I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 761 I hope this chapter will have many links, magnetic links and (fun)

Chapter 761 I hope there will be many links in this chapter, magnet links and...(乐)

"What the hell, PE teacher?!"

Tiandao slapped his hand on the table and stood up, attracting everyone's attention in the office. However, Tiandao was furious and his face was full of anger.

"What do you think I am? A physical education teacher?

Do I look like the kind of wretched, dark-skinned, bald man who would pervert Nanase Akane or a beautiful long-distance running girl with twin tails? ! "


A group of teachers:…

"Teacher Shenshan... your way of thinking is really unique." The principal twitched his lips, but he really didn't dare to answer the question directly.

Are you kidding me? If I answer this question, wouldn't I become the principal from Chizuru's Diary?

Is this something I can answer?

"Stop talking nonsense! Let me ask you if you are right!" Tiandao raised his head and said stubbornly: "Anything is fine, but this is not allowed!"

"With my looks and my temperament, what have you arranged for me?" Although such a thing may not happen in the real world, it cannot stand up to the legitimate association of heaven.

"Then what kind of teacher do you want to be?" The principal spread his hands helplessly and said with his eyes raised: "Let me explain in advance, I only have four vacancies here."

"Physical education teacher, Chinese teacher, health worker and street sweeper." The principal spread his hands. Although according to the local people's concept, if this guy who applied to be a teacher dared to slam the table, he would definitely yell at him and tell him to get out.

But for some reason, facing this guy who dared to commit such a crime, the principal felt a little guilty for no reason, and he really didn't dare to speak loudly.

"You could have said so earlier." Tiandao tilted his lips, waved his hand and spoke directly: "That must be the Mandarin teacher!"

The principal looked at Tiandao with a pair of dead fish eyes. Although he didn't say anything on the surface, his expression clearly showed a "can you do it?" attitude.

Tiandao did not speak, but directly recited a poem.

Although it is not mellow enough, it is enough to prove that I can speak Chinese.

"Principal, I have an opinion." At this moment, the math teacher suddenly spoke up and immediately expressed his opinion: "Although health teachers and physical education teachers have similar positions, as far as I know, Chinese teachers are Positioning is generally a position that is reversed, or a position where benefits can be encountered unintentionally.”

As he said that, the math teacher pushed up his glasses, and with a gleam of light reflected on him, he showed a smile: "I suspect that the purpose of this teacher Shenshan is to enjoy some benefits irresponsibly. Although this is morally unacceptable, There is a shortcoming, but legally, he is the party being coerced.”

As soon as these shocking words were spoken, Tiandao had not said anything yet, but the teachers around him started whispering.

"Is this the math teacher's intuition? He is indeed a man who can achieve something in the field of mathematics."

"He really understands data analysis. Mathematics teacher, I would call him the strongest!"

"If he says that, I'd be very curious about what the position of a math teacher is."

"What about me, the Chinese teacher? What is my position?"

"My thing..."

The whispers around him couldn't affect the principal's side, and his dead fish eyes had completely widened, as if revealing an attitude of "Whose general is this, so brave?!"

Obviously, the principal did not expect that his teachers would be such masters of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

"That's what you said." Tiandao crossed his arms with a look of disdain on his face: "I reiterate, I am a pure lover of the party."

"Anything related to the tauren, I will destroy them!"

In the end, Tiandao chose the position of physical education teacher.

Although he really wanted to be a Mandarin teacher after arguing hard, it was a pity that the math teacher was really good at presenting data. In addition, the person with the top of his head could tell that he was a math expert. A kind of hairstyle, the persuasiveness is greatly enhanced out of thin air.

Of course, this also has something to do with Melina.

Melina posted: How come you have so many troubles as a teacher? Under these words, Tiandao was silenced completely, and finally accepted his fate and became a physical education teacher.

Of course, before leaving the office, the room full of teachers, including the principals, gathered around him and applauded him with a smile, which made Tiandao panic.

The moment he opened the door and left, Tiandao's superb five senses allowed him to hear the principal's heartfelt words to the nameless math teacher.

"It's up to you, math teacher, to protect the female students in our school and fight against the evil physical education teacher."

"Protect this school with a triangle ruler."


What a broken school, why does the style of painting always feel like something is wrong?

If a new teacher is in place, the principal will need to lead the whole school to inform the teachers and students of this matter. And there is a difference. Although the physical education teacher in the mainland next door is always weak and sick, and seems to be very free on weekdays, here in Neon Not so.

Here in Neon, PE teachers do a lot of shit, or even a lot.

The management of school equipment, various data tests of students, the scope of activities in physical education classes, etc. all need to be managed by physical education teachers.

It's not like the mainland next door, where they lead the whole class to the playground, yell at the top of their lungs: free activities! Then they can relax like this.

So, in the new round of physical education class, Tiandao, led by the principal, appeared in front of many students in this class.

"Everyone, this is a newcomer to our school..."

"Why is it a big pants..."

The lost whisper from the ear fell accurately into the principal's ears, causing the principal to pause and look at Tiandao in shock.

Damn, where did this Heisei waste come from! What's in your head all day long? !

"Ahem... This is the new PE teacher, named Shenshan Tiandao, you can just call him Shenshan teacher." After glaring at someone who looked disappointed, the principal tried to speak in a calm tone: "In the next period of time, he will experience a happy campus life with everyone."

"Let us all give him a warm welcome!"

The principal took the lead in applauding, and the students also gave the principal face and responded in response.

"In addition, since the PE teacher is new, there may be some confusion about our school's teaching policy, so no matter what decision the PE teacher makes, the final decision must be made by me!"

The principal said loudly, obviously, he had not forgotten Tiandao's previous performance, and chose to backstab him at this time.

Obviously, this backstab was quite effective, just looking at Tiandao's unbelievable eyes can see it.

Principal: Don't think I don't know what you Heisei trash are thinking, you must want to turn the shorts in PE class into the so-called anime pants!

Huh! I knew it a long time ago!

"Hey, Sougo." Tsukuyomi elbowed Sougo a few times among the students, and then whispered: "Why do I feel that the principal has been on guard against this physical education teacher?"

"Eh? Is that so?" Tokiwa Sougo said that he didn't see anything, and he showed a confused look on his face, and he didn't understand.

"That teacher has his own ideas in his heart, but the principal obviously knows his thoughts." Even if Gates put on a school uniform, although he didn't shout and kill Tokiwa Sougo like before, he obviously wouldn't give Sougo a good face.

"But I don't care about those." Gates snorted coldly: "Tokiwa Sougo, my target is only you!"

"Don't think that you can point fingers at us as a benefactor just because you saved us before!"

Gates tilted his head and said proudly: "This just makes you become a demon king. There has been a slight change."

"I will keep an eye on you until you show your true colors."

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