I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 569 Su Ai'er, please remember me now, the high-spirited and invincible me!

"That's not necessary."

Take out the driver belonging to Niram and wear it on your waist. Suel can use all the belts and drivers in the Desire Grand Prix.

If he hadn't come in a hurry and didn't bring his own driver, I'm afraid what he showed now is the real despair he brought.

"Your future will be cut off here."

In the passionate music, the Kamen Rider that Niram once transformed into appeared in front of Tiandao again.

But this time the opponent is no longer Niram, but the real mastermind behind the Desire Grand Prix.

The platinum knight put one hand behind his back and pointed the other hand at Tiandao.

The place where the distant guidance is, foreshadows the arrival of the final ending.

"As long as I never stop, the road to the future will continue." Tiandao took out the Desire Driver, matched with the Red Fox Core and the Ninja Deduction, and turned into the Kamen Rider-Red Fox again.

But this is not enough. The Ninja Deduction alone cannot fight against the opponent. Tiandao knows this better than anyone.

So he took out a red deduction from his arms, which is the top equipment in the Desire Grand Prix.

Pusher Deduction

The ninja with the booster can increase the ninja's weak attack power by ten times. This is undoubtedly the strongest in the deduction.

If you want to ask why, it is because the booster deduction is actually a one-time prop. It will be released after use. There is no such thing in the next round or the next game.

After all, this is the rice-making thing of the Desire Grand Prix. If this is not strong, how can the audience willingly spend money?

"Is it this posture that defeated Niram?" Out of self-confidence and the arrogance of future people to the old antiques of the past, Suel did not move at all, just waiting for Tiandao to transform until the Ninja Fox completely appeared in front of him.

After a critical look, Su Ai'er shook his head: "Niram is really going backwards as he grows older. He can actually be defeated by such a bastard."

"Then let's give it a try." Tian Dao moved his body sideways and stood in front of the gate: "Cimuli is now in my house. If you want to get her, you must jump over me!"

"Do you value Cimuli so much?" Su Ai'er's tone dropped slightly, and he was more curious: "Are you really in love with her?"

"Then will you help me?" Tian Dao asked back.

"According to the rules of the Desire Grand Prix, the game guide cannot have any relationship with the contestants." Su Ai'er did not give in: "You have already broken this rule."

"Well said, but rules are meant to be broken!" Tiandao also replied: "Su Ai'er, didn't you also trample on the rules of time paradox?"

"You are already breaking the rules, but you want others to abide by the rules you set? Stop joking!"

"Then you should not know the consequences of disobeying the rules I set." Su Ai'er snorted coldly: "There was once a guy who didn't know what was good for him. Like you, he fell in love with the game guide of that session, but he couldn't escape my punishment in the end."

"Do you think you can do it?"

Tiandao nodded: "Of course I can."

"Tsumuri is also very important to you." The emerald eyes on the mask of the Ninja Fox lit up: "I see."

As he said, Tiandao knocked on his head.

"The figures of the game guides before Tsumuri."

"From the moment I touched the statue of the goddess of creation."

Suel's smile faded, and he heard a secret that could never be discovered except by him.

"The true identity of Tsumuri..." Tiandao paused, and after sensing the murderous intention from Suel, he became more certain of his judgment.

"It is to collect..."

"Okay, let's stop here!" Suel interrupted Tiandao's subsequent words. Those things were known by a contestant, and he should have died.

It is the child of God who collects the desires of the contestants, and then one day in the future, it will be integrated into the statue of the goddess of creation to add power to the goddess of creation.

Tiandao silently repeated his affirmation of Tsumuri's identity in his heart.

Although Suel interrupted him, it was precisely because of this that Tiandao confirmed the authenticity of this guess.

Suel's appearance cannot be fake.

"Tian Dao Zongsi, your game experience ends here." Su Ai'er no longer had his hands behind his back, but under his guidance, five floating cannons floated from his body and rotated around him: "This round of the Desire Grand Prix ends here. Next, I will announce to the audience that you will exist as an Easter egg in future games."

"And you..." Su Ai'er's tone was so murderous that it almost overflowed.

"Let it be out of print for me!"

As soon as the words fell, the five floating cannons rotated at high speed, and the intertwined light turned into a spiral light stream in the rotation of the floating cannon body, and flew towards Tian Dao.

Tian Dao had fought with Niram in the field constructed by Xing Tian's killing technique before, and also knew the ability and effect of this armor. This time, although the wearer was changed, the operability of the armor itself should not be much different.

Not to mention, he now has the help of the thruster.

The emerald shuriken that suddenly flew out from behind was caught by Tendao with one hand, and it was transformed into a smaller one to form a high-speed rotating shield to block in front of him.

Rotating in the same direction minimized the destructive power of the spiral light cannon, allowing Tiandao to completely block the attack.

The next second, two hands suddenly stretched out from the ground and grabbed Suel's feet, and were about to pull him into the ground.

But Suel, who was well prepared, stretched out a finger, and the armor on his fingertips vacated a small beam launch port during the transformation. It was only the size of a finger, but he aimed it at the ground and emitted pure white light.

The hands stretched out from the ground suddenly exploded into countless smoke, symbolizing that this shadow clone disappeared.

The next second, the shadow clones that used the transformation technique to transform into countless surrounding debris and hide all jumped out and came towards Suel who launched the attack.

But again, since Tiandao knew about the vision drive used by Suel, then Niram, who also fought with him, of course, also collected a lot of Tiandao's combat data.

Su Ai'er had quickly reviewed these combat data. After understanding Tian Dao's methods and combat style, he not only made corresponding preparations, but also guarded against Tian Dao's methods that could be changed at any time.

The appearance of the shadow clone had long been in his imagination.

The floating cannon that moved with his will suddenly changed from a circular rotation posture to a dispersed posture. The floating cannon that spread out in all directions in an instant gathered around Su Ai'er again.

The beams that were spit out in an instant were like a sharp knife that cut through the space. The four floating cannons fired continuous light in four directions, and then began to rotate again with Su Ai as the center.

The beams were like knives, and the rotating beams were like a windmill, destroying all the attacking shadow clones in an instant.

Countless smoke explosions sounded one after another, indicating that Tian Dao's invincible tactics had failed here.

But he was not unprepared.

Two shadow clones appeared behind him. Tiandao himself was adjusting his own willpower. One of the two shadow clones adjusted the power brought by the propeller, while the other maintained the operation of the ninja shuriken.

With willpower as the main body, the power of the propeller and the ninja shuriken began to merge under this dominance, and the power of wind and fire was instantly integrated.

The moment the ninja shuriken and the firepower of the propeller combined, a high-speed rotating emerald shuriken blade and a huge hot sphere in the center made the swept wind attached with a hot breath.

"Try it for me! Su Ai'er! This is my anger, and the storm that the world's anger against you has rolled up!" Holding the power of wind and fire, Tiandao strode and went straight to Su Ai'er.

"Try this trick!"

"Ninjutsu-Melting Rasenshuriken!"

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