I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 804 Tiandao Aura, go and get rid of Aberut of the Black Hole Trigger! (Aura I?)

Chapter 804 Tiandao: Aura, go and get rid of Albert, the black hole trigger! (Ola: Me?)

When was this Albert?

This was the only question that remained in Aura's mind at this moment when she was going to be her opponent.

You must know that the final boss of the Soki World, that is, Albert, is not invincible at the beginning like other Kamen Riders, but becomes stronger as the plot develops and the protagonist becomes stronger. .

Until the moment of the finale, he was defeated for various reasons.

So Aberlut has a growth curve.

Since Aura has never been in charge of the dial of Chuangqi and does not know much about the story of Chuangqi, he does not know what the appearance of Albert in front of him represents.

But just because she doesn't know, doesn't mean Ur doesn't know.

Chuangqi dial, but through his hands, he cultivated the alien Chuangqi. Regarding the changes in Albert, he knew better than anyone else.

"Ara, you really hit the jackpot now." Ur looked at Albert in front of him, with a smile on his face, he canceled the transformation and took a few steps back: "It's actually only one step away from the end. Albert? You are so lucky, Ola."

"One step away from the final step?" The surrounding space has been changed, which means that this power can control the space at will, and Aura can also feel a power that is not the earth.

It was power from other planets, combined with something on Earth, and together it became something completely new.

And this kind of power gave Aura a very scary feeling.

"Hahaha!" Albert laughed with the same joy he had when he saw the inner sea for the first time: "Let me see your strength, Time Tribber!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Albert rushed forward, stamped his footprints on the sandy ground, and punched Aura hard.

A seemingly ordinary punch contains unimaginable power, but it is completely compressed and cannot be seen by outsiders.

The sixth sense from the woman frantically warned Aura, indicating that this punch was definitely not something he could take now.

Aura didn't have any clues, but immediately activated the wizard's magic to "overturn" the ground in front of her, creating hard walls in front of her to block Albert's sight.

Albert sneered, without any intention of flinching, and rushed towards the wall closest to him, completely destroying it.

Rushing forward, nothing can stop him.

In their first encounter, Albert still had a tentative mind towards the Time Tribber.

The ring on his fingertips glowed, and as the red glow shone, more magic was driven by Aura, becoming the power he could use at this moment.

A bright red magic circle appeared behind the alien wizard knight, and countless streams of light flew out from it, turning into a ray of light that covered the sky and hit the front.

At the same time, Albert just broke through the last layer of obstacles and faced the oncoming attacks.

But he just sneered, and the black hole that emerged from around him swallowed up all the light. Even with magic, he could not escape the fate of being captured by the black hole.

Advancing without stopping, Albert moved forward bravely and punched the alien wizard knight in the face.


But in a moment, a bright red magic circle appeared in front of the two of them.

Although Albert's impact stance was strong and destroyed the magic circle the moment it came into contact, it was unable to prevent his fate of being teleported away, causing him to appear behind the alien shaman.

The punch that was originally full of power could only fall into the air, unable to directly hit the enemy.

"Tsk, is this the power of other knights?" Albert put down his fist. When he turned around, he looked at himself who was unharmed. After brushing off the dust on his skirt, he said with a smile: " I really want that genius scientist to take a look.”

"With such unscientific power, he must be very happy."

"Then, he will create this unscientific bottle, and finally..." Raising his hand slightly, Albert shook his hand at the alien wizard knight from a distance, as if he wanted to completely control his existence in his hands.

"Become mine."

"You really like to dream." Aura turned around, and the bright red magic circle appeared next to her again, but she stretched out her hand slightly and found another identical magic circle on top of Albert's head. Appeared suddenly.

The next second, a hand that was exactly similar but magnified dozens of times was suddenly photographed with its five fingers spread out, leaving a five-finger palm print on the ground.

Without feeling the tactile sensation of hitting something, the blow ultimately failed.

Taking his hand out of the magic circle, the magic also dissipated. When the smoke and dust dissipated, there was no sign of Albert on the ground. He had already left early at that moment.

It is absolutely impossible for such a simple blow to hit Albert, or even touch his sleeve.

"Oh, oh, oh, just a little bit, I would have turned into a piece of cake." Albert appeared not far away from the palm print, and the look on his face that pretended to be relieved really made people feel angry.

"It seems that the power of the Time Tribber is not that great either."

Albert turned sideways, and although he just said such a sentence very plainly, he gave Aura a tone that seemed to have confirmed something.

The pure white armor does not represent hope, but instead represents the destruction that will bring everything to nothing.

Albert's character has never been able to be figured out in just a few words.

"You guy."

Aura took a step back unconsciously. She was not a qualified warrior. It would be fine to do some conspiracy behind the scenes. But it would be too difficult for her to face the TV final boss of the Kamen Rider series.

"Don't make me feel disappointed with the Knight System." He brushed the bottle on his belt with one hand. It was the power brought to him by the [Cobra] + [Knight System] together with the Change Driver.

He is very optimistic about the Cavaliers system.


At this time, when all the collected dials were spread out on the table in Zhuangwu's home, the dials belonging to Chuangqi emitted a strange light inexplicably, and they appeared extremely conspicuous under the light.

The sudden change on Chuangqi's dial naturally attracted the attention of everyone present.

Zhuangwu's question is everyone's question about this.

"Why is the Chuangqi dial suddenly glowing?" Zhuang Wu held the Chuangqi dial in his hand and fiddled with it carefully, but he couldn't figure out the reason.

Tiandao did not speak, but focused his gaze on Melina, waiting for the guardian of the Book of Omniscient to answer.

But the coincidence is that Tiandao looked over, and Melina happened to also cast her eyes on him.

The two people looked at each other unexpectedly, obviously a little surprised.

"The dial of Soki wants to return to its master." As soon as their eyes met with Tiandao's, Melina turned around and said, "It wants to return to Kiryu Sento."

"Return to Kiryu Sento?" Tsukuyomi was surprised: "However, as long as Toki-O obtains the dial and transforms, the history of the dial's existence will be carried by Toki-O, and it is impossible to return. Kiryu and Usagi’s side.”

"That's a normal situation." Melina immediately retorted: "But now, the two roads to becoming kings are intertwined. Two people who will reach the top appear in the same world. The two people who meet have connected their destiny with each other. ”

Although Melina said something incomprehensible and Zhuang Wu and others looked confused, Tiandao understood it.

This means that his fate is linked to that of Tokiwa Shogo at this moment. The two kings are climbing to the top together.

But this intertwined fate also made Tokiwa Shogo's original path to become a king into the unknown.

It also made the fate of Tiandao, which was originally out of control, once again become inextricably linked with fate.

Whether it is good or bad depends on the future.

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