I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 69 Masked Rider (I)

Under the dim light, there is a devil from the dark world lurking. It seems that as long as the light is completely extinguished, the devil can cover the world.

The sobs, carrying the emotion of grief, echoed through the houses around the corner.

The white sail hung high dances with the breeze in the night sky, like a soul that is nostalgic for the world and has no choice but to leave its home and go where it should go.

Wearing a black suit and dressed unusually formally, Tiandao walked out from the corner of the road with a solemn expression.

Staring at the door that was filled with a sad atmosphere, Tiandao's heart trembled. After all, he could not avoid coming here to attend the funeral of someone he didn't know at all.

But this isn't the first time.

In Nagano Prefecture, spiders have killed quite a few police officers. Coupled with Leopard Girl's killings in Tokyo, it can be said that it caused huge casualties in a short period of time.

He has attended many funerals of others, some of whom were just acquaintances at work, some of whom were colleagues, and even had meetings together.

There are also some who have even served under him before, following his orders.

Familiar and unfamiliar, all died in one death and became cold numbers. In the end, all that was left was the words "died in the line of duty."

Just four words summed up their lives.

The prosperity of Tokyo is superficial, and anyone can see its bustle.

This kind of prosperity covers up the darkness that cannot be seen below the surface. This kind of noise also covers up all the low sobs and lamentations, leaving only a glorious glory.

But now, what Tiandao wants to touch is the most real side of this city.

Arriving at the door of Noriko's house, Tiandao took a deep breath and stepped inside.

Tiandao didn't know anyone around him. In other words, he didn't need to know her, he just came for Noriko, and that was enough.

After arriving at the main hall, Tiandao saw the conspicuous black and white photo at a glance.

Although the girl in the black and white photo was still smiling, she had lost that vitality.

People who have died are destined to fade from people's memories.

Turn the colorful life and the colorful world into simple black and white.

This is what everyone will eventually end up with.

Black and white represent life and death.

On the left and right sides, the middle-aged woman kneeling on the ground should be Noriko's mother.

On the other side, a middle-aged man with a numb face looked full of exhaustion. The pain of losing his daughter was unbearable for him, but he had to hold up his shoulders to rebuild this broken home. Push up.

"It's like a person's life is full of colorful colors, and when a person dies, those colors will gradually fade in the person's memory, eventually turning into a blur of black and white, until... he can no longer remember the other person's face. ”

Such words suddenly came to mind, and these words were exactly what Taiji Kamiyama said when he saw Tiandao returning from his colleague's funeral.

At that time, Tiandao didn't have such feelings, but now... his mind seemed to have set off a violent storm, and in a very short period of time, he remembered all the girl's smiles.

Not only this girl, but also those people who have turned into cold numbers, those of his colleagues, those of his colleagues... Scenes of working together or laughing together also emerged.

If the friends you make in your life are like a huge picture scroll, how many of the figures in your mind are still colorful, and how many have turned into black and white?

"Please have my condolences." With a heavy heart, Tiandao lit a stick of incense and stretched out his hand to pull the middle-aged woman up: "I know that anything you say now is pale, but... I still ask you..."

"Are you... Noriko's classmate?" The middle-aged woman's eyes were bloodshot, but she still managed to gather her energy and talk to Tiandao: "Or, you are her teacher."

"I am Shenshan Tiandao. I am..." After a pause, Tiandao chose to tell the truth: "A policeman."

"I was present when your daughter had an accident."

"I'm sorry...I couldn't save your daughter."

Tiandao lowered his head. In any case, in front of the family members of the deceased, he, a policeman, had indeed failed to fulfill his duty to protect others.

Although it's not his fault, but...he can't get over his heart.

"You are Police Officer Shenshan." Hearing Tiandao's name, Noriko's mother suddenly realized: "I heard Saya mentioned you, and it was you who saved her."

"Yes." Tiandao still maintained his original appearance, motionless: "By the time I react, your daughter..."

"I don't mean to blame you." Noriko's mother shook her head: "I know that Officer Shenshan has done his best."

"It was the unidentified life forms that killed my daughter." When she mentioned the unidentified life forms, Noriko's mother's bloodshot eyes revealed strong hatred: "They are the murderers!"

"Everyone has a sense of luck, thinking that the world is so big that even if an unconfirmed life form attacks, they may not be able to find them." Supporting his wife, Noriko's father finally spoke: "But really When it comes to yourself, isn’t it too late?”

"Noriko...no, we also think so." Noriko's father sighed: "This answer is really unbearable."

"Officer Kamiyama!" Grabbing Tiandao's sleeve, Noriko's mother showed a weak look: "You will definitely eliminate all unidentified life forms!"

"You, the Metropolitan Police Department, must kill all the unidentified life forms that killed Noriko!"

The first time is to seek verification, and the second time is to repeat the obsession again.

After losing her daughter, her psychology at the moment and all her emotions were transformed into one.


…The way of heaven is silent.

"Officer Kamiyama, Jingmu... he was killed by an unidentified life form. You must avenge him!"

"Officer Kamiyama, I beg you, the Metropolitan Police Department, to catch the murderer of my son!"

"Officer Shenshan, please take care of yourself. I think even my dead brother would not want to see you being..."

"Those monsters! Those damn monsters!!!"


Parents grieve over the loss of a child and seek hope.

The exhortation and helpless lament of a brother who lost one of his brothers.

The wife questioned her husband after losing her husband, and the child who was less than a month old cried loudly in the mourning hall belonging to his father.

Would a child who is not yet a month old know that he is participating in his father's funeral?

Would you know that he has lost his father since he was a child?

And now, it’s a prayer from a mother who lost her daughter.

These voices echoed in his mind over and over again, impacting Tiandao's heart over and over again.

Everything seems to be seeking an answer from him.

"Why do unconfirmed life forms appear?" Such a voice came from behind. Saya finally stood up with a cry in her voice: "Unconfirmed life forms, why do they appear?"

Divine Mountain Heavenly Way:…

Yes...why...why does such an existence appear.

Gurungi... wouldn't it be good to keep sleeping?

Or is this disaster originally caused by humans themselves?

Tiandao clenched his fists.

"We at the Metropolitan Police Department have already made preliminary speculations regarding the appearance of the unconfirmed life form and the motive for the murder." Such formal official words were spoken in a trembling voice. Even though his heart was suffering, these words still had to be said. He said: "If we have any clues, we will make them public."

"Before that, please wait with peace of mind." Tiandao took a few steps back, used Liren's traditional skills, and bowed deeply: "No matter what, please protect yourselves."

After saying this, Tiandao immediately turned around and walked past Saya.

"Police Officer Kamiyama?" Shaye shouted.

Tiandao's footsteps never stopped, as if he didn't hear him at all, his figure disappeared at the gate and left here.

Saya did not turn around. The gap between humans and unidentified life forms was too great. Although she wanted to let Tiandao avenge Noriko, she also understood that Tiandao, as a human, could not defeat unidentified life forms.

If I impose this responsibility on him, wouldn't it mean that I want Heaven to die?

Shaye understood this very well, so she opened her mouth several times, but she only opened her mouth and could not continue.

Both unwilling and unwilling, these two complicated emotions tortured her and made it difficult for her to rest at peace.

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