I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 688 Can I sue the king for copyright infringement? What? Was it given by the emperor? That&#

Chapter 688 King Catcher: Can I sue him for infringement? What? Was it a gift from the emperor? That's okay...

"Heisei's upgrade power...second-generation armor..."

The news brought by the knights can be called explosive, because before this, Kado Yashi had never thought that the power of the Heisei Knights could be played in this way.

Isn't every knight system independent?

Doesn’t every knight have its own characteristics?

Although I insist that they are indeed knights of the same era, this does not mean that it is everything.


"Does the ability to open the dimensional wall still exist?" Guang Xiahai asked.

"Still." Kado Yashi nodded: "What was taken away was only my power as a Kamen Rider, not my own power, so the dimensional wall can still be opened."

"So...are you going?" Guang Natsumi stood up. No one knew Kado Yashi better than her: "I know, you must want to find out all this."

"Natsu Mikan..." Throwing up the card box in his hand, Kado Yaji's tone was a little incomprehensible as he lifted it up and down: "Onodera... How is he doing now?"

Guang Xiahai:…

"Sure enough, something happened to Onodera." Although Mitsumi was silent, Kadoyaji, who also knew Mitsumi very well, also knew that such a silent Mitsumi had already told him the answer silently.

"Onodera's...power..." Mitsumi hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to speak: "Onodera's power has been taken away, and not only the power, it seems that the memory of being a Kamen Rider has also disappeared. "

"He doesn't remember me anymore."

Guang Xiahai grabbed the corner of his clothes, with a tangled look on his face: "By the time I found him, he had already..."

"It can be seen that someone is robbing Kamen Rider of his power." Rick leaned against the wall and expressed his opinion: "But... what is the purpose of robbing Kamen Rider of his power? Is it to get the power itself? ?”

"I think... he probably wants to take all the power of Heisei in his own hands." After all, Kadoya Shi is a person who participated in the Knights' War, and he knows more or less about the ambitions of this type of people: " With all the power of Heisei gathered, something terrible might happen.”

"Then we..." Xiaoye raised her head and looked at Kado Yashi with praying eyes: "Should we set out to stop the other party's conspiracy?"

"Of course." Men Yashi nodded: "No matter what the other party's purpose is to collect this power, I must stop the other party."

"It seems that our trip is not over yet." Haidong Dashu opened the door of the ward and walked in from the outside: "Shi, you are really not a guy who can take time off."

"The trees want to be quiet, but the wind doesn't stop." Kado Yashi shook his head: "Actually, if it is possible, it would not be bad to live like this in this world."

And in this world, Kado Yashi really found a lot of acquaintances.

For example, his favorite Yajituo!

"And you guy, you are always there wherever there is excitement." Kadoya Shi glanced at Haidong Dashu angrily: "Where is your final knight? It's gone."

"I am more concerned about the protection of treasures than any of you." He stretched out his hand and shook his fingers in front of his face. Although Haidong Dashu didn't say it directly, it was not much different from saying it bluntly.

"And...Shi, I heard that a brand new treasure has appeared." Having said this, Daiki Kaito had already set his sights on the simple box in Kado Yashi's hand.

As a thief, his instinct told him that this thing was a good thing.

"Do you still want to take something for yourself when you see it? Be careful to kick the iron plate." Kado Yaji grabbed the card box and put it back into his pocket naturally, preventing Kaidong Dashu from having any bad intentions. Peeping.

"Tch." The treasure disappeared, and Haidong Dashu curled his lips in disdain: "Heisei's power to upgrade, do you think I didn't hear it?"

"Natsu Mikan! Let's go!" Without any intention of paying attention to Kaidong Dashu, Kadoya Shi greeted Hikari Natsumi and prepared to leave.

But before going out, he was intercepted by Xiao Ye.

"Xiaoye, I can't take you there." Men Yashi put his hands on Xiaoye's shoulders and looked at her carefully: "You have to stay and take care of grandpa."

"But..." Xiaoye really wants to go with Kadoya Shi. She will not let him go no matter what, the person who hurt her grandfather and defeated Kado Yashi.

"It's nothing good. Grandpa is not out of danger yet. When we are gone, only you can take care of grandpa."

Kado Yashi's eyes were firm, he really felt that he wanted to do this.

And Xiaoye was no longer the willful Xiaoye before. When faced with Kado Yashi's words, she hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to accept it.

"Okay then." Saying that, Xiaoye stretched out her hand and held the corner of Menya Shi's clothes with some fear: "Come back quickly, brother."

"Ah." Men Yashi nodded: "I will be back soon."

Yashi opened the door of the dimensional wall and stepped into it with one foot. Even if he stepped back and left, he watched Xiaoye move her steps little by little until she was completely submerged in the dimensional wall.

"Remember, we need to get brother Tiandao back." Xiaoye held her hands on her chest and murmured softly.

Sakura Sawatari, who was on the side, came to Xiaoye's side, took her into her arms distressedly, and kept comforting her.

Parting again is just for a better encounter next time.

This is not the end.

"Your marksmanship is extremely outstanding. When Tiandao was still around, he often told me how powerful and magical your marksmanship was."

Hongo Takeshi looked at Ichijo who had completed the transformation and was fully capable of supporting this set of armor, his eyes full of satisfaction.

"So when developing this set of armor, I made special adjustments and strengthened it in this aspect."

"Summon the weapon, Ichijo."

Ichijo, standing still, was quickly browsing the instructions built into the armor. The various abilities and characteristics of this set of armor, as well as the weaker energy points, were clearly described in the instructions.

Listening to Hongo Takeshi's words, Ichijo raised his hand and pressed the buckle on his belt. The moment he pressed it, a weapon full of technological style turned from a shadow into a real entity and appeared in his hand.

[Winged Bat Sword]

Ichijo manipulated it as he wished, and the Winged Bat Sword turned into a sniper rifle in a series of mechanical changes, and he was holding it in use.

"Is this... a bat?" The ultrasonic transmission system is extremely good at perception. The images reflected back from the location where the sound waves reach after being emitted are all converted into images and directly imprinted in Ichi's mind.

But the problem is... Gangdou is a catalpa-shaped insect!

Why would Gangdou's super-limited liberation be a bat? !

Gene mutation can't change to this extent!

"I know what you are wondering about." Hongo Meng smiled and said, turned around and fumbled under the table for a moment, took out a safe, and showed two mechanical-style gadgets in front of Ichi's piercing eyes.


Hongo Meng let go of his hand, and the two "little animals" perched in his palms instantly opened their wings and flew up.

The golden horns shone with a different light, and the blue beetles flapped their wings and flew up and down around Ichi, and the thin wings made a crisp sound when they flapped.

The other one was a blue bat with its wings spread out, flying with the beetle in the opposite posture. The sound waves emitted from time to time reached the ears of the armored man, allowing him to fully feel the joy of the bat.

"Gang Dou..." Gang Dou Insect Instrument was naturally familiar to Ichijo, but the other one was a completely unfamiliar existence.

"Heavenly Bat Seal." Hongo Takeshi said: "To exert the full power of this second-generation armor, Gang Dou Insect Instrument and Heavenly Bat Seal are indispensable."

There is no doubt that Heavenly Bat Seal is a product that can only be made using the technology of Gang Dou Insect Instrument, but it is also one of the abilities of the current [Gang Dou Armament-Extreme Liberation].

"To exert the performance of the second-generation armor, Officer Ichijo, you still have a long way to go." Hongo Takeshi smiled.

"Now, no matter what you want to do, you can go."

Ichijo: ...

Reaching out his hand, letting Gang Dou Insect Instrument and Heavenly Bat Seal fall into his hand, Ichijo looked at the two people living in harmony, silent.

"Uncle Hongo, this second generation..."

"Shh!" Hongo Takeshi put his finger in front of his mouth: "In the past, Kamen Rider couldn't do this."

"But now it can be done, not only you, but many Heisei Riders can do this." Hongo Takeshi said with a smile: "This is not accidental."

"Any knight who controls the Heisei upgrade has a mission."

"Same for you, police officer Ichijo."

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