I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 737 The temperature is over 40 degrees, and they still don’t provide heat subsidies. The bro

"I'll lead the way!"

Putting the Shura Purgatory Halberd in front of him, the dissipated fighting spirit turned into a terrifying edge, like the hardest stone in the broken energy wave.

In the continuous energy tsunami with various colors, he stood alone, supporting a space of his own, and his forward posture did not mean to retreat.

Because Tiandao stood behind him, because at this moment, he was here to help Tiandao Sang open up a way forward!

So at this moment, even if he took a step back, it would be the most unforgivable choice for Daguba.

Must move forward!

Must open up a way forward!

"Go!" Daguba could not lose face in front of Tiandao anyway, and bravely moved forward, forcibly opened up a way forward, survived the peak period of this wave, and came to the period of weakness.

At this moment, Tiandao stepped on Shura's shoulder, and the whole person jumped out from behind Shura, holding the God of War Fiery Sword, he swooped down in the air and flew towards Shura.

With both hands, he split the energy ball into two, turning it into a dark purple shield in front of him, blocking the Ares Fiery Sword.

It was just a thin light shield, but the insurmountable gap between them prevented the Ares Fiery Sword from reaching the body of the Black Demon Beast.

The Ares Fiery Sword was blocked, but the Shura Purgatory Halberd that followed it opened its final kill and chopped down at the light shield.

"God and Demon Extinction Chop!"


This simple and unpretentious chop looked like just an enhanced flat attack.

But it was this simple and unpretentious knife that caused the most explosive damage. The square shield that blocked each other was shattered in one blow, and the sound of it breaking like a mirror resounded in the ears of the three people.

The next second, the Shura Purgatory Halberd accurately chopped the Black Demon Beast, that is, the face of Evil Gold.

"You two!"

Before he finished speaking, the Ares Fiery Sword followed closely behind, accurately stabbing the face of the Black Demon Beast. The entire blade of the sword was deeply embedded in the face of the Black Demon Beast, and the dissipated black gas continued to spread around.

To a certain extent, this is also a manifestation of the Black Demon Beast being injured and bleeding.

The Ares Fiery Sword is on top, and the Shura Purgatory Halberd is below. One stabs straight and the other slashes horizontally. Although the offensive is different, the damage caused is exactly the same.


The aura that exploded from the inside to the outside spreads to the surroundings. The terrifying darkness swallowed up the starlight as the background. The Ares Fiery Sword and the Shura Purgatory Halberd were blown away, and the warriors holding the two weapons also pulled away.

The spreading darkness continued to attack the surroundings, and the monsters surging in the darkness seemed to be looking at the two warriors with cruel eyes.

In the dark universe, a certain monster that came out of nothing and existed for sure emerged at this moment.

Shura and the God of War looked at each other, and nodded in tacit understanding. When the sword and the halberd met, the collision of the two weapons of [Dharma] created a moment of brilliant light.

The sword and the halberd were like the sun. Although it only shone for a moment, it was enough to make the monsters hiding in the darkness have nowhere to hide and be illuminated.

After a moment of collision, the sword and the halberd were in harmony, and the two weapons were attached together. Different [Dharma], the same force burst out at the same time, releasing infinite light, creating a brilliant sun in the dark universe.

Then, the sword light turned, drew a semicircle, and tore the dark sky.

The halberd body turned to sweep a huge phantom around, sweeping away all the monsters in the present.

Therefore, the domain that the black monster had just created had not yet played much effect, and it was completely destroyed by the two people who joined forces.

"This feeling... is really good!"

Grabbing the Shura Purgatory Halberd that was circling around him, Daguba unconsciously covered his chest, and an inexplicable emotion surged in his heart.

That was an emotion that Daguba had never experienced before, but it was very intense, filling his heart with a strange emotion.

"Don't stand there!" Tiandao roared, and eight figures that were instantly separated flashed out from his body. The God of War all held the God of War Fiery Sword and swooped down towards the Black Demon Beast.

"Good!" Daguba shouted loudly, raised his hand and put his sword finger on his forehead, and a silver-purple beam of light shot out from the round bead on his forehead.

Just like the well-known Aimelim Ray, it accurately hit the body of the Black Demon Beast, causing a series of explosions.

But even so, the Black Demon Beast did not retreat at all, but became faster and faster.

Facing those phantoms with eight displacements, he had no fear at all. With one punch and one kick, he tore all the phantoms apart.

"Are there any stronger moves?" The eight displacements gave him a chance to relax. Tiandao took a breath and then said, "My three-line special move is my strongest output."

"God and Demon Extinction Chop is also the final special move of Shura Armor." Daguba told the truth, "There are no stronger moves."

"The output is not enough..." Tiandao frowned, "There is no other way. I have one more move. Let's try it."

"Dagubba, your molecular control ability, give me a cover."

"Okay!" Daguba did not refuse, but agreed directly, "I will get enough opportunities for you."

As he spoke, Daguba took the Shura Demon Dagger off the Shura Purgatory Halberd, and turned his main weapon into a combination of Shura Purgatory Blade + Shura Demon Dagger.

Throwing the Shura Demon Dagger out, Daguba held the scimitar in his hand, and the blade ejected a strand of entangled webs. When the Black Demon Beast chased the eight-shifted phantom, it instantly turned into an overwhelming net and fell, covering the Black Demon Beast and restraining it.

The Shura Demon Dagger shone like a meteor in the dark universe, falling straight down, focusing on the chest of the Black Demon Beast, that is, on the face of Ejin.

And beside Shura, Tiandao flew up, and once again activated the teleportation to move the battlefield from Pluto to Mars.

(Mars: Evil obstacle! Why did you come back!)

There is no way, after all, the next move can't exert much power in a place like Pluto.

Exhaling a breath, the three calligraphy pieces reappeared in front of Tiandao. The God of War's Fiery Sword pointed at the wood calligraphy piece, and the bright green wrapped around the sword body. Tiandao raised the sword and pointed it to the distance, and it became a seal.

"Wood stretching!"

The green light wrapped around the sword flew out in the blink of an eye, crossing the space and directly appearing in front of the black demon beast, turning into a green shackle, binding its limbs and neck, and even the waist was bound, unable to break free.

"This is!!"

This overly familiar scene made the five guardians horrified.

After all, this move, the five of them had eaten their fill.

And the price of eating their fill was to be thrown into the shadow world, and there was no possibility of turning over from then on.

The suppressed and sealed body was constantly drained of vitality and energy, and then used its own power to reinforce the seal that sealed itself...

No one knew this familiar feeling better than it.

As the only one who had eaten this move twice, the five guardians wanted to struggle immediately.


According to the order, the next move should be Water of the Five Elements, Water Concealment, to wash away the darkness on the Black Demon Beast and eliminate all its enhancements to itself.

However, the problem is that Tiandao has never possessed the water attribute and cannot activate Water Concealment at all.

Even the final finishing move, Gold Su Ge, cannot be activated.

He can only place high hopes on one move.

"Fire and Earth Fierce Rock!"

After the fusion of the [Fire] and [Earth] copybooks, a huge burning meteorite suddenly appeared, bringing a handful of black smoke over Mars and falling straight towards the Black Demon Beast who was unable to move and in a weak state.

"Fire and Earth? How..."

The five guardians had the same question in their hearts. After Wood, Water should be the next, but why did they directly...


After the Fire and Earth Fierce Rock, Tiandao roared.

"God and Demon Extinction Slash, maximum output!"

"Hurry up!"

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