I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 666 God is merciful! I am also the God of Creation, and I will go and kill the Black God!

Fake is still fake after all. It doesn't mean that it is real just because someone assigns it to you. It also depends on whether someone agrees with you and whether others think you are the king.

Obviously, in the eyes of the [world], the title of the king of Tiandao is unworthy of the name and is simply a joke.

So even if Tiandao says that he will command something in the name of the king, in the eyes of the [world], it is more like a lawless guy who claims to be the king barking at him and asking him to do something.

Ridiculous, really think he is the yellow-haired guy in the anime, and the cow with magic can make the heroine die?

Even if that's the case, it really takes one time to get addicted.

I don't give you a chance at all. How should you deal with it?

Although Melina's words are cruel, everything she said is indeed true, and Tiandao can fully understand it.

Although this kind of thing is unimaginable at first, it's just that I haven't thought about it.

Now... if someone points it out, I have to think deeply about it.

After all, Fan Gu becoming the king is just talk.

"Do you have any ideas?" Tian Dao put down his hand and asked in a low voice.

"If I have to do it, I can only give you one choice." Melina spoke again, standing behind Tiandao and looking at his back: "Go find Shenshan Feiyuzhen, let him rewrite this story, and rewrite the destroyed book."

"Shenshan?" Tiandao turned his head in surprise when he heard it: "Feiyuzhen?"

"It has nothing to do with your Shenshan family." Melina shook her head: "He is the savior who saved this world. He rewrote the story after the world was destroyed, and left behind a book like "Fantasy Almighty" with infinite possibilities, restoring the world."

"So that's it, the savior of this world..." Tiandao understood: "I didn't expect that his surname is also Shenshan..."

"But there's no need to ask him to come." Tiandao shook his head: "Even if he can come to restore the world, it's just to condense a book again. When the first page is turned and the last page falls, the world will end at this moment, and it will start again in the end."

"Everything goes on and on, and there is no escape in reincarnation again and again."

Melina lowered her eyelids.

"It's better than... the world is destroyed here..."

"Yes!" Tiandao suddenly raised his voice, attracted Melina's attention, and spoke again: "But such a world is just a sad lingering life."

"I finally understand what Kuzuya Kota said, I did not cut off the fate of Showa Knight, but let myself fill it in." As he said, Tiandao looked back and stared at Melina.

"The story of Heisei Knight is collectively called "Heisei Knight Chronicles", and Showa Knight... there should be a book, right?"

"It connects the entire Showa Knight."

Melina was silent, but this fact was not something that could not be said. In the final analysis, the essence of the world today is like this.

"Showa Glory."

"Sure enough." Tiandao smiled: "Then I know what I should do."


"It was not until this moment that I understood, Melina..." Countless divine lights burst out from Tiandao's golden eyes.

"I am the real king!"

Melina did not speak, but looked at Tiandao with an expression as if she was looking at a fool.

The real king? Are you crazy?

"The false king can create and restore a false world, which is the world of Oma Zi-O and Kamen Rider Kyokushin."

"But I am different!"

"The real king will naturally restore the real world!"

With a brilliant light in his eyes, Tiandao raised his hands high, pushed out all the king's power in his body, and condensed a huge golden energy ball on his head.

At the same time, Tiandao converged the outward king's power, completely gathered the fragments of the concept of [now], and turned them into weak [points].

Tiandao spread out his palm and looked at the three [points] in his palm that were not seen by ordinary people. They were the [past], [present] and [future] of the world of Kamen Rider Kyokushin that were destroyed by him with the king's power.

Although it was a complete world, it was torn into three [points] by Tiandao, each of which was entrenched in his palm.

Tiandao said nothing and manipulated the three [points] to float up.

Although these three points are so small that they cannot be described in words, their weight is equivalent to the power of a lifetime. It is impossible for ordinary people to hold them up.

Three [points] appeared above Tiandao's head, and while they were rising and falling, the king's power, as bright as the scorching sun, suddenly turned into three streams, seeping into the three [points] little by little.

The surging king's power had to support the loss of the three [points] at this moment.

Melina recognized Tiandao's plan at a glance.

"You want to trigger a big explosion and blow up the three [singularities]?" Melina's eyes widened: "Impossible! Oma Zi-O's power can't do this!"

"If it's so easy to bring back the real world, Oma Zi-O...how can it..."

"Just because Oma Zi-O can't do it doesn't mean I can't do it!" Tiandao gritted his teeth. It was a huge test for him to use the power of the king to support three big explosions that were enough to blow up the [singularities] at the same time.

But if the three [points] can't be blown up at the same time, the three worlds can't be considered complete worlds.

It was torn apart by the Heavenly Dao, and there are countless connections between them. So when it is born, it is natural that there will be no connection.

"Oma Zi-O is just a fake king."

"What the fake king can't do doesn't mean I can't do it!"

"Melina, I am the real king!"

Tian Dao gritted his teeth, and the brilliant golden sun gradually dimmed, but the three [points] below stopped rotating at the same time, and a different light also appeared faintly inside.

The continuous injection of the power of the king brought changes to the [singularity], but it was obviously not enough to pay the power of the big explosion that blew up the [singularity].

"You can't do it!" Melina shook her head: "Your power is not enough to support it, and the world born in this way is also rootless, and there is no support point at all!"

"Melina!" Tian Dao laughed, and in Melina's puzzled eyes, his smile became more and more brilliant: "You are anxious."


"Why am I anxious?!"

She raised her voice, and her tone was much more hurried.

"You always look like you have a sure win in your eyes when you look so cold." Tiandao smiled, "You are more like a human being now."


"I will not let anyone down, no matter who it is, whether it is an enemy or a partner, I will never... let anyone down!"

"I will definitely! Do it!!"

The surging will made the brilliant golden sun, which had been dimming and about to disappear, suddenly shine again, and it was even brighter than the brightest moment before.

The suddenly increased power of the king carried the most extreme will of the king, and all of it was poured into the three [points].

At this moment, the three [singular points] were supplemented with the most important part.

The will to [be born].

Boom boom boom!

Three huge noises shook the entire Knight World. The vibration of the Big Bang was only heard at the beginning of the birth of the Big World. In this dead world, it was like a stone thrown into the dead water, causing ripples.

This vibration attracted the attention of countless beings wandering outside the world, and also announced to the whole world.

A new, real world was born.

The Big Bang burst out from the inside of the [point], and the huge energy was vented to the outside world, causing the [point] to expand.

The irregular, convex or concave surface showed how powerful the internal explosion was.

The three [points] expanded at the same time, expanding rapidly, filling the original place in an instant, and turned into three huge black bubbles occupying the original place.

Even if it was the Heavenly Dao, at the moment when the [point] was above his head and then exploded, he was swallowed by the three new cosmic bubbles, leaving no trace.

Melina pulled back and left the place dangerously, thus avoiding being absorbed in the first place.

But her attention was completely attracted by the Book of Omniscience at this moment.

On the pages that could not be described, Tiandao raised his hands high, and under the brilliant golden sun above his head, the scene of three dark universes being born from his hands was vividly remembered.

At the same time, under the Book of Omniscience, a brand new book split from the Book of Omniscience with this picture as the cover, completing its independence.

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