I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 682 680 Shenshan Feiyuzhen Where is my wife? ! Where is my wife! Where is my wife! (Brother

Chapter 682 680: Shenshan Feiyuzhen: Where is my wife? ! Where is my wife! Where is my wife! (Tiger roars)

"Why are you here?" Feiyuzhen was obviously very surprised to see Melina appear here and block his attack.

"Melina... Could it be that you..."

"Yes." After taking back the origin of the holy sword, Melina stepped back a few steps and landed behind Tiandao, slightly back half a step, and said respectfully: "This is the destined person I found, the king I want to assist."

"King?!" Feiyuzhen looked up and down at Tiandao. In his perception, he could really feel that he had the qualifications to become a king, and the aura of this qualification to become a king was somewhat familiar to him.

But it was just familiarity, which could not change the other party's nature as a foreign king.

"What's your name, guy?" Feiyuzhen looked up and down at Tiandao for a moment, and then patiently asked Tiandao.

"The guy who came up and hit me with a sword without saying a word, now he wants to ask who I am?" Tiandao pointed at himself in surprise, and laughed in anger: "Is this world so magical?"

"What else?" Fei Yuzhen narrowed his eyes.

"I can make this world more magical at any time."

Tiandao said nothing, and being able to say such words means that the guy in front of him is indeed capable of doing such a thing.

But the problem is, this guy...

The two looked at each other calmly, but at the same time they met each other's eyes and spoke at the same time.

"Shenshan Fei Yuzhen."

"Shenshan Tiandao."

The same surname, completely different names, two completely different people, but enough to make each other familiar for a moment.

"Shinyama..." Tiandao muttered the surname, and looked at Feiyuzhen with a very strange look: "Are you from my Shenshan family..."

"We just have the same surname, don't think too much." Feiyuzhen crossed his arms and said nonchalantly: "Just like there are a lot of people with the surname Yamamoto, even if the surname Shenshan is a little rare, it is not impossible that there are no duplicates."

"Ha, you think so." Tiandao snorted coldly, raised his hand and took the boomerang in his hand.

The Tianlie Sword had been broken in the previous battle. Although it was not afraid of this as a mind-energy weapon, the power to break the Tianlie Sword came from the world itself, which was the power of [Heaven] [Earth] [Man] that was enough to summon the God of War Fiery Sword.

It was impossible for the Tianlie Sword to recover on its own after being broken by such a force.

So Tiandao could only use the boomerang again.

At this moment when the Tiantaitan Sword could not stop the opponent at all, the boomerang became Tiandao's reliance.


"Boomerang?" Looking at the glowing red lightsaber in Tiandao's hand, Feiyuzhen said with doubt but certainty: "It must be the boomerang of Black RX."

"You recognized it right away?" Tiandao raised his eyebrows. Before he could say more, Melina spoke at any time and told him the story of Kamiyama Feiyuzhen.

"He is the Kamiyama Feiyuzhen I told you about. He rewrote the story of Kamen Rider after the world was destroyed and saved the world's savior."

"For this world, he is undoubtedly the savior."

"Oh~ It's you!" Tiandao suddenly realized. No wonder he said that the name Feiyuzhen was a little familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere. It turned out to be because of this.

"It's just letting this world linger on, not saving it." Fei Yuzhen shook his head. This kind of thing is not worth mentioning, and he doesn't need to repeat it many times: "Otherwise, why do you need to search the world for the so-called destined person?"

"But..." Fei Yuzhen looked at Tiandao in surprise: "Are you really sure that this guy is the king you are looking for and assisting?"

"I am very sure." Melina nodded: "I searched the entire world, and there is no one who fits the prophecy better than him."

"Not to mention the three new worlds, which are more convincing than the illusory prophecy."

If you can do it once, you can do it a second time. If you can trigger a miracle, you can trigger another miracle.

The prophecy is the person in front of you, or even if it is not the person in front of you, it must be.

"...You know, in my perception, this guy is not a good person." Fei Yuzhen narrowed his eyes: "The breath of the king from a foreign land is like... the mastermind behind all this."

"Ha! You put a hat on someone right away?" Tiandao was not willing to be outdone and immediately counterattacked: "Shenshan Fei Yuzhen, you did save the world, but your salvation is like this compared to my salvation."

As he said, Tiandao raised his hand and compared a slight gap between his two fingers.

"Is it very small?" Fei Yuzhen asked.

"It seems very small, but it is actually full of details." Tiandao sneered: "It is a gap that you can't catch up with even if you flatter."

"That's the fact, I don't refute it." Fei Yuzhen smiled: "I hope your strength can be like your mouth, and you can't lose to me."

"Master Fei Yuzhen!" Melina looked up at once. The conflict that was about to break out in this tense atmosphere could not be ignored: "Are you going to break your promise to me?"

The hand that recalled the flaming sword hesitated slightly, and Fei Yuzhen's mind immediately recalled the words that Melina clearly told Melina when she left the fantasy omnipotent world and traveled around the world for her mission.

"If you really find the destined person in the prophecy..." Melina repeated it.

"We must try our best to help and fulfill everything predicted." Fei Yuzhen murmured, covering his head and rubbing his hair into a mess. He felt quite distressed: "Melina! Do you really think that …”

"Yes!" Melina answered without hesitation and decisively: "He is the destined person I have chosen!"

Fei Yuzhen:…


Seeing Fei Yu being choked by Melina and being speechless, Tiandao was surprised, but also felt a heavy burden on Melina for putting his expectations and trust into him.

Or you should do everything you can to doubt, deny, and find faults in the eggs.

But if she really strengthens her confidence, then Melina will put all her thoughts on you wholeheartedly.

And where will the person who can afford her trust, or the person who will not betray her trust, end up?

Although Tiandao didn't know what Melina's so-called destiny was, at least at this moment, he could slightly feel the hardship of what Melina asked him to complete, and the suffering he would face next.

It will only be stronger and more terrifying than now.

"You are an existence that Luna has personally acknowledged. Your choice is Luna's choice. I will not interfere." Summoning the flaming sword back, Fei Yuzhen lost it behind him and abandoned his own examination of the way of heaven. Instead, he scanned everything in Heaven with an observational gaze.

"In the stories I wrote, there is no existence of you, not in any book." Fei Yuzhen did not shy away from it, but stated this fact straightforwardly: "But you really stood in front of me and used yourself to The existence breaks this non-existence.”

"Maybe I saw it wrong. You who are not in the story I wrote may really be able to do that kind of thing."

Fei Yuzhen shook his head. He was not sure what kind of agreement was reached between Luna and Melina.

But since it was the choice of someone whom Luna recognized, he was willing to believe it.

"That sword just now. It was the liberation of the Spark Sword. In other words...Kamiyama Tiandao has indeed achieved the conditions for the liberation of the Holy Sword." Fei Yuzhen didn't say more: "Okay, let me take a look, Mei Linna.”

"Let's see how far you can go with the person you choose."


"You talk so much nonsense." Tiandao directly interrupted Fei Yuzhen's follow-up words: "Are you Fei Yuzhen of the Holy Mountain or Tang Monk of the Holy Mountain? Luo Liba is blabbering, are you finished?"

"Melina!" Tiandao shouted: "Let's go!"

"I don't want to hear any more of his nonsense."

"Yes, Lord Tiandao." Melina immediately followed Tiandao's footsteps, maintaining a position that was always half a body behind, fully demonstrating the master-slave status between the two.

Fei Yuzhen didn't show an angry look, but looked at the backs of the two of them leaving together. He wanted to say something several times, but didn't know what to say.

"Melina..." The babble of nonsense was ultimately the result of him not trusting Melina's choice. He always wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say.

After losing Luna, Fei Yuzhen found it hard to have a heart.

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