I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 673 Oh no, I can’t think of a title. It’s not a holiday these days, so how can I come up wit

The Origin Sword slashed out from Zimli's grip and hit the stone statue of Tiandao with a bang. The sword's edge had already shattered it at the moment of contact.

The faint trace of fragmentation has appeared, but that's all, and it has not expanded due to this.

"This..." Zimli saw cracks appearing in the stone statue of Tiandao, but she felt heartbroken: "Am I still going to continue?"

"I'll do it!" Bai Zimli seemed to be unable to make a move, but Black Zimli didn't feel anything. Instead, she directly grabbed the Origin Sword and struck Tiandao's head with the sword.


With a sword strike, the same crack appeared on Tiandao's head, but that was it. The stone statue was still a stone statue, and the crack did not expand, but remained the same.

Do you want to continue?

Black and white Zimli looked at each other, both of them hesitant, not sure whether they should continue.

What if that woman was lying... If I didn't save Tiandao but killed Tiandao completely by chopping like this...

The two of them did not dare to gamble at all. Even though they could see what was in front of them, they did not dare to step into the unknown future.

When the sword fell, the answer was unknown. Whether it was destruction or rebirth, they had no way of judging.

"It's really useless if you continue to chop down, because you are missing something." A pleasant female voice sounded behind the two of them. Before they could turn around, in an instant, the surging power of the goddess came from behind the two of them. It came and sank into their bodies, igniting their exhausted divine power in an instant.

The power of the goddess that had dried up was pulled and reborn in an instant. Under the endless guidance of another goddess, both White and Black Zimli recovered quickly and returned in the blink of an eye. reached his peak.

Feeling the abundant power of the goddess in his body, the power of prayer caused by the power of the new goddess is like a burning fire, burning with no sign of slowing down.

"You are..." Haizimli turned around immediately and saw someone standing behind her at a glance.

"Gao Siwu..." Bai Zimli silently revealed the identity of the person in front of her: "Why are you here?"

"Everything has settled, and now that my destiny has been beaten to a point of weakness by you, of course I can show up." Gao Siwu smiled and continued: "And if I don't come, you may not dare to continue. ”

"Miss Melina didn't lie to you. The Holy Sword can indeed unseal the Heavenly Dao, because essentially, the stone statue that now wraps the Heavenly Dao comes from the power of the Goddess of Creation." Gao Siwu crossed the two and came to the Heavenly Dao. In front of the stone statue: "You have also traveled in this world, so you should know the legends about him in the three new worlds."

The black and white Zimli looked at each other, and finally it was the white Zimli who spoke.

"The eternal creator god in all mythological systems has been a legend that has been passed down to this day since the birth of civilization..."

Hazmli followed closely behind and immediately added.

"You mean, it was precisely because of this belief and prayer for him that he was petrified?"

"You should have seen Mizmei's ending." Gao Siwu smiled: "The power of the goddess of creation, or the power of prayer..."

“What kind of existence would people pray to?”

Black and white Zimli understood.

"So you need to use the power of the goddess to break this seal. The key lies in... the power of the goddess." Gao Siwu smiled: "Of course, you do need a weapon that is enough to break the seal."

"And we." Before Gao Siwu could finish his words, he saw ripples in the space, and a roaring train roared out from the gap between time and space, hovering in the sky.

The paved railway tracks appeared out of thin air and were laid in front of the three goddesses before gradually stopping.

"Let me down, let me down!"

"Why are you squeezing?"

"Tsk, after finally arriving in the new world, can't you be more stable?"

"It's really not elegant at all, in front of three beautiful goddesses..."

As soon as the train opened, four strange-looking creatures tried to squeeze out.

But such a small door is obviously not enough for these four guys to come out together.

But it happened that none of these four guys would let anyone else do it.

"I'm sorry for letting you see their ugly side." A gentle voice sounded from the front of the car. The man with one hand in his pocket was no longer as timid as before. In a daze, he had become gentle and strong as decades passed. got up.

Time has left traces on his face, but his handsome face still cannot be concealed.


"Heaven?!" x2.

The moment they saw this person, both black and white Zimri shouted out together.

Without him, it is really because the similarity between this person and the way of heaven has reached the point of being indistinguishable.

"Many people say that I look very similar to Senior Tiandao, but the relationship between us is indeed not that of the same person in different worlds." The man smiled: "Let me introduce myself first. My name is Nogami Ryotaro. Called Kamen Rider-Den-O."

Although the initial surprise was undeniable, after calming down, the two Zimli also discovered that there was a gap between the height of the man in front of them and Tiandao, and they all reacted together.


"Kamen... Rider?" Limited by their field of vision, the two Zimli only knew everything about the existence of Kamen Rider.

"Kamen Rider is not unique to this world." As soon as he finished speaking, a figure riding a motorcycle appeared in front of everyone.

The face also left traces of time, and the handsomeness of the past can still be vaguely seen, but now, he is no longer the same as before.

"My name is Shotaro Sae, and I am also Kamen Rider-W."

"Kamen Rider..." White Tsumuri.

"W?" Black Tsumuri.

"Pay attention." Shotaro supported the motorcycle with both hands and smiled with satisfaction: "Everyone is coming."

"Huh?" x2.

The two Tsumuri were stunned for a moment, but saw a rocket suddenly descending from the sky and fell straight to the ground, and it was turned off at the moment of contact.

The man with the rocket backpack turned around, his face full of joy with his hands open.

"Is this the air in the new world? It can't be better!"

"The power of magic is also more active than in other worlds." The man eating donuts sat on the street lamp, looking down at everyone present.

"This is a healthy world." The man in a white coat clapped his hands and talked to a man beside him who was calculating something with his head down.

"Isn't that right, Battle Rabbit?"

"The laws of physics are very sound and solid, not fragile at all, and the spatial data is also very normal." He kept operating on the microcomputer in his hand, and the incomprehensible data was arranged one by one and fell into his eyes.

As he watched, he couldn't help but sigh.

"I haven't seen such healthy data for many years."

"It will get better and better in the future." Pushing open the car door, the man in a suit stepped on the ground, and the crisp sound of his leather shoes made it impossible to ignore his presence.

"Then what we need to do next is to protect this world." Flipping the coin in his hand, the man leaned against a tree and looked at someone beside him: "What do you think?"

"In the world where it was everywhere before, it has now become rare among the rare." A man with yellow hair who gave up becoming a god in order to have enough food smiled: "But I care more about Senior Tiandao."

"That's right." A god with white hair and a white cloak swaying in the wind, who came at the end, finally spoke: "For such a miracle, the person who will bring the miracle is the most important."

All the Kamen Riders who came here felt something in their hearts and looked at the stone statue standing on the ground.

Kamiyama Tiandao.

"You two, please start." Gaim slightly shook his head, and then said: "With us here, Senior Tiandao will be fine."

"Because we are all Kamen Riders."

"Knights who come to protect their companions."

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