I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 798 Pay attention! This is not an ordinary Shadow Emperor, it is (Have you melted?)

Chapter 798 Pay attention! This is not an ordinary Shadow Emperor, it is... (Are you a ghost?)

A ghost named Takahashi hovered over Toei, suppressing the entire Knight Universe with supreme power.

In order to destroy this ghost, novelists, fantasy artists, beast fighting idiots, battle power demons, and skewers... they all united.

To be honest, at this time, Kamiyama Touyu's ability to cross dimensions and go to the real world to see the editor and the crew of Toei's filming was not reflected.

Look at Deadpool next door, and know that the actor who plays himself regrets taking the role of Green Lantern and bluntly says that if there is a chance, he will strangle his past self.

Deadpool agreed on the spot and directly crossed the dimension to the real world. When this person got the manuscript of Green Lantern and praised it as a good script with joy, he shot him in the head, cutting off his future road to failure and making him regret the choice he made when he was young.

So Deadpool can shoot down the actor who plays himself, Kamiyama Touma, in one shot. In order to save the future of the new era of the Knight World, just use the Blade King Sword on Takahashi for the sake of this world.

Or just kill the editors of Toei's editorial department one by one.

At this time, it's time to need you: JPG.

"We have found the murderer who caused the serial disappearance of girls before. As you can see, that guy is indeed an alien knight."

Tsukuyomi put the mobile phone from the future on the table, and the projection function simply played the previous screen.

As a bystander, although Tsukuyomi cannot transform, she also has her own unique role.

Everyone didn't speak, but quietly understood everything until the whole picture fell into the end, the projection dissipated, and Gentaro spoke with a subtle expression.

"That just now... is Kamen Rider?"

"Yes!" Sougo nodded, looking at Gentaro expectantly: "Excuse me, what impression do you have? About these."

"No impression." Gentaro shook his head: "This is the first time I have seen these things."

"But if this is Kamen Rider... then it is really powerful, it can jump three or four meters high..." Gentaro's tone is full of envy, which is the feeling from the bottom of the heart when anyone sees a powerful force in front of them.

Everyone is like this.

"You once had this power." Tsukuyomi said softly: "It's just that you don't know the power you once had."

"As long as you take back your history, you will remember all this."

Tsukuyomi said seriously, but Gentaro pointed at himself in astonishment, and then waved his hands quickly: "Impossible, how could I be Kamen Rider?"

"And Kamen Rider, isn't it just you two?"

As he said, Gentaro pointed at Sougo and Gates, and it was not until this time that he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"Wait a minute, you're wearing the uniform of Amanokawa High School, but how come I've never seen you before?"

"Ah... what..." Sougo was a little flustered. He obviously couldn't remain calm without much experience. He didn't know how to refute it, so he turned his eyes to Tendō for help.

"Exchange student." Tendō raised a finger in front of him and said seriously.

These simple words might not work well to fool others, but Gentaro was different. He immediately showed an expression of sudden enlightenment, with an expression of "I understand!", which was really embarrassing.

"We plan to act separately." Gates crossed his arms and did not interrupt the daily conversation at all. He said that he wanted to return to the main storyline.

Just like the players who don't care about anything after entering the game and only know how to kill, he pushed the main storyline hard.

"First, find out when the original girl's disappearance occurred, and I will drive the Space-Time Demon back to the past." Gates began to operate: "Tsukuyomi stays on this road and looks for clues."

"And Sougo..." Gates paused.

"Hmph, let him do as he pleases."

Originally, Sougo, who was full of expectations, suddenly became dull after hearing this, and his passion was gone.

"Hey, even if he is a transfer student, there is no need to target him like this." Gentaro immediately said: "You can't be friends if you are so confrontational."

"Who wants to be his friend?" Gates snorted coldly, turned his head away, and didn't bother to pay attention.

"He is just that kind of person." Tsukuyomi quickly grabbed Gentaro: "Sharp tongue, soft heart."

"Hey! Who has a sharp tongue, soft heart!"


Under the special effects world, belonging to the armor universe, a shocking battle is taking place at this moment.


The Dark Ultra King… I mean the Shadow Emperor did not retreat at all, standing in the dark universe with his arms folded across his chest, his body rising and falling made him look very impressive.

Even if he did nothing, the waves caused by the swaying cloak were enough to give people a tremor in the heart.

The King of Catchers shook his wrist, and after being blown away, he finally stabilized his body, and in his heart he had a clear understanding of Yatales's strength again.

He could actually fight the Shadow Emperor alone for four days and four nights… He is worthy of being the general of the Bright Realm.

"Everyone retreat!"

Just as the King of Catchers was about to move forward again, the angry shout from the Bright Realm Heavenly Dao immediately stopped him.

Golden light was scattered, the aurora suddenly appeared, and the infinite brilliance that lit up the dark universe was spread across the universe. The deterrence brought by the Shadow Emperor was swept away, and the World of Light occupied half of the dark universe with an extremely powerful posture.

Standing in the glory, under the darkness.

The battle between light and shadow was in full swing.

The red cloak was rustling, the aurora shield was worn on the chest, and the open arms and wings indicated that the emperor who came at this moment was not an ordinary emperor.

The skirt that reached the ankles made the originally plain lower body suddenly become rich, and also made the posture of coming at this time show that the power that can be displayed in the material world has reached the limit.

"This time, the Shadow Emperor is different from the past. Neither you nor Yatales are qualified to stand in front of him."

Passing by the side of the King of Catching, the incarnation of the Mingjie Tiandao in the material world, the emperor who came as an absolute king, stood in front of the Shadow Emperor.

"Everyone, watch carefully. He is not an ordinary Shadow Emperor. He is a Shadow Emperor who has gained a body, a Shadow Emperor who has gained the body of God."

"Except for me, no one here is worthy of fighting him in a one-on-one duel."

The Aurora of the Naming Realm gathered in the palm of his hand, and in an instant, a golden long sword was condensed. It was not the Aurora Sword, but the real sword hidden under the appearance of the Aurora Sword, which could only be glimpsed when the Five Saints' Kill was launched.

"Shadow Emperor, Shadow Emperor, I didn't want to fight with you, the defeated general, again." Holding the sword in his hand, the emperor raised his head and said indifferently: "How about this, if you lose later, you leave your body behind and take your army back to the Shadow Realm."

"But if I lose..." The emperor sneered: "Then I will definitely not give up, and I will break through the limits of the material world and send down more power. You will also leave your body behind and take your army back to the Shadow Realm!"

Obviously, he is the emperor of the Ming Realm, but at this moment he speaks the words of a villain, which makes people laugh a little bit.

"Tsk, if that happens, the material world will not be able to bear it and will break... all living things will be devastated." Shadow Emperor was amazed: "Are you going to do this?"

"Don't want to fight? That's fine." The emperor snorted coldly: "Since you and I are of the same level, we have been fighting for a long time. I will give you a choice."

"No need!" Shadow Emperor waved his hand and interrupted Tiandao's subsequent words: "After so many years, you still like to talk so much."

"Don't worry, Tiandao of the Ming Realm, I will show mercy later and only dig out one of your eyes to taste it, leaving you one!" Shadow Emperor laughed.

"I will let you see with your own eyes the scene where darkness devours light and the life you protect ends here!"

"You who have won for so long but still cannot end this world of binary opposition, I will let you see that the shadow world only needs to win once to be eternal!"

Raising his hand, the dark universe moved as he wished, and a scarlet light suddenly appeared in the shadows of the sky, accompanied by the opening of a magic eye, as if the dark universe opened its eyes and cast its own sight.

The cloak was raised, and the spreading light was scattered around, blocking the sight of the dark universe, but also making the emperor more solemn.

"Let me show you the power of this body!"

Rolling up the king's cloak, the King of Dark Ultra... I mean the Emperor of Shadow shouted angrily, and the terrifying telekinesis interfered with reality, turning into a sledgehammer and falling with a bang.

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