I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 740: It's just a five-element sure-kill. Look, I'll fight it back! (Evil Gold Figh

Chapter 740 Isn't it just a five-element sure-kill? I'll fight it back! (Evil Gold: Fight me)

It's dawn.

This doesn't mean that the sun appears and then it's dawn, but in the spiritual world of the Heavenly Dao, a golden sun rises slowly from the end of the horizon, illuminating the dark sky with infinite light, and the scattered light makes everything on the earth clearly visible.

The appearance of this sun makes the grass and trees buried deep underground grow out, and also makes the poisonous fire in the air slowly dissipate.

Green grass, flowers everywhere, the opportunity of life... or the root change of the world, is staged again at this moment.

This is an evolution that has stopped for a long time, and this round of changes is enough to bring the world to a new height.

The joy of the return of this long-lost power makes the whole world celebrate.

The golden light gives all life on earth the ability to survive.

Therefore, the life generated by light and heat spread all over the world in the blink of an eye, turning the world that was originally barren like a desert into a rainforest covered with green grass.

No, it can't be called a rainforest yet, because it lacks a crucial element.

And this element, when the scorching sun burns the earth, the rising heat waves squeeze out the air from the trees and drift into the sky, gradually gathering into clouds, and the hidden water vapor is dyeing the clouds black bit by bit.

In a moment, the lightning that jumps and flashes in the clouds flashes from the clouds, foreshadowing the upcoming roar.

The whistling wind blows across the earth, rustling, bringing the precursor to the storm.

Just as the Shenshan Heart said before, as long as the four lines are combined, then the remaining last line does not need to be found at all, it is completely naturally generated by the other four lines, and there is no need to worry about it.

The wind died down, thunder roared, lightning whistled, and the pouring rain brought abundant moisture to this dry world.

The water of the five elements appeared here.

After the power of [gold] returned to its place, it also came naturally.

Everything was cyclical, and the mutual generation of the five elements was truly completed at this moment, and the cycle in Tiandao's body was also perfect at this moment.

The same five elements rotated, and the same infinite symbol appeared in Tiandao's heart.

If there is a data panel now, then it can be seen that the value of Tiandao in terms of energy can no longer be measured by numbers, but by a pattern.

Mobius ring.

That is the symbol of infinity.

The changes in the spiritual world are only a moment, while the changes in the outside world are more drastic.

Transferring all the [gold] power in the body to Tiandao, Daguba pushed with both hands and slapped behind Tiandao, as if something suddenly entered the body of the person in front of him, causing Tiandao to take a step forward uncontrollably.

Daguba fell to the ground, panting slightly.

"I'm used to such aggressive power, but now I suddenly lose it. I'm really not used to it." Daguba panted a few times, but his head was bright and he looked at Tiandao with expectation: "In this case, Tiandao-san, can you let me see your limit?"

"Surpass your current limit, on the road to surpassing the ultimate! Go further!"

Tiandao did not reply. With his eyes closed, he was regulating the order of the five elements in his body, so as to build and construct the opportunity of mutual generation, so as to keep himself in the peak state and let his originally exhausted body recover quickly.

Daguba was not discouraged when he did not get the expected answer, but still kept his expectant eyes. Waiting for Tiandao's follow-up.

"Do you want to see me who surpasses the ultimate?" Tiandao exhaled, opened his eyes and turned slowly.

And it was the moment of turning around that let Daguba see the current appearance of Tiandao.

This memorable face was the same as usual, without any difference, but the original black hair had a white highlight on the forehead, which looked so abrupt.

The eyes also changed from ordinary brown to gold.

The eyes that seemed like an emperor, just looking at it, seemed to make people feel inferior, while the other party was superior.

The originally neutral and peaceful temperament also became a little strange at this moment. It was not noble, nor was it anything else, but it became more difficult to guess, as if it could change at any time.

Daguba was speechless for a moment, but then he showed a bright smile.

Although it was hidden under the mask of Shura Armor and could not be seen by others, the sound of laughter had already expressed his current mood.

"That's it! Tiandao-san! You are like this, which makes me want to chase you more!"

"This look should make you feel strange." Tiandao blinked, and the golden pupils disappeared, returning to their normal appearance.

"Strange? No, it's just that I didn't keep up with Tiandao-san, so I feel strange."

No one in this world is unchanging. If Tiandao-san is still the Tiandao-san I have always been familiar with, I will be disappointed! "Daguba smiled and said, "So can you let me see? Tiandao-san is so powerful now!"

"So that you will have a goal to pursue in the future?" Tiandao exhaled: "For the sake of our cooperation this time, I will show you all of me."

"Next, I..." Before the subsequent words were finished, a high-pitched female voice suddenly sounded, interrupting the subsequent conversation between Daguba and Tiandao.

"Celebrate! This is the new king who has gathered the five elements in one body and represents the eternal world with his own will! It is the beginning of transcending fate, and his name is Shenshan Tiandao!"

"Now, the road to the future is emerging under his feet!"

Holding "The True King's Advent", Melina opened one hand, as if to announce to the world that the king she served was on the right path at this moment.

The joy from the heart, along with the voice of celebration, was conveyed so that everyone could feel it.

But, this also successfully made Tiandao cover his face, and made Daguba show an interested look.

"This woman... just likes to play these." Tiandao pulled the corner of his mouth.

"Really? I thought Tiandao-san cared about her." Daguba pretended to be indifferent.

"Care? Maybe for us, we just want to get what we want from each other." Turning around suddenly, Tiandao faced the black beast that broke the seal.

Because just as Melina was celebrating, the obstacles she had set up also dissipated, and the Black Demon Beast had already resumed its actions.

But even so, it did not act rashly, because just now, it felt a familiar force all gathered on one person.

That was the tension that only the five armored warriors standing together could bring it before.

That was the fear that the Emperor of Mingjie stood in front of it before.

The five elements appeared at the same time, or gathered on one person at the same time, which made the Black Demon Beast think of something very bad.

"You guy... can't be!"

Without waiting for the Black Demon Beast to finish his words, and without giving the five guardians any chance to react, Tiandao raised his hand, and five copybooks belonging to the five elements instantly appeared in front of him, arranged one by one in the order of mutual generation, and slowly rotated.

Compared with the previous three copybooks, the current Tiandao made up for the last missing thing.

"You should be familiar with this scene." Tiandao spoke slowly, and manipulated the five calligraphy pieces to fly into the sky, standing above the black monster and slowly rotating.

"Impossible! How can you do it in an instant!" Evil Earth couldn't understand this kind of thing. There were only three lines before, why did it reach five elements in an instant?

This is not light and shadow at all!

"The power of [Gold] on Shura's armor actually comes from this Xingtian in front of him?!" As a shadow corresponding to [Gold], Evil Gold can of course feel the flow of [Gold] power.

Because of this, it felt frightened.

"These two guys, could it be that they have known each other for a long time? Then why did they fight as soon as they met, and they were fighting to the death?" Evil Wood asked back.

"It doesn't matter! Whether it is a five-element must-kill or not, we have to take it! Don't forget, it is not the emperor after all."

As soon as Evil Water spoke, it gave everyone confidence.

Yes, even if it is the same trick. But different people should have different powers when using it.

The five guardians did not think that the man in front of them had the level to use the five elements of the same power as the emperor.

"That's right! Even if it's the same trick, as long as it's not the emperor, there's nothing to be afraid of!" Evil Fire responded, while controlling the black monster to take a defensive posture.

"Brothers, as long as we take this attack, we will truly win!"

"It's just a five-element kill! Look, we push it back!"

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