I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 663 The world rejected me (WC!)

Chapter 663 The world rejected me (WC, ○!)

I'm sorry, if it was before, when Tiandao had not obtained the power of wood and awakened the power of life, this power of the embodiment of the concept of [death] would indeed cause him considerable trouble.

But now. Having obtained [wood] for a long time and even completely mastering it, he has a way to deal with the power of [death].

With a light tap of his fingertips, a faint green light emerged from the palm of his hand, covering his whole body, and in a very short time, he built a layer of life protection on his body surface.

Then, Tiandao did not hesitate at all, and rushed directly to the dark Xingtian who was full of death.

Dark Xingtian had no objection and had no intention of retreating. It was originally a dead thing, so it would naturally only bring death, and never had any other ideas.

Therefore, the black God of War Fiery Sword unfolded and slashed down in the direction where Tiandao was rushing.

The black air was filled with endless disasters. The sword that would kill anyone who touched it ultimately failed to leave any traces on the surface of the living. It was even reduced by the surging life at the moment of contact.

Stimulated by this, the figure of the dark Xingtian also dissipated, turning into a wisp of black smoke that did not exist and scattered in all directions.

Tiandao could really feel that he had broken through something, not just the power of elements, nor could it be summarized by entities, but something deeper, something that was above the laws of the world.

Before he could think about it, the next moment, a scream came at him, a vicious and resentful wail. The sharp voice stung his eardrums, making him cover his head involuntarily, and all kinds of incredible illusions emerged in his mind.

All the sad and painful things in the world emerged in his mind one by one, appearing in clusters, stinging Tiandao's nerves.

There was the scene of his grandfather, Taiji Shenshan's death.

There was the scene of the five generations who were defeated and died in the face of a strong enemy.

There is a scene where he was shot several times and closed his eyes without even having time to explain his aftermath.

There is even a scene where he was captured by Shocker, made into a cyborg, lost his self from then on, and dedicated everything to Shocker.

All these things come from a part of something that may happen in the heavens and the worlds.

"Don't even think about shaking my will with these pictures! I said! You must be destroyed today!"

The will that exceeds the limit is like a sharp sword that falls on the head, tearing apart all fantasies, and abandoning all regrets and unwillingness.

The fog that obscured the eyes was cleared, Tiandao's eyes were clear, his figure was unfurled again, and the God of War's Fiery Sword was raised to the sky and slashed down.

The moment the sword blade slashed down, the blazing sword energy had torn through the darkness, and all obstacles could not be stopped. The surging sword energy slammed into the book with an unstoppable momentum.

The cover trembled, the pages surged, and under the gaze of Tiandao, the book finally began to turn the pages, and in a short time, it had turned to the last page.

Then, the whole book was completely closed, leaving no more sequels.

When a book turns to the last page, it certainly means that the story of the book ends here.

Then when a book becomes a world, the last page falls, which naturally represents the end of the world.

So Tiandao can feel that a certain corrective force is taking this book as its main body and beginning to spread indiscriminately to the surroundings.

This power is forcibly smoothing the changes brought by time, changes in space, changes in fate, and even the relationship between people...

The creation of all things in the world is gradually retreating to the beginning under the influence of this power.

That is the beginning of a book that is about to turn the first page, thus opening the story again.

Reset everything and return to the initial throbbing.

The power of heaven and earth... The power that once materialized the God of War's Fiery Sword in Tiandao's hands became his enemy at this moment, and acted on him, forcibly pushing Tiandao out of the world.

In addition to this power, the attack on consciousness has caused greater trouble to Tiandao.

As if knowing that the Heavenly Dao was extremely powerful in a certain aspect, the world did not avoid its edge, but faced it head-on, launching the strongest attack on the strongest point of the Heavenly Dao.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the bloody killing and sin suddenly emerged, surging out of the body, polluting the consciousness of the Heavenly Dao bit by bit.

In the outside world, the shackles that emerged on the body surface were stained with blood, and turned into seals that emerged, entangled the body of the Heavenly Dao bit by bit, making it unable to free.

[Why must it be us? Why don’t you die? ! Tokiwa Sougo! ! ]

[In the end, the person who will eventually become the king is you! I can’t accept it! ! ]

[King, why do you abandon us? Why do you want to destroy this world? ! ]

[You, the devil, we just want to live! What did we do wrong? ! 】

Perhaps it was a question, perhaps it was unwillingness, perhaps it was hatred...

All kinds of voices appeared in Tiandao's sea of ​​consciousness, turning into noisy thoughts, polluting Tiandao's consciousness, causing his willpower to gradually slide from the peak of surpassing the limit at this moment.

Having received the power of the king and possessing the qualifications to be the king, the sins committed by Tokiwa Sougo naturally came to Tiandao.

"I see, so this is why you threw these things to me? World!" Tiandao gritted his teeth and spoke word by word.

"You dead guys, I shouldn't have to bear the sins of Oma Zi-O, but since I have accepted his king's order, I will not deny you coming to me now."

"But you can come at any time, but now it's too inappropriate for you to jump out!"

Suddenly, a palm hit his head, Tiandao covered his soul, and a palm fell. The shock energy carried by the sky-covering palm took effect, and the noisy sound effects were slightly covered, but followed by a bigger counterattack.

Obviously, Tiandao, who was king for the first time, faced the resentment and hatred that had been tortured countless times, and his means of dealing with it were not as easy as Oma Zi-O.

Tiandao's forward posture was blocked, and he was pushed back gradually, little by little, back to the crack.

In this way, all his efforts, the opportunity to defeat everyone and Melina, would be lost in vain before his eyes.

On the ground, or in the world, Melina raised her head and looked at the world that others could not see.

In her hand, the blank pages of the Book of Omniscience seemed to be depicting a new pattern, but there was only one background color, nothing else.

"Even you don't know what will happen to him next?"

This is the first time that the Book of Omniscience has seen such a situation.

It is impossible to judge a person's fate, it is impossible to have an accurate understanding of a person's future, and even it is impossible to describe it...

As the guardian of the Book of Omniscience, Melina's eyes were slightly confused, but extremely clear.

"Are we wrong..." No one could answer the question she murmured to herself. After all, she was the only one who was qualified to see the battle between the Demon King and the World, and only she could answer her question.

On the other side of Tiandao, his feet had already fallen outside the gap, and half of his body was gradually sliding towards the outside world.

Tiandao gritted his teeth and grabbed a piece of chain from his body and hooked it on both sides of the crack, so that even if he was blown out, he would not lose the last chance.

Although his body was constantly dancing under the repulsive storm, like a fallen leaf, it was all thanks to the two chains.

But he still reached out his hand, still didn't give up, still wanted to do his best.

How could he give up at this time?

Mitsume believed in him; Oma Zi-O's lifelong desire; Ukiyo Hidetoshi's trust; his promise to Jinghe; and those people who were trapped in the world, constantly repeating sadness and lamentation in the story...

With all these, how could he fail here?

No matter what, even if he sacrificed himself, even if he put all his strength into it, this world must be destroyed here and reborn!

Under the agitation of consciousness, the divine power was further extended. In an instant, in the depths of Tiandao's sea of ​​consciousness, the continuous noisy curses in his mind were covered by the sudden rise of white light, all the sounds returned to silence, and all the distractions returned to nothingness.

This white light condensed a pair of pure white wings behind Tiandao, and after abandoning the call of distractions, a certain intermittent sound was finally clearly perceived by Tiandao at this moment.

[Why... you can't hear...]

[Tiandao... where are you? 】

With a whine of desire, Tiandao's eyes widened instantly, and the hand stretched forward seemed to cross time and space, reaching the end of fate.

There, in a sea of ​​flowers. The girl who covered her face and cried fell down in the flowers.

""Tsumuri? !"

In astonishment, Tiandao shouted, but before he could wait for the other party's answer, his consciousness returned to his body in an instant, and there was no trace of Tsumuri in front of him.

"...White Tsumuri? No...Why is there another Tsumuri? Is the one I saw a fake? "Before he could think about it, a pair of pure white wings appeared behind Tiandao, flapping slightly.

A bird feather fell and floated above Tiandao's head, bringing back his severed memory. He remembered it completely.

At that moment, Tiandao, with his eyes wide open, felt the scenes that emerged in his mind, and finally knew what he had forgotten.

"It turns out that I have died once... It turns out that Tsumeuri has become a goddess!" Covering his head. Although Tiandao couldn't believe it, the picture that emerged in his mind could not be false.

[Tsumeuri, who transcended fate and became a goddess without fate's assumption, has been trapped in that book since the moment she was born, and has been calling your name.]

[But you have forgotten her existence, and even the agreement with her.]

[No matter where she is, as long as she calls your name, you...]

"I will definitely respond to her and go to her side! "Putting down his hand, Tiandao, who had recalled everything, looked through the crack at the tiny invisible book.

[But you did not respond to her]

The power of the goddess of creation absorbed from Ukiyo Hidetoshi's body provided help to Tiandao at this moment. This pair of pure white wings contained Mitsumi's expectations for Tiandao, helping Tiandao at this last moment.

[You still lied to her]

"Hu..." Tiandao exhaled and closed his eyes: "Yes, I lied to her again..."

"Her voice, I just heard it now..." The wings were fully spread, and Tiandao opened his eyes again, and suddenly one eye was green and the other eye was black.

"World..." He raised his sword and flew up, his wings shaking the sky. Tiandao roared, resisting the world's coercion, and flew into the crack again, rushing towards the book again.

"Give Tsumuri... back to me!"

The roaring Tiandao made his will power, which had already exceeded the limit, rise again. It involved the people he cared about, and he was extremely angry about Tsumuri's experience and his behavior of deceiving Tsumuri again.

His contempt for himself and his disgust for the world made it difficult for him to control his emotions.

The God of War's Fiery Sword went straight forward, the sword edge was sharp, and as Tiandao flew, the sword edge ignited the power of the three elements of [wood], [fire] and [earth], and with Tiandao's extraordinary intention and determination, it flew into the sky again.

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