I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 792: Gates, Tsukuyomi, Sougo, do you want to study (attend) the (penalty) school (field)?

During the time he stayed in Jihu World, Tiandao did not do anything.

In the abundant Internet at that time, he was swimming in it like a sponge, absorbing a lot of things on the Internet.

Although it was too complicated, it still allowed Tiandao to understand a lot of things that he didn't know before.

For example, he knew that the Olympic Games held by Neon were too abstract, and that Beiwu was making fun of them in front of the TV station.

As for time travellers, people living in the future are sent away by trucks due to accidents, computer leaks, or bad luck, and travel to different worlds or past eras. Novels and anime set in this way, He had seen many, too.

Especially at a certain point, it is really a paradise for this kind of people. If you look around, there is no one who has not traveled through time.

It is estimated that at a certain point, the number of people who have traveled over the years has exceeded the total population of the entire country.

Therefore, coming from the future to the past, the kind of familiarity with the historical trend of the past, and the naturally generated feeling of arrogance, is filled with this type of people.

To a certain extent, this pride is indeed okay.

But the problem is that you must first be a successful person in the future world.

Even if you are not a successful person, you should still make achievements in being knowledgeable and knowledgeable.

So what does Gates have?

Except for beating Gates once before when he traveled through time and space to 2016, Tiandao never showed any signs of taking action against Gates.

Even if he is ridiculed by the unruly Gates, God can still treat him with a normal heart.

Because he wanted to treat Gates in a fair and just manner, that is, he could only comment on Gates after detailed observation.

So why not stop pretending now and start hammering Gates directly?

That is of course because the areas that need to be observed have been observed.

The rest is naturally the transformation of Gates.

If the impression score of a person is one hundred, then for Gates, it is probably only forty.

"If in the future the King of Demons conquers the entire world as the guardian of the knight's tomb, I think such a future must be desperate for you." As he spoke, Tiandao squatted down, even with such a simple movement, The horrified Tsukuyomi held Gates' body and backed away one after another, not daring to face the man in front of him.

"What do you want to say?!" It is a fact that his skills are inferior to others. Even after Gates was knocked down at this moment, he could not show that proud expression.

But the unconvinced anger can still be revealed.

This means that Gates will not release the Emelium ray, and he does not have a third eye, otherwise he would be designated to shoot to death.

"I don't want to say anything." Tiandao had a smile on his lips, but when this smile fell in Gates's eyes, it seemed like a mockery: "You probably haven't read the book."



Zhuang Wu:.

"If you put your whole heart and soul into fighting against the Demon King of Time, is it really possible for you to study in such a future?" Tiandao smiled, and the squinting eyes in Gates's eyes, Almost like a devil.

"Although I'm not saying that I'm discriminating against people who don't read, but..." Tiandao stood up again, condescendingly casting his own shadow down, covering Gates' body: "People who don't even read books, come through time and space." Isn’t it inevitable that you would have accomplished nothing in the past?”

"Classmate Gates, since you are now in school, study hard, make progress every day, and strive to make up for the time and years you have lost."

Tiandao turned around and passed by Zhuang Wu: "There are no conditions in the future. Now I have given you a chance, but what are you thinking about?"

Standing high up, Melina wrote quickly, recording all the scenes and conversations that took place in this scene.

You must know that the task on her is quite heavy. She not only has to write "The Adventures of Tokiwa Shogo", but also "The Advent of the True King".

A scene needs to be written twice in different books, which is almost equivalent to double books.

Aura, who was hiding in the dark, watched all this blankly.

It seems like I haven’t read the book either.

"You guy! Who are you!" With Tsukuyomi's help, Gates climbed up from the ground with difficulty, clutching his stomach and making his final inquiry.

Although his mentality was still explosive, Gates suppressed the anger in his heart at this moment.

He began to believe that the man in front of him had indeed not deceived him.

"Just an ordinary teacher in an ordinary high school." Tiandao turned his head slightly and gave half a face to the three people behind him, and then strode away from here and headed towards the school.

"There are still five minutes until class starts. If you are late, you will know how powerful the principal is."

Tiandao left as if nothing happened, but sitting in the class seat, Zhuangwu sat quite upright, looking like a good student listening to the class.

Tsukuyomi, on the other hand, kept her sights and ears in all directions, constantly collecting factors of changes in the surrounding environment, as well as the changes in the two guys she cared about.

Zhuangwu, a poor student, doesn't know why he now looks like he wants to study hard, which seems to be a last-minute thing.

As for Gates, he was holding his chin with one hand, and he was full of energy from the beginning of class, trying to understand the mathematics teacher's lecture on the podium, and then it turned into a fight between his eyelids, and his whole body was full of energy. It also lowered in an instant.

Obviously, he was sleepy.

Tsukuyomi held his forehead helplessly.

Sougo tried to learn but couldn't, and you, you sounded very hypnotic, right?

The math teacher had actually noticed this change, but it had nothing to do with him. The deviation value of this school did not need such motivated students, and happy learning was enough.

Elites have their own stage, and cattle and horses naturally have their own water mills and plows.

Anyone can find their own value in society.

This is the meaning of the existence of school!

So it was not until after class that the students around left in twos and threes, and Sougo joined Tsukuyomi and looked at someone who had completely fallen asleep with his head on the table.

"Gates" Tsukuyomi was about to shout out, but Sougo immediately stopped Tsukuyomi's behavior. With a wicked smile on his face, he took out his mobile phone and took a complete shot of Gates' sleeping face from different positions.

After saving it in the mobile phone album with satisfaction, Sougo finally put away his phone with satisfaction, which made Tsukuyomi really at a loss for words.


Tsukuyomi looked at Sougo unhappily, and then knocked on Gates' desk to wake him up from his hazy sleep.

His confused eyes were filled with inexplicable confusion and helplessness in the field of mathematics, and he seemed to have almost lost track of where he was.

Who am I? Where am I? What was I doing just now?

"You two are from the future, so you must know a lot about the past." Sougo reached into his arms and took out this unfamiliar dial: "Can you recognize who the knight on this dial is?"

"This dial. I remember it was given to you by the teacher." Tsukuyomi took the dial and saw the time of 2000 engraved inside at a glance.

But apart from this, she had no memory of the image of the knight engraved on this dial.

"My intuition tells me that this is a very powerful dial." A look of distress appeared on Sougo's face: "But I really want to know how powerful this dial is."

"You want to try it, but you know that you only have one chance to use it, so you hesitate." Tsukuyomi saw Sougo's current state at a glance. This feeling of gaining new power but not being able to use it would make anyone very worried.

He didn't want to eat or drink, but just wanted to try it, just wanted to feel the novelty.

"I can't tell either." Tsukuyomi shook his head.

"But I think there might be information in the Space-Time Magic Machine."

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