I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 650 648 The Heavenly King is coming! [Kadoya Shi Xiaoye, look, he has become like this, not

Chapter 650 648 The King of Heavenly Dao is coming! [Look, Kadoyaji Saya, he has become like this, not as good as us...]

"I feel a power that far exceeds the ordinary level..." Xingtian's sensor has already emitted an extremely dangerous buzz. This kind of full alarm state usually only sounds when strong power is detected, and it is still that An opponent with terrifying strength and a very high energy level.

Neither Ba Niu nor Jing He made Xing Tian feel this way.

Only the white nine-tailed fox in front of him made Xing Tian pay attention.

"But I still said the same thing..." Holding the Fire Xingtian Lie Sword high, the Fire Xing Palms remained unchanged, and now holding both palms and swords, the God of War Xingtian used all his strength.

"The only one who can stop me is Jinghe!"

"You can't even think of succeeding!" The opened nine tails tore apart the apocalypse above the sky, sweeping away the apocalyptic atmosphere created by Su Al.

The blue sky and white clouds returned again, the world returned to normal, and the doomsday scene was completely gone, as if it was just a short-lived illusion.

The power of Kyuubi, Jihu, who also awakened the power of creation from his mother, sublimated himself at this moment and transformed into Kyuubi.

If Tiandao were here, he should be able to recognize it. Except for the different color, the polar fox in this posture is no different from the black fox he met. It can even be said that it is carved from the same mold.

The polar fox swayed its nine tails after piercing the black curtain of doomsday. Before it could swoop down to face the heavens, Su Al immediately flew out of the suddenly opened data field in a transformed posture.

If it is the plot of the original work, Suel should be using the Vision Drive held by Neelam at this moment, and what he turned into is also the Kamen Rider-Emperor.

But here, because Su Al was beaten up by someone before, Su Al, who returned to this era again, came with revenge in mind.

So the Kamen Rider he transformed into this time was not Emperor Gao, but Kamen Rider RegadΩ.

It is the prototype of Phantom Drive and Vision Drive, and is the strongest existence in the program Desire Grand Prix.

The person with the highest authority, the strongest power, and also the right to control all the transformation props in the entire Desire Grand Prix series... the unquestionable top position.

The black and red figure is almost the same as Emperor Wei. Except for the differences in details, the more important thing is that it should have a skirt that symbolizes invincibility.

In the world of Kamen Rider, the symbol of strength is not the cape, but the skirt.

The cape may be invincible for a while, but the hem of the skirt symbolizes no solution.

The only thing that can beat the skirt is the abstract shape (referring to the golden cassette man).

"Extreme fox!"

Obviously, Su Aier came for Jihu: "The power of the goddess! Sure enough...you too..."

"Don't think you can escape so easily after gaining the power of creation!"

Su Elsi jumped out of the data field and stared at the powerful person over there: "Now that the statue of the Goddess of Creation has disappeared, please become the next God of Creation!"

"Su Al!" Facing the man who separated himself from his mother two thousand years ago and even killed his father, Jihu's eyes turned red as soon as he saw him.

The enemies were extremely jealous when they met, and both sides had nothing to say. Jihu abandoned Xingtian almost immediately and focused all his attention on Su Aier.

"Are you coming towards me?" Looking at Jihu running towards him, Su Al sneered: "If I didn't carry my own real power, maybe I really wouldn't be your opponent."

"But now..."

As he said that, Su Al just raised his hand slightly and lightly snapped his fingers in front of everyone, with a slight sound and a slight movement.

But just this unnoticed voice instantly disrupted the entire battle process.

The polar fox's armor disappeared in an instant, and the Kyuubi's posture no longer existed. Only Hidetoshi Ukiyo, who was rushing forward, stopped in a daze while running and looked at his transformed form.

Not only him, but also Keiwa, Azuma Michio, and Kurama Nione, all of them canceled their transformations in an instant and transformed into human beings again.

No one can understand this.

"I personally turned Mizme into the goddess of creation." Suel lowered his voice, but couldn't hide the excitement in his tone: "Even Mizme herself was manipulated by me. You guys got the creation..." How can a person with little power like a goddess resist me?"

"The Grand Prix of Desire begins with me." Su Al stretched out his hand, and with just one finger, he hit Ukiyo Hidetoshi in the chest, sending him flying.

It was obvious that he had just gained the power of the Kyuubi, and that was when he was in high spirits, but how could Hidetoshi Ukiyo know that he had just broken through the apocalyptic atmosphere, and before he could do more, he was instantly killed by Suel who suddenly jumped out with a single blow.

Even before he could do anything more, his transformation was inexplicably released, and he didn't even know why.

"So everything in the Desire Grand Prix is ​​under your authority, that's what I mean."

The moment Suel tried to knock Hidetoshi Ukiyo away again, the blade of Tian Lie Sword blocked him in front of Hidetoshi Ukiyo.

The God of War Xingtian struck out calmly, taking over everything that followed and protecting Ukiyo Hidetoshi behind him.

"Tiandao...General Secretary!" Su Al said in a strange tone: "By the way, I originally wanted to deal with you."

"But fortunately, I still forced you to show your true abilities."

"Are you holding this thing to use it against me?" Bear."

"If it's this posture, you, who have the authority over all the items in the Desire Grand Prix, can indeed make me helpless when I look like that."

Xing Tian stretched out his hand and stroked the blade of Tian Lie Sword: "But it's a pity..."

"It's no pity." Su Al snapped his fingers again, and the data space that suddenly appeared swallowed up the other three people who had released the transformation, and then landed next to Ukiyo Hidetoshi one by one, letting everyone stand beside him. in front of.

"This apocalyptic scene is not the real apocalypse in the first place, it is just...a sign of our desire to evacuate the Grand Prix." Suair held up his hands in vain: "But the evacuation is also to lure you out, or in other words, my goal has always been It’s all you.”

As he spoke, Su Al clenched his fist fiercely.

"The last humiliating defeat is still vivid in my mind! Tiandao General Secretary, there is nothing surprising about defeating me like that." Su Al raised his hands to the sky and shouted confidently: "Because of who I am now, It’s the strongest!”

"Sa, now is the real doomsday!" Su Al suddenly lowered his head and looked at the people in front of him: "You are the only one left in this world, Chief Tiandao, can you protect this world?!"

The sky was clear and clear, and everyone thought it was a day of good weather, but Su Aier said that the end was really coming.

That's not wrong. Suel does have that kind of ability and that kind of power.

"The Chief of Tiandao cannot stop you."

Xing Tian was silent for a moment, and with the expectant eyes of everyone behind him, he shook his head helplessly: "I'm sorry, I can't maintain it anymore."

Jing He and others were stunned for a moment, and even Su Al was a little confused as to what this sentence meant.

But Xing Tian didn't make any moves, but spoke directly.

"I sensed that Jinghe's life breath disappeared and triggered the emergency mechanism on its own. It is part of the instinct and programmed program of this suit of armor." Xing Tian knocked on his head: "And after Jinghe's resurrection , I feel the scenery and the breath of life again, and I have entered the countdown to sleep. "

"It's time for the emergency mechanism to stop."

As he said that, Xing Tian glanced behind him.

"It's just that I am holding on, wanting to see your determination before falling asleep, and finally force you to transform into a real savior, so that I can return to the Xingtian Armor with peace of mind and hand over the world to you. "

Xing Tian sighed helplessly, and the countdown in his ears was getting closer, which meant that he finally failed to persist until the last moment he wanted to achieve.

"Jinghe, that's why I said that only you can stop me." Withdrawing from the posture of God of War Xingtian, Xingtian's figure gradually faded, deconstructed bit by bit, and turned into light particles and returned to the inside of Xingtian's summoner.

"Because I wish you could stop me, so..."

Before the subsequent words were finished, Xingtian's figure completely disappeared, leaving only Xingtian's summoner falling to the ground with a clatter, rolling to Jinghe's feet.

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