I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 775 Am I too gentle, or is your rebellious period coming? (guess a character)

"Are all the people chosen by the Time Tribulator like this?"

Hiding in the corner and watching the battle of the alien Exide, and even seeing the birth of the alien Exide with his own eyes, Tiandao asked Melina this way.

"Desire is the most basic driving force that drives people forward." Melina nodded and agreed with this statement: "The desire to act for something will become more powerful after controlling this power."

"The desire to change the future of his son's death? This power allows him to control Exide." Tiandao squinted: "Do you think this behavior of the time robber is giving others a chance? What chance can I have to make up for my despair?”

"To me, they are just disrupting the development of time and space. They are a group of people who don't know what they are called." Melina answered without thinking: "Every life living in this world has its own Destiny, when to die and how to die are all marked in destiny."

"Whether you are good or bad, whether you are old or young, everything has already been decided..."

"That's enough!" Tiandao suddenly shouted angrily, interrupting Melina's subsequent words, and her tough attitude also silenced Melina's voice.

"The me who stands in front of you now, the king you chose to serve, is the existence that broke my own destiny." Tiandao turned around and came to Melina, and the shadow cast down covered Melina's body. , covering her completely.

"If everything was really destined, you wouldn't be here now, and I wouldn't be here either."

"Everything we have done is based on the fact that I am standing here after breaking my own destiny. If there was no such thing, we would be strangers to each other."

Melina lowered her head and said nothing, while Tiandao was unwilling to accept it and continued to speak: "What did you say in front of me that we were destined to be like this? But between you and me, didn't we only meet after our destiny was broken? ”

"...You're right." After only a moment of silence, Melina finally spoke: "So you think you should..."

"Nothing can have the best of both worlds. If you want to save one person, you must sacrifice the other person. If you can't let go and want to save both, the final result will be that no one can be saved." Tiandao snorted coldly.

"If you are a weak person, you should regard such words as truth and feel that this is how it should be."

"But this is nothing more than the comfort given by the weak to their own incompetence. The fact is that the real reason why you can't get the best of both worlds and end up like a loser is because you are not strong enough!"

"I want them all." He clenched his fist fiercely and said loudly: "Alien Exide is certainly sad, but the sacrifice he made for his son in exchange for his son's future is also abominable. ”

"Deal with him first, make up for the mistakes, and then discuss his son's affairs."

In a few words, he finally decided on the course of action. Tiandao turned around and left, no longer going to see Melina, but preparing to do it himself and secretly assist Tokiwa Shougo and others in solving this matter.

"You can't defeat the alien Exide." Before Tiandao had taken a few steps, Melina suddenly said: "If you want to destroy the alien knight, you must use the same power as the alien knight."

"The alien Exide can only be defeated by Exide."

Tiandao stopped and stood there as if waiting for Melina's follow-up.

Because he knew that Melina must have unfinished words waiting for him to take the initiative to ask.

But this time, he just didn't ask.

"You need the power of Exide." After a few minutes of silence, Melina finally spoke: "And with this power, I will..."

"I told you, don't talk to me about destiny." Tiandao turned around and stared at Melina. He reached into his arms and took out the dial belonging to the Imperial Cavalry.

"Who do you think I am?" Tiandao sneered: "I have surpassed fate and have already controlled the power of fate in my hands."

"Exide's power has long been in my hands."

Melina was silent as she stared at the presence of the Imperial Cavalry dial in Tiandao's hand.

Yes, this is the last thing left by the crazy King of Demons to Heaven.

Although the King of Demons is crazy, he cannot deny that the other party also holds the power of the Heisei Generation.

So the Imperial Cavalry dial he owns must also be...

"Melina, just watch me this time." The original setting of being an observer, Heavenly Dao cannot intervene in it.

But Melina's stubbornness and her fate of keeping silent were destined to open her mouth. These words have reached the limit of Tian Dao's patience.

At this moment, he is full of rebellious atmosphere. No matter what Melina arranges for him or what she plans to do, he will definitely do the opposite.


He just went on stage to be an actor!

Melina takes Exide's power?

My Imperial Cavalry dial has already had that power!

Melina stood motionless, watching Tiandao's leaving figure. Her eyes flashed and she opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but she closed her mouth after all.

Can this level of breaking fate really be called breaking fate?

Or is the act of "breaking fate" actually allowed by fate?

Exide has a very powerful power, which is to open up the gaming field.

Isolate the reality, build a game domain to cover the real world, and put an extra space on the original space.

This domain has become the biggest feature of the Exide series.

If you want to enter the game world, except for the Exide Kamen Rider to take the initiative to lead, there is only one other way.

Find the secret door leading to the game world, so that you can enter it and find the alien Exide.

Tokiwa Sougo and others had no way at first. Although they knew that all the people attacked by the alien Exide were playing the same game, the three people who had no talent for games were completely confused by this game and couldn't find the secret door to enter it.

Sougo is a simple dish, while Yue Du and Geiz have never played such a backward game.

In the future, they will all put on a helmet to enter the game.

Who still uses hands to click?

So if they want to unlock the secret of this game, they must find a game genius.

So they tried to find the mysterious game master-genius M who was circulating on the Internet.

However, the truth always seems so magical. The genius player that the three people had been looking for but could not find unexpectedly got the news after they came to the hospital.

Under the guidance of the surgeon Jing Feicai, the three people came to the pediatric ward of this hospital and found the note left by the genius player.

It was written in German, entering the game field and looking for a way to find the secret door.

At the moment when the three people were absorbed into the game field, the fluctuations of stagnant time and space suddenly swept over. In the silence of all things, Tiandao followed closely, stretched out his hand and reached into the game gate, and then entered it.

With his disappearance, the time and space blocked by the Zen Seal began to flow again, leaving only a handheld game that was stuck and fell on the lawn, emitting a flickering light.

If it stays here, it is afraid that someone will accidentally notice it and take it away. If it is turned off, it will completely lose the possibility of returning to reality.

But the possible unexpected person did not come, but in the time that stopped again, another time robber came.

It's not Aura, but she is smaller than Aura and looks more like a woman than Aura.

At least in terms of appearance, Aura is really not as good as the one in front of him.

"Oh, has Lord Tiandao entered?" Looking at the flickering handheld game console, the boy laughed very happily.

"Really, Swaruz asked me to stop you."

"But..." The boy changed his tone.

"It's the same."

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