I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 711 I feel like I need to take a day off tomorrow, my body hurts so much, oooooo

"What's going on?! Why are there armored warriors in this world!"

Seeing the warrior over there whose energy and blood were rising, and who was filled with the aura of pure fire in the battle, he knew the characteristic of [fire] quite well, and could even be said to be the dark incarnation of this concept, the evil fire, and his whole body exploded.

What did he feel? That was an extremely pure guy with the blood of the Village of Fire, who transformed into an armored warrior, and used unique moves that only the Flame Dragon series could use out of thin air in the battle.

Seal the demon and kill it.

Don't think of him as an ignorant little brat. They have been entangled with the Five Armors of Light and Shadow for thousands of years. To a certain extent, they can be said to be the ones who understand the Five Armors of Light and Shadow best. Even compared to Armor Summoning The author himself needs to know better.

Therefore, the appearance of Demon Sealing Slash was enough to shatter their outlook.

"That's the armored warrior - Xingtian!" In the battlefield where two armored warriors were fighting, the Five Dark Guardians tried their best to keep the surrounding environment unchanged and hold up a sky for themselves.

"But why? Why can Xing Tian use Demon Sealing Slash?! With that level of blood concentration in the Village of Fire, why is he not the armored warrior - Yanlong?!"

But regardless of whether it is a Flame Dragon or not, one thing is correct, that is, the damned armored warriors still exist in this world.

Even though they escaped from the shadow world and came to a strange land, the light of the bright world still seemed to shine on this land, making it impossible for the five dark guardians to escape.

"It's really damned!" How could Eijin's violent temper endure this? He summoned his own big black axe, Huhu Shengfeng, and he immediately roared out: "Let's go together! Together with Master Shura, we can use the damn armor Kill the warrior!"

Saying that, Evil Jin did not wait for his brothers' answers, but took steps and rushed directly to the battlefield over there.

The ax held high flashed with cold light, reflecting the sharp edge of the axe.


But before he could run far away, Evil Gold's flying body flew back at an even faster speed, passing over the heads of the four guardians who were still in place and drawing a beautiful arc. , suddenly fell to the ground.

The upper body was submerged in the soil, leaving only the feet still fluttering outside.

The Four Guardians:…

"No one can interfere in the battle between me and Tiandaosang!"

The abundant fighting spirit turned into reality, and the rising bloody light gradually rose from the Shura armor, like a burning fire, igniting the Shura armor, and let out a war-mad roar in the roar.

"Those who dare to interfere..." The Shura Purgatory Halberd swept out, and the surging edge drew a dividing line between life and death on the earth. The stirred up soil was flying, like a curtain isolating the world. The dividing line is fixed, completely getting rid of the capture of gravity.


Shura's Wind Splitting Claw landed on the ground, and he raised his whole arm upwards, directly lifting the ground under his feet. The entire ground turned into an attack, covering the dark world, and fell towards the heaven.

The Fire Punishment Palm was struck with one hand, and the huge palm print of the Fire Punishment Fengyun Palm directly hit the flying ground.

The terrifying energy spread to the whole thing, blowing it apart and turning into broken parts that fell apart.

Daguaba, who was hiding behind, grabbed the Shura Purgatory Halberd with both hands and jumped up high to slash down suddenly.

The halberd's light flashed a scratch in the air, but it went straight down, straight towards the head of the God of War Xingtian.

Although he is the God of War Xingtian, Tiandao does not want to feel the feeling of the mindless Xingtian using his belly button as his mouth.

But if you want to resist this blow, the Fire Sword is absolutely unable to withstand it.

Tiandao, who noticed what kind of power Da Cuba had used, used his maximum strength to activate [Fire], liberated the Torture Sword in the blazing flames, and attached a layer of phantom to it with his own will.

A sword that was supposed to be a complete one, but had to appear in a broken and broken state, a phantom of a broken sword.


Shura's purgatory halberd was slashed down suddenly with the will to open up the world, but this time, Tiandao took it completely. Even he could not bear the power, but it was steady without making any mistakes.

But the ground beneath their feet was disintegrated as a result, and the rumbling and shattering sound spread backwards along with the cracked ground until they reached a distance that no one could see clearly.

The poisonous smoke and strong magma contained under the dark earth seeped out from the cracks, spread towards the surroundings, and began to draw their own wonderful patterns on the earth.

"Oh? Broken sword?" Daguaba looked at the shadow wrapped around the Burning Sword. This sword, which was supposed to be complete, showed a broken appearance in front of it. The front end of the entire sword seemed to have been broken by someone. It looked like it was broken abruptly, and the gap was smooth and extremely smooth.

"That power you just used!" There was no explanation for the appearance of the broken sword of the Fire Punishment Tian Lie Sword. Tiandao just stared at Daguba and said word by word: "Where did you get it from?"

"The power of [gold]!"

"So this power is called [Gold]?" Daguaba's voice sounded leisurely: "I don't know, Tiandaosang."

"Since the last time you defeated me again and expelled me from your body, this power has remained in my body."

"I knew then that a part of you still remains in my body, and we will eventually see each other again!"

"I am fully prepared for this day to come!"

But Tiandao could no longer hear Daguba's subsequent words, his focus was completely on the previous sentence.

"After being expelled from my body, the power taken away..." The face hidden under the armor of the God of War Xingtian was extremely ugly. Tiandao certainly knew what power Daguba took away.

No wonder he has been stuck at the stage of three lines and has not made any progress since then.

No wonder he could not detect any fluctuations of [Gold] no matter what, even from the most superficial metal.

It turned out that it was not that he did not understand, nor that he could not understand, but that this power was taken away, occupied by others, and... grew stronger.

"Do you want this power, Tiandao-san?" Daguba accurately captured the change in Tiandao's mood and immediately said, "Sure!"

"As long as you defeat me!"

"The relationship between us is like that between a king and a mount, but it is not immutable. Who will become the king to control this power, and who will become the mount and the controlled party? There is only one key!"

The Shura Purgatory Halberd suddenly pressed down, and Daguba roared, his fighting spirit rising again.

"Fighting instinct!"

"Don't give me..." Tiandao gritted his teeth and roared in the same voice: "You are so shameless!"

"Give me back the power of [Gold]!"

The weapons of the two sides collided and separated at once. The two who pulled away again activated the killing cards of their own power at the same time.


The three cards stood in front of Tiandao in a triangular posture, floating up and down, allowing him to control them.

On the other side of Daguba, although there was only one white [Gold] character, it was in charge of killing and destroying everything. Even if it was one against three, it was not afraid.

However, this scene fell into the eyes of the four guardians (Ejin was still lying on the ground) who were watching the battle, which was quite terrifying and extremely frightening.

"Piercing Wind..." Emu twitched his mouth.

"Sealing Demon Slash..." Ehuo muttered, his eyes were dull.

"Splitting the Earth..." Etu covered his face and could not look straight.

"Thunder Slash..." Since Ejin was still in the soil and had not pulled himself out, this exclamation was done by Eshui.

"We... have really left the world ruled by the Mingjie?"

Ehuo slapped himself with a "pop": "Why do I feel that I am still living in the shadow of the Mingjie?"

"God of War Xingtian has realized the third of the five elements?" Emu laughed out loud: "Shura Armor uses Thunder Slash?"

No, it's like this, why don't you wear the light and shadow series!

What’s the point?

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