I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 659 Don’t ask, the only thing you need to know is that this chapter is a must-read, and expl

"What's the meaning?!"

As the guardian of the Book of All-Knowing, Melina is born to know many things that others do not know.

Although omniscience does not mean being able to know the unknown, just knowing everything that is known, it is powerful enough.

Melina knows all the secrets of this world, even all the secret stories, those that are known but unknown to her.

So... maybe Melina will have the answer to why this world has become so deformed.

"Didn't King Enma tell you that?"

Melina inserted the Spark Sword in front of her, pressed the hilt of the Spark Sword, and a transparent box popped up from the end, appearing in the air, allowing Tiandao to fully see everything in it.

That is the universe, or the world that people perceive, and it is also a known universe. It is an observed bubble universe like a bubble, a whole sphere.

Melina had already seen such a universe in the past when she took Tiandao across the world and walked in the gaps of the world. Now that she sees it again, she doesn't feel any surprise.

But what Melina wanted to show Tiandao was obviously not this, but something deeper.

The picture zoomed in, the lens stretched, when the essence of the world fell into Tiandao's eyes, the true appearance revealed under the surface of what seemed to be a normal universe was clearly imprinted in his eyes, making Tiandao's pupils shrink and he became speechless. .

"This is it!!!"

"This world has been destroyed once. It was a complete destruction." Melina looked at the main body that existed as the universe, which was a book that was spinning, in the picture, and her tone was very complicated. .

"Then after the efforts of many people, the world was saved again."

"But that kind of salvation doesn't come without a price."

Tiandao suddenly turned his head and looked at Melina.

"After all, the world is not naturally formed, and he does not have the ability to open up the world. Even if he borrows someone's power to rewrite the history of Kamen Rider, it means that the entire world has been fixed. ”

"Written into a story?" Tiandao looked around, even at himself: "You want to say that this deformed world is itself a story?!"

"Who wrote this crappy story?!"

"You will meet him one day." Melina shook her head: "Kamiyama Tiandao, the core of this world is the Kamen Rider. When the Kamen Rider is erased, the world will also be destroyed. "

"So, when the history of Kamen Rider is fixed, the world will naturally be saved."

As Melina drew closer, Tiandao finally saw the cover of the book on the screen.

""Kamen Rider-Kabuto"?" Tiandao repeated the title of the book: "Kabuto? Kabuto?"

"Yes, the Kato World, the world you have been to." Melina said softly: "That world was listed separately from the "Heisei Knight Chronicles", so that it can be shown as a separate story. change."

Melina paced back and forth, speaking word by word.

"Actually, Kato's story should exist as part of the "Heisei Knight Chronicles", and... belongs to the seventh one."

Tiandao was not an idiot. He could already imagine what Melina was going to say next. Even though he couldn't believe it, he could only accept it at this moment.

"Yes, that's why I told you that you don't need to save the Sword of Gods at all." Melina pulled out the Spark Sword and turned off the screen.

"Because your rescue of him is meaningless. When "Kabuto" returns to the main line and becomes a part of "Heisei Knight Chronicles" again, the fate of the Kamidao Sword will still be back on track."

"Including everything you have done in the Jia Dou world, whether it is the changes you brought or anything else, it is all in vain."

"The story of "Kabuto" has been set, and nothing can be changed. Everything you do is redundant."

It is precisely because she has known this for a long time that Melina is indifferent to the life and death of the Divine Sword.

Because it has no meaning in itself.

Melina could feel the reluctance and silence coming from Tiandao. After all, anyone who knew that all the things she had been trying to do with all her strength were in vain would obviously not feel very good. If it was outrageous, she would even have an emotional breakdown. must.

And the way of heaven…

"You said that this world was destroyed and then reshaped, leading to what it is now?" Tiandao raised his head. Although his momentum was slightly lowered, his fighting spirit became more surging.

Melina did not answer, but waited for Tiandao's unfinished follow-up.

"Then it seems that this savior who saves the world is not qualified enough." Tiandao raised his head: "Melina, what you want to protect is such a lingering, half-baked world?"


"You should understand that the world..."

"I don't understand!" Tiandao interrupted Melina: "After knowing the flaws and problems of the world, isn't the most important thing we should do to save these flaws and return the world to normal?"

"Why do you insist on clinging to such a deformed world, knowing that it is incomplete, but still letting it go and accepting the status quo?!"

"Answer me! Melina!"

Melina did not think about it at all, but gave a direct positive answer.

"Because I have tried my best to keep such a world alive."

Melina said softly.

"Therefore, I will arrest any destroyer who will destroy this fragile world and try to disrupt the story."

"This is the meaning given to me by the Book of Omniscience."

Although it is really unnecessary to say so much to ordinary people, it is different from the way of heaven. After removing him from the identity of the pseudo-king, Melina will naturally help him embark on the road to becoming a king, allowing him to become a king little by little, and finally realize the common expectations between her and Luna.

In the true sense, save this world.

With this point as the center, Melina is still very tolerant of the way of heaven.

But unfortunately, once someone becomes stubborn, he will not turn back even if he hits the wall.

"Instead of lingering on in such a broken world, it is better to go all out. Even if we fail, it is better than what we are like now!" Tiandao clenched his fists: "It is better to die in a blazing way than to live in humiliation."

"Then I will convey the same words to you." Melina slightly shook her head: "What identity do you have to dominate the will of all the universes and all the lives in the world?"

"Your self-esteem can also represent..."

"I don't need their approval." Tiandao spoke directly, interrupting Melina's subsequent words: "Because I am the king, my orders are everything, and the wishes of the ministers and the people don't matter. As a king, I will bear the consequences of every decision!"

Melina was speechless.

Have you discovered it? The reason why I let you embark on the road to becoming a king.

Only by becoming a king can everything you do next be justified and you can let go without any scruples.

Only the king can bear those.

"But you are just a fake king now, you can't bear all this." Melina said slowly: "Tian Dao, it's time to give up."

"I will never give up!" Tian Dao covered his chest: "That guy is indeed an unforgivable villain, one of the people I hate the most."

"But ah, all the sins he committed by fate, who is the main reason?!"

Tian Dao pulled his hand fiercely and said firmly: "Melina! If you must stand in front of me, I will... defeat you!"

"It is my duty to maintain the order of the existing world and protect the peace and stability of the world." Melina sighed: "Is it really impossible to make sense with you? Shenshan Tian Dao."

"It seems that I have to let you know the pain suffered by Bai Niao and other time robbers."

"Ha! Melina, I dare not say that I can definitely beat you at any time, but only at this moment, I can!"


At the edge of the battlefield, Gu Men picked up the Xingtian summoner on the ground and looked at the red and white camera.

"This is Kamen Rider's..." Looking at the Xingtian Summoner in his hand, Gu Men, as an outsider, obviously did not know the specific origin of this thing, so he naturally regarded it as a local product of the Knight World.

"And this world..." Gu Men raised his head, and with his eyes, he could see the essence of this world.

"Only the ability to write stories, but not the ability to save the world?"

"...It's really hard."

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