I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 765 Heavenly Dao, it turns out that you are the one who led the imperial army here

Chapter 765 Tiandao: Oh~ So it was you who led the imperial army here

What happened on Melina's side was not happening at the same time as what happened on Tiandao's side. Although the two were in a relationship between a king and a minister, in fact, both sides had autonomy in whatever they did, so no one knew about the conversation between Melina and Woz.

But on Tiandao's side, as a physical education teacher, he spent some time getting familiar with the sports equipment, and then he had some free time.

Unlike the physical education teacher next door who was weak and sick and didn't do much physical work, the physical education teacher on Neon's side was very troublesome.

In short, it was different from what Tiandao imagined, where he would find a place to squat and mess around for another day, and he was really tired.

And this kind of fatigue not only happened to the body, but also to the mind. It was a feeling of physical and mental exhaustion caused by the collapse of daily life in a delusion.

But it doesn't matter, this kind of fatigue is only temporary.

After tidying up the women's volleyball and putting it in the health room, Tiandao just turned around to lock the door. The moment he turned around, Gates, who had given him a surprise early in the morning, appeared in front of him again, and blocked the way with a faint posture of a roadblock.

"Gates, it's you again."

However, Tiandao was not surprised to see Gates, but felt a little surprised. This joy was perfectly reflected on his face, making him look very happy, and it was the kind of joy from the bottom of his heart.

"It's time to show your true identity, Mr. Kamiyama." Gates crossed his arms and said something defiantly before turning to speak: "There is no one else here now, you..."


Tsukuyomi walked out from behind Gates, glared at him fiercely, and then looked at Tiandao's position with a smile.

"Teacher Kamiyama, you who can do that kind of thing can't be a human being." After thinking for a while, Tsukuyomi tried to use a gentle tone and a negotiable attitude to say: "If you are also curious about our identities, in exchange, we can be more honest with each other."

Do you mean to exchange information?

Ten-Dao thought about it in his heart, but on the surface he remained calm and didn't reveal any flaws.

"I don't know what you are talking about."

Yes, at this time, just pretend to be stupid.

"…I think I have shown my sincerity." Tsukuyomi was silent for a moment, and the black-haired girl's face showed sadness: "I came with sincerity."

"But I really don't know what you are talking about." Ten-Dao blinked and looked innocent: "I am just a physical education teacher who cares about students, understands colleagues, and is liked by the principal, that's all."

After several silences, Tsukuyomi seemed to be thinking about how to speak and what to say after speaking.

However, Gates had lost his patience. He walked out from behind Tsukuyomi and had already worn the space-time drive on his waist.

"I've told you before, no matter how much you say, it's meaningless." Taking the dial out of his arms and inserting it into the space-time drive, Gates's action was far more direct than Tsukuyomi's: "In the end, we have to show the truth with our hands!"

This time, facing Gates' choice, even Tsukuyomi chose to remain silent.

"Who you are will reveal your identity in the power you use." Crossing his hands and hugging the space-time starter, Gates turned his hands and made the space-time drive turn a circle. The clock representing the time went through a whole circle, and then started the transformation.


As a knight of the new era and also the last Kamen Rider of the Heisei series, Zi-O can be said to have brought out the characteristics of the new Heisei to the fullest in terms of fancy tricks.

Especially in terms of transformation sound effects, it can be said that it is even better than the previous work, Soki.

Soki still has very ordinary transformation lines, but Zi-O has already started singing.

Not only the standby sound effects, but even the transformation sound effects will sing.

Therefore, in the ups and downs of the lyrics such as "Kamen Rider-Geiz", Tiandao finally saw the whole transformation process of Kamen Rider in the last part of the Heisei series.

The passionate and high-pitched music, the lyrics one after another, the transformation with full special effects, and two decent fonts engraved on the face to form the style of light yellow goggles...

The red Kamen Rider, the mechanical style armor, Kamen Rider-Geiz, appeared in front of Tiandao.

"Who are you, let me verify it." Geiz raised his hand and pointed at Tiandao and said sternly.

"Mr. Geiz... can't afford to lose is not a good student's quality." Tiandao still kept a smiling look while watching the whole process of Geiz's transformation.

But as soon as he said it, Geiz's blood pressure rose a lot.

"It's not a matter of not being able to afford to lose!" Gates roared, "I just want to find out your identity."

"Hey... why don't you believe it? Sometimes, the truth that seems to be false on the surface is actually the truth. The difference lies in whether you are willing to believe it." Tiandao spread his hands and looked helpless: "When the truth is unknown, then you who are unwilling to believe this truth will naturally have no way to resonate with others."

"In addition..."

After saying that, Tiandao stretched out his hand and pointed to the place where Gates stood: "The cleaning aunt just mopped the floor, and your big footprints stepped on it. You are somewhat disrespectful to her."



"You lazy guy!" Gates roared angrily, immediately activated his body, stamped deep footprints on the floor, and rushed towards Tiandao.

The raised fist was full of power, and the sway contained Gates' strong anger at this moment.

"Tsukuyomi-san, I remember that you were dragging along, besides Gates-san, there was also Shogo Tokiwa." Faced with Gates' charge, Tiandao acted as if he didn't exist, and even had the mood to talk to Tsukuyomi. .

But it was obvious that Tsukuyomi was not in the mood to answer this question now. She was staring closely at Tiandao, and what she was waiting for now was when Tiandao revealed the news.

No one can face Gates without revealing something. This is also Tsukuyomi's trust in Gates' strength.

Then, Tsukuyomi watched as Gates flew back faster than when he came. It was as if in the blink of an eye, Gates, who was originally attacking, became the one who was knocked away.

Tsukuyomi couldn't understand what was happening, and couldn't even imagine how intense that moment was.

Gates, who was about to land, did not land in the end. Some invisible force set off Gates' body, making him only one step away from the ground, but he was trapped in mid-air, and then slowly lowered down.

"You ran towards me and made a total of twelve footprints."

The voice of Tiandao came over. Standing in front of Gates' head, he looked down at someone and said: "Remember to clean up after class and don't make trouble for Auntie."

"You also know how stingy the principal is. It's not easy for auntie. I don't want you to cause unnecessary trouble for her."

"Who are you!"

Tsukuyomi asked loudly, defeating Gates so lightly that Gates had no time to react. How could he be an ordinary person with this method?

I originally thought that I would be able to figure out his identity based on the power he exposed, but... how to figure out this?

"I told you, your physical education teacher." Tiandao said with a smile: "Student Tsukuyomi, classmate Gates, you guys below are guilty. I will pay a home visit in a few days to see how your parents educate you. ”

"Home visit?" Gates, who was lying on the ground, stared at the dome and suddenly laughed: "If you can do it, go ahead."

"Go find my parents, my family!"

Gates released his transformation, and lying on the ground in a large font, he stared at the light on the ceiling, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Tsk, look at how dejected you two are, how depressing it is." Tiandao shook his head, and a bad taste suddenly emerged.

He found a way to cheer them up.

"And do you really think that I can't find your family?" After saying this, Tiandao slowly opened his eyes. Only one eye turned golden in an instant, revealing his qualifications to be a king.

The dark golden liquid-like king's power is proof of carrying the king's destiny.

Gates and Tsukuyomi both widened their eyes when this royal destiny, which was inherited from the King of Demonic Time, was slightly revealed.

"Who are you!!"

Tsukuyomi and Gates were horrified.

"Encountering a demon...King of Time?!"

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