I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 713 I went to Mother of Ultra for treatment last night, so I can update today (hehe)

The body flying uncontrollably in the sky was finally intercepted by a woman in gray robe, who stood behind Tiandao and hugged her at the critical moment.

But the temperature he felt the moment he took it into his hands and the feeling of electricity escaping from his fingertips caused a slight change in the expression hidden under the hood.

Turning her palms to suppress the electric arc, Melina shook her head helplessly as she watched the electric current escaping from her body and turning into nothingness in the rapid changes of the God of War Xingtian.

Have you encountered a strong enemy? It's amazing that he can fight to such an extent.

Tiandao landed from the sky with the unconscious Tiandao, and on the ground, Kamen Rider No. 1, who had been waiting for a long time, stepped forward and caught Tiandao in Melina's arms.

Looking at this face that was exactly the same as when he was young, No. 1's expression changed several times, and finally turned into a long sigh.

"Being able to see me as a young person, as a human being, is better than anything else."

It can be seen that for the Showa reformer who gave up the name Kailash Tendo and existed as a local fierce, the memories of the past are no longer forgotten nothingness, but a real possibility in front of him.

Even the originally distant and severed future has become a fact that can be paid attention to at this moment and has become a given.

"Something seems to have changed dramatically in the underground world." Melina took out the holy sword, drew a circle on the ground, then jumped directly in and headed towards the underground world: "I'll go take a look."

"Miss Melina, I leave everything to you." No. 1 nodded. Holding Tiandao in his arms, he turned to carry it on his back, then turned around and left without the slightest hesitation.

The next meeting between the Showa Knights is the most important thing.

"Ganqiao? Ganqiao?"

Greeting the man next to him who was distracted at first sight, Shinji Kido was quite helpless: "What on earth are you thinking about? This is not the first time you have been distracted."

"I just..." Gan Qiao's voice rose slightly, but then he became silent, not knowing what to say.

What to say? To say that he no longer wants to fight, or even...doesn't want to continue to exist as a Kamen Rider?

It seemed that before his eyes, he once again had the image of Soka looking at him with eyes that longed to live before he died.

While longing for life, he also stared at himself with puzzled, confused, and shocked eyes.

[Why am I the one who dies, but you who have no dreams can continue to live! 】

Even after so many years, I still can't let go of that kind of questioning.

That look can come to mind as soon as I close my eyes.

Why did he continue to live like a zombie without any dreams? He has not found the answer to this question until now.

"Kaiwu is calling all the Heisei Knights, saying that the changes in this city and the appearance of those enemies in the past are all related to our Heisei Knights." Shinji Kido drove the car and chanted the Kaiwu message word by word. The news came: "After that, we will..."

"But to be honest, when I asked Kaiwu why on the phone, that guy actually refused to say anything." Shinji Kido shook his head helplessly: "You have such a strict mouth."

"How many other Heisei knights are gathering?" Qian Qiao forced a smile and continued: "Besides us, there are..."

"It's gone for the time being." Shinji Kido shook his head: "After all, every knight has something to do. It doesn't mean that they can sit idle all day long and gather together as soon as they are called."

"Once the matters at hand are resolved, we should be able to get together one after another."

"After that, I..."

Before he could finish his subsequent words, a misty phantom suddenly appeared in front of the car in front of Shinji Kido. In the blink of an eye, it solidified into a physical existence, blocking the front of the car, forcing him to Shinji Kido had to apply the brakes.

But Shinji Kido didn't yell, but looked at the figure seeping out from the ground and turning from virtual to real, his scalp numb.

"Who are you!!"

The golden armor shone with a different kind of light under the sunlight. The lance in his hand had drunk the blood of many Kamen Riders and taken too many lives.

He raised his hand slightly and pointed the sharp point of the lance at Shinji Kido who was sitting in the driver's seat.


Something is coming.

This is the inexplicable feeling that arises in the hearts of everyone living on this planet, and even in this world.

Especially after the originally clear sky was suddenly obscured by black clouds, it put an invisible pressure on everyone and made life feel unbearable.

After blocking the sun and taking away the sunlight that shines on the earth, some phantoms naturally seep up from under the dark earth towards the ground.

The white phantom fluttered in the air, turning into wisps of diffuse smoke, gradually turning to normal in the blur, and condensing into reality bit by bit.

Therefore, Shotaro, who was riding a motorcycle on a private detective mission, was forced to feel the breath of his old friend brought by the wind when a strong wind blowing his face.

The leather shoes made a crisp sound on the ground, the yellow hair was flying in the wind, and the arrogant eyes were full of ridicule and disdain for setting foot in this world of the living again.

"I told you, I won't be a memory."

Standing in front of Shotaro, he took out the white memory and placed it beside him.

Although the figure in the jacket looks thin and thin, it gives people an invisible pressure. Although he does not look very tall, he seems to be the most vicious villain in the world standing between heaven and earth.

"Now, we meet again after a long absence."

"Daichi Katsumi..." Looking at the God of Death appearing in front of him again, the white figure that had gradually faded away in Shotaro's mind reappeared and became more solid.

"Why are you the only one?" Daidao Katsumi smiled slightly: "How much ability do you still have after losing Hayate's trump card?"

"That's enough for you!" Shotaro jumped off the motorcycle and took off his gloves, showing no intention of answering Katsumi Daido's question.

"Second battle." Daidai Katsumi smiled slightly and inserted the white memory into the drive on his waist.


"Now! It officially begins!"

Using the power of Shura Armor to suppress the chaotic space and time, even if the world is on the verge of destruction in the collision, it cannot bring any trouble to Shura Armor at this moment.

The God and Demon Extermination Slash is indeed the most extreme killing move, but that does not mean that Shura can only kill.

When the world falls into crisis, Shura Armor can also play a corresponding role.

Above [Heaven], [Earth], and [Man], it is the power that makes [Law].

It is a kind of power that spreads between heaven and earth and makes everything move freely. It is an unchanging law between heaven and earth, and it is also the law in human society.

It is the force that formulates everything and restrains the world, or human ethics.

It is more than enough to suppress this place.

"The underground world has been destroyed, and the dead have lost their place to stay, so..." Daguaba raised his head, looked at the countless undead rising upwards, and smiled slightly.

"Towards the remaining world."

The dead and the living exist in the same world, so what kind of world will eventually evolve?

"Lord Shura, where is that damn armored warrior?"

Shura's powerful power has been sensed by the five dark guardians, so they ran back again not long after running away and gathered around Shura.

"Return to the earthly world, and then..." As he said this, Daguaba burst into laughter: "Unfold a grander stage."

"Lord Shura, there is something I don't understand." Bad Shui asked appropriately.

"We recognize the armored warriors, but... what are those people on the earth who can also transform?"

"They are probably not armored warriors."

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