I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 790 Chapter 788 After careful consideration and comparison, I chose Wallace for lunch (WC! S

Chapter 790 Chapter 788: After careful consideration and comparison shopping, I chose Cha Wallace for lunch (WC! Squirt!)

【Kamen Rider】


As the voice and sound effects faded away, Gates' figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

He still had the familiar red posture, and he appeared in his basic posture, bringing with him a more terrifying evil spirit than before.

It was an intense explosion of extreme anger and murderous intent condensed into an entity while boiling endlessly, and all released towards the person in front of him.

"The King of Toki and Gates fight again." I don't know when Woz suddenly appeared next to Tokiwa Shogo, holding a book in his hand. He made a sound of admiration, frightening Tokiwa Shogo who was watching the battle with all his attention. It was so exciting that even the hairs on my hair stood on end.

"It's just that this time, it's the collaboration between kings, and the communication between the new king and the devil." Woz took a deep breath, and after finishing his preparation, he was immediately ready to celebrate.



However, a cold female voice intercepted Woz's subsequent words at a faster speed, forcing Woz to close his mouth and look upward together with Shogo Tokiwa.

The girl in gray robe also held a book open in front of her and said loudly: "The meeting of the king and the king, the combination of time and fate, this is history worth remembering, this is the glory worth recording!"



No, where did this woman come from?

"Could this be...Woz?" Tsukuyomi suddenly said such words for some reason, causing the two people who were paying attention to him to suddenly change their gazes.

Are you nervous? Isn't Woz a man?

No matter how you look at it, the one above is definitely a woman!

Or Tsukuyomi, you don’t have those pink things in your mind, right?

"You're here too, Melina." Tiandao glanced sideways at someone on the roof and smiled wildly: "It just so happens that it would really make me unhappy if you didn't record this incident."

It's like after winning a game, the feelings of winning mixedly and winning by C are different, and this difference is highlighted afterwards.

On the one hand, you shout 666 to the boss, and on the other hand, you accept others calling you boss 666.

As for those who don’t understand, isn’t it normal to lose the game?

Only if it is recorded, and you can look at it when you read the results in the future, will you feel it!

"My King, you finally accepted your fate." Melina said, turning her gaze to Tokiwa Shougo: "The power I got from another king."

"I have no interest in becoming a king. This power is just for my temporary use." Tiandao waved his hand. He had already thought about the communication information when talking to Melina: "Just because I need it." Let Gates wake up a little bit."

"What a shameless statement." Gates snorted coldly, took out the Chiqi dial and installed it on the driver to complete the transformation.

Wearing the cavalry armor, he has full mobility. Not only that, he was beaten by someone with a cavalry in the previous game field, and he also has more experience in using the cavalry armor he owns. .

The two cars were launched from between the hands, and tracks were laid out of thin air to provide a passage for the two cars to pass through.

Although it looks small, its impact and offensive power cannot be underestimated.


Taking out the King of Time's weapons, Tiandao swung his long sword, and with just one slash from the left and the right, he blew up the two cars.

After attracting Tiandao's attention with two small cars, Gates took advantage of Tiandao's offensive and immediately stepped forward to attack when his body was stiff.

His feet moved and changed on the ground, flashing before Tiandao's eyes for a moment, but in the blink of an eye he came behind Tiandao and landed a heavy punch.


Shiwang Sword instantly transformed into gun mode. At the moment when Gates was about to land a heavy punch, the muzzle of the gun had already been positioned one step ahead and reached Gates' chest.



Brilliant sparks burst out of Gates' chest, and he was knocked up. Then he slumped to the ground and fell to the ground.

"Too slow." The muzzle of the gun under his arm was still smoking, and Tiandao could feel Gates' current situation even without turning around.

After all, the sound of falling to the ground was so loud that it was hard to think clearly.

"The speed of riding is not just that." Putting down the muzzle of the gun, Tiandao turned around and looked at the embarrassed Gates: "And you are not so fragile, are you, classmate Gates?"

As he spoke, Tiandao spread his hands, and with the sun as the background, he completely blocked the sun itself, casting a strange shadow that completely blocked Gates' figure.

"Didn't you say you wanted to teach me a lesson?"

The face hidden under the mask couldn't be seen clearly, but Gates could imagine the guy's expression.

"The King of Demonic Time!" Extreme hatred ignited Gates' anger. After standing up again, he took out the ax of time and waved it towards the heaven again.

Keeping his hands spread out, King Shi had no intention of stopping him, and just watched Gates approach calmly.

At the moment when the ax was about to fall, the blade of the Time King Spear turned into a sword, blocking the ax at the most critical moment.

The sparks flew up and disappeared in an instant like brilliant fireworks in front of the two people.

When the attack failed, Gates pressed his hands down and tried to gain the upper hand by increasing his strength.

But the more he did this, the more unreasonable Tiandao found it.

His stubbornness was a bit too exaggerated. Did he not try to change his moves in the battle?

If one move could not win, he should look for other possible moves.

He could not defeat the enemy with one move, so he pulled back and used another move.

He tilted the Zi-O Sword to force Gates' axe to slide on the Zi-O Sword. Although this would cause sparks, Gates, who was pressing down very hard, would naturally lose strength, causing his body to become unstable and stagger forward.

It was absolutely taboo to not be able to control his own body in the battle.

Almost at the moment when Gates' body tilted, the knee from bottom to top hit Gates' face heavily.

One could not control his body and fell down by himself, and the other raised his leg to kneel intentionally. This could be said to be a perfect coordination.

The coordination was perfect, so Gates flew up again, turned 360 degrees in the air, and then fell heavily to the ground with a headfirst fall.

His head was almost completely stuck in the mud, with only his feet still exposed, swinging with the twitching of his body.

"Good catch, Gates!"

Tiandao cheered.

"A perfect home run!"

Holding the long sword with both hands and swinging a baseball, Tiandao looked like a child at this moment.

But everyone knew that in the midst of laughter and play, Gates could be said to have been knocked to the ground without any ability to fight back, and he hadn't even gotten up yet.

Tiandao, who kept waving the Zi Wang Sword, didn't notice Gates' changes. The two large tires on his shoulders accelerated immediately, rubbing against the ground while rolling, allowing Gates to pull away even in the form of a headfirst fall, and even twisted left and right, and pulled an "S"-shaped wheel track on the ground.

Sougo/Tsukuyomi: ? ? ?

They always thought that the two big tires on Gates' shoulders were decorations, decorations that came with the Chiqi armor.

But who knew that these two tires actually had a role to play, and they were...

His feet were facing the sky, swinging as he walked, like the big claws of an arthropod.

After Gates, who was facing the ground, had a sufficient distance, he slapped the ground with both palms, and the whole person flew into the air. When he was in the air, he turned his body, and his feet landed steadily. He also slid a long distance before braking.

This way of moving, which can be called a strange species, silenced everyone present.

"What are you looking at?!"

The face hidden under the mask was already dark, and Gates said unhappily: "This is Chiqi!"

"Just ask you if it works!"

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