I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 654 Jing and I believe in Jihu [Jihu, I believe in the way of heaven] (I believe in the way

Chapter 654 Jing and I believe in Polar Fox [Polar Fox, I believe in Heaven] (I believe in Heaven… huh?)

"The power of the Nine-Tail is really redundant for me."

After taking the attack of the spear and sword, Tiandao slightly turned sideways to avoid the knife light coming from the side, and looked at Polar Fox facing him: "Ei Shou, is the Nine-Tail your limit?"

Fushi Yingshou did not answer, but tried his best to punch out and launch the next round of offensive.

But with his strength, it was really difficult to break free from Tiandao's grip on him.

"Do you know? Two thousand years ago, I encountered a fox with the same nine tails."

"He is a godslayer, with the power to kill gods."

Tiandao let go of his hand, took advantage of the situation to squat down to avoid Polar Fox's fist, and at the same time slapped Polar Fox's abdomen with a palm, successfully hitting back.

"I fought him and destroyed the past, which had far-reaching impact."

"But he could not escape my Five Finger Mountain after all, and was killed by me on the road to the future."

As soon as the words fell, the knife light from behind instantly intertwined a brilliant aqua-blue curtain.

The tide surged, the thunder flashed, and intertwined a continuous knife net, completely covering the back of Tiandao, not giving him a chance to escape.

Tiandao had no intention of retreating, but locked the waist of Jihu, activated the shape-shifting scene, and disappeared from the original place with Jihu, and appeared on the other side.

"And after I destroyed the future that was destined to be destroyed, a nine-tailed fox also appeared from the future world."

The power of the king began to stir. As a creator god who had no one to trust and had not even accumulated much willpower, the power used by Jihu at this moment was mostly inherited from his mother.

This power is one-time. Once it is squandered, Jihu will turn into a blank in an instant.

He himself needs to find people who believe in him and believe in his existence, so as to become powerful.

But unfortunately, this power of creation inherited from his mother can be used against anyone, but it will never be used against Tiandao.

"It's just that it's the golden nine-tailed fox." The king's power permeated the whole body of Jihu, and in an instant, he deprived him of all the commands for the armor.

Under the king's order, everything must surrender.

"He is very strong." Tiandao praised.

"But in front of the king, they must obey the king's orders and lower their heads."

While Tiandao said these words, the black nine-tailed fox on his body exuded unwilling resentment and roared silently; the golden nine-tailed fox tried its best to break free from his body, but was suppressed by force.

The two showed that what Tiandao said was true.

"Uncle Endymion, you destroyed the past and the future, and now, you are also going to destroy this world... What is the difference between you and Suel?" Feeling that his own power fell into silence and was even absorbed bit by bit, Jihu did not resist at all, but was willing.

But he didn't move his body, but he kept talking, obviously he still wanted an answer.

"The difference is that I won't let people respect me for anything. The lives living in the new world are free to do whatever they want, and I won't interfere." He absorbed the power of the nine tails of the polar fox into his body, and also absorbed the power of creation. Seeing that the polar fox had no intention of resisting, Tiandao was curious, but he didn't question it. Instead, he explained his own point of view and his determination to destroy the world.

"This world that sacrifices the happiness of others and then fulfills its own happiness must be completely destroyed before it can be reborn!"

The unwillingness of the black fox and the struggle of the golden fox are also reflected in Tiandao, but at this moment, even if there is one more white fox, Tiandao doesn't care.

"As a king, you must be aware of the responsibility of everything, whether it is the sin of killing, the expectations of your subjects, or even the guilt of destroying the world, you must be determined to bear it all."

"So you don't need to feel powerless, because I will bear everything."

"In the new world I created, you can live with your head held high."

"Don't mind it, that's the order I gave to you as a subject as a king, just enjoy it with peace of mind."

"Uncle Endymion..." Ukiyo Hidetoshi could only repeat this name, but then he completely let go of everything about himself and let himself be plundered and absorbed.

"I believe you."

Tian Dao:?

"Uncle Endymion, you also need others to believe in you, right?" Ukiyo Hidetoshi has already withdrawn from the posture of the Nine-Tails: "Then the only person I can still believe in this world is you."

"You said you want to create such a world, I will believe it."

The past memories emerged one by one, and the emotions surging in his heart were not false. In such a crisis a thousand years ago, Endymion still held his hand tightly and led him to fight his way out.

Such a crisis did not abandon him, and Ukiyo Hidetoshi did not forget this.


"Not only me, my mother...she also believes in you."

"...Mitsume?" Tiandao was really surprised this time: "Mitsume...she has..."

"Before the statue of the goddess of creation collapsed, I went to meet my mother, and I finally found my mother." Ukiyo Hidetoshi took a deep breath: "Then my mother also told me that my power will become something you must get, so let me give it to you."


"Mitsume... has she known?" Tiandao shook his head: "It seems that becoming the statue of the goddess of creation is actually just..."

"Mom's judgment is not wrong, and I also believe in Uncle Endymion." Ukiyo Hidetoshi spoke again: "So I believe in Uncle Endymion... No, it should be Uncle Tiandao."

"Mom told me that if it were you, the new world you created would definitely not be the world created by desire like hers."

"And I..." Ukiyo Hidetoshi was captured by Tiandao's king power, and instantly turned into countless light particles and entered Tiandao's body, becoming the third nine-tailed fox absorbed by him.

But unlike the black fox and the golden fox, Ukiyo Hidetoshi... he was voluntary.

"Creating a real world, not a world that appears to satisfy desires?" This is the mainstream of the polar fox world, and it can even be said to be the tone of this world.

For this world, the power of the goddess of creation, the repeated shaping and changes full of desires, have already made this world full of desires.

Every wish made by the winner of the Grand Prix will leave a mark on the world. For a long time, the world has been filled with desires and has become a part that must be changed.

But the Goddess of Creation cannot do this. Whether she is called the God of Wishes or the God of Desire, she is a medium for changing the world.

And she has long become a prop.


But in Jinghe's eyes, this scene is precisely the proof that Tiandao defeated Fuyo Yingshou with the force of thunder and absorbed him to death.

In this way, he was completely furious.

Even if Tiandao is his family, he can't watch his friend die tragically and remain indifferent.

"Brother Tiandao... Why? Why did you become like this?!" In a furious roar, Jinghe punched the driver with a fist, and his whole body was instantly wrapped in colorful light.

[Super Limit Release]

[Ninja Choice]

"Wind, thunder, water, fire, earth!"

All five attributes of the ninja were activated in one breath, in an instant. The five attributes merged and flowed, interweaving into colorful colors, turning into a beam of energy that soared into the sky and wrapped Jinghe in it.

The next second, the beam shattered, and the originally dark figure was replaced by pure white. The image that looked like a vengeful ghost seemed to have become a real savior at this moment.

The white cloak was raised, and the green raccoon pattern was engraved on the cloak, swaying in the wind.

"After the five kinds of ninjutsu are superimposed, it turns out to be like this?!" Tiandao was extremely surprised: "Wasn't that your final goal before?"

"Brother Tiandao, I will definitely make you understand..." Jinghe slowly raised his head.

"The reason why the world exists!"

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