut! That guy, relying solely on the power of that guy called Gates, can't beat Aberrut!"

At this time, Haidong, who was tied up, suddenly showed a decent face and spoke seriously.

"Let me out, I'll help you!"

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