I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 63 Agito: Okay, okay, it has to be you. Finally someone said that Sora looks like me (joy)

Chapter 63 Agito: Good, good, good! It has to be you! Finally someone says that Kuuga looks like me! (Laughing)


The second Kamen Rider of the Heisei Era who appeared after Kuuga.

Unlike the warriors of the ancient times, Agito is a person with qualifications who awakens and undergoes several evolutions before finally becoming a being.

He is a warrior who inherited the ancient power of light in the legend that can be traced back to the creation of the world even earlier than the ancient times.

Legend has it that even earlier than the ancient times, Black God created angels and humans and was the creator of this world.

The created angels and humans both felt that they were more noble to each other.

Humans felt that they had the body and appearance of the creator: Black God, so they were more noble.

And the angels felt that they had the power of God and were more noble than humans who looked like them.

The two sides did not offend each other, and the conflict between them became increasingly difficult to reconcile. Finally, a war broke out.

In this war, the Fire Angel, one of the seven created angels, chose to help humans and had conflicts with the other six angels.

As a being created after the creation of the world, the Fire Angel itself has the strongest power in the world after the creation of the world, and will inevitably replace the Black God in the future and become the regulator or controller of the world.

This is the future of the White God after the Black God, the God of Creation and even the Creator, retires.

Therefore, his attitude to some extent also represents the attitude of life after the creation of the world.

That is...

My fate is in my own hands.

For the dispute between humans and angels, the Fire Angel, that is, the White God, has only one choice, that is, to do it.

And the Fire Angel's way of thinking is also very simple. Since you think that humans only have the appearance of God but not the power of God, then I will give humans this power.

As the light born from the dark power of the Black God after the creation of the world, the choice of the Fire Angel, that is, the White God, is crucial. He chose to spread the power to all mankind, which directly led to the change of mankind.

And this behavior will eventually lead to the Black God as the God of Creation.

Black God Thunder was furious. He was very angry about White God's behavior and asked White God to take back his power immediately and restore humans to their original pure appearance.

White God's choice was to refuse.

As the existence after the creation of the world, White God, who will succeed Black God as the ruler in the future, has already said the word "no" to Black God before Black God retreated.

Black God: I haven't abdicated yet, and you can't wait to rebel?

The two fought a big battle, and finally ended with White God's defeat.

White God, who failed to successfully resist Black God, was also very tough. He directly exploded himself and scattered all the light power into all humans, completely fixing the power of humans and making it a reality.

Even Black God has no way to remove this power from humans.

And this power is called: the power of light.

When the power of light is stimulated, after the initial awakening, it will make humans become superhumans with strange superpowers.

And after that, if it can evolve again and reach its peak, the true posture will be born.

That is Agito.

The true appearance of the one who has awakened the power of light.

Similar to Kuuga, but different.

It’s just that… at this stage, Agito should not appear yet.

According to the plot, Agito has not awakened at this time, and there is even no possibility of his appearance.

But the Time Robbers themselves are a group of beings that will bring all kinds of accidents. It is normal for the Time Robbers to have something happen at a time when nothing should happen.

Just like the time travelers can always bring some strange things, the Time Robbers, the existence that travels through time and space, past and future, also have this possibility.

Daguba has never seen Agito, because this existence is a product that is much older than its history.

After the White God dispersed his power to all mankind, the Black God felt that mankind was no longer pure, and ordered the angels to massacre mankind, trying to destroy this existence he created with his own hands.

But later, the Black God finally softened his heart and chose to let mankind go and let mankind develop freely.

And He wanted to see what the future of mankind would be like, so he fell into a deep sleep.

If the future human beings still cannot satisfy Him, then the destruction of the world is just a matter of moments.

The killing of the angels also stopped. After that, as long as the power of light is not awakened or Agito appears, the angels will no longer act against humans, and quietly wait for the day when the Black God revives.

And this part of the remaining human beings gradually grew stronger after the subsequent development, and gradually began to spread all over the earth.

And this part of the survivors is called: super ancient people by modern people.

After that, the story of the two spiritual stones that fell from the sky is later.

"Come on!"

The most basic form of Agito, which is the posture that the white bird has become now, is a warrior with a black base and golden lines distributed all over the body, crisscrossing.

This form is called: earth form.

"It seems that you can satisfy me more!" Although I have never seen this seemingly "Kuga", it doesn't matter. As long as the opponent is strong enough, as long as the opponent can fight with it, it will be fine.

"Don't you want to cooperate with me?" Shiratori tried to make a final effort.

"If you can defeat me, you can say anything!" Daguba raised his chin: "Before that, you are not worthy of me to do anything!"

For militants, the standard of conversation is that you must have the strength for me to sit down and listen to you. Otherwise, how can you have the qualifications to talk?

"What a powerful force."

After pulling Yitiao and others out of the tunnel, Tiandao immediately distanced himself and ran to a deserted place to cancel the transformation.

But even so, he still remembered the feeling when the big knife hit his shoulder.

If the knife had not been blocked by the shoulder guard, he would have been chopped to the ground with his mouth and eyes open, and then he was forced to cancel the transformation.

While thinking, Tiandao's mobile phone rang at the right time. The call from Yitiao urged him to answer.

There are still many places on the earth that humans have not been able to explore, whether it is the caves in the deep mountains and forests, or the trenches in the deep sea. These are mysterious places that humans have not yet explored.

And these places that humans have never set foot on often contain many surprises.

At this moment, below Radial Island, beside the trench under the seabed, after swimming into the cave along the current, he looked out again and found that he had come to an underwater cave.

The smooth stone surface has lost its edges and corners after being washed by the sea water, becoming extremely round.

The towering cone above the cave is dripping water droplets little by little, rippling on the water surface, adding a different atmosphere to this silent cave.

"I have said it long ago that humans will awaken that power sooner or later and become Agito!"

Holding a fishtail-shaped staff, the blue-green body flashes with a different luster, and the raised shoulder guards on both shoulders are bent upward, which looks extremely noble.

There is a different breath flowing in the black crystal on the chest.

The body structure is almost exactly the same as that of humans, and even the face is very similar.

It was like an upside-down basin on top of his head, covering his head and the upper half of his face.

"Water Angel, as long as Agito does not appear, we cannot attack humans." The golden helmet also covered the upper half of his face. He was wearing a golden armor, and the crossed black belts formed an "x" shape on his chest.

The sharp claws were more intimidating than the Water Angel, and also represented his identity as a land angel.

Unlike the Water Angel who controls the ocean and manipulates the atmosphere and celestial phenomena, he controls land creatures, earthquakes, and the ability of land plate movement.

The Venerable on the earth, the Earth Angel.

"What's this? Since I look so much like Agito, can't we just say he is Agito?!" The Water Angel spread his hands: "They are the same anyway."

The Earth Angel:

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