I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 558 Today in Nanjing, I saw the local style of Nanjing, which opened my eyes

"Tendo player?!"

"Tendo Souji!!"

With joy and excitement, Tsumuri turned around and looked at Tendo. Although his figure was still in a mess, he had already returned to the look that Tsumuri was most familiar with.

And the other person's voice could only be Kiroli's.

Seeing Tendo stand up again and the previous words, Kiroli fell into anxiety for no reason.

"Are you okay?" Kiroli looked at the man through the mask: "You were very..."

"If that can make you let down your guard against me, it doesn't matter if I'm a little more embarrassed." Tendo passed by Tsumuri, ignoring his enthusiasm for Tsumuri, and all his attention was on the person in front of him.

"It's really not easy to get you to appear in front of me, game administrator." After saying that, Tendo paused: "No, it should be said that Kiroli appeared as a game administrator, right."


Take off the steel mask on his face, and Kiroli reveals his appearance.

After all, they have already named each other, so there is no point in continuing to pretend.

"Did you do it on purpose?" But Kiroli still has some questions to answer: "And did you know that I was the game administrator?"

"There are too many loopholes." Tiandao patted the dust off his body: "From the first time I saw you, I knew that you were not an insignificant guy. You are very important in the neutral rest area."

"What I said before seemed to look down on a small neutral NPC, but it was actually to stimulate you." Tiandao crossed his arms: "To stimulate you to come to me as a game administrator."

"So, you eliminated all the contestants before, was it also intentional?" Kiroli asked again.

"No, that was my own choice. But such an act of breaking the rules of the competition will indeed stimulate you." Tiandao smiled slightly: "I don't know how much you value this game, so I went back to the rest area to see your attitude."

"You really didn't disappoint me."


"Then Beroba." Tsumuri stood beside Tiandao and asked curiously.

"I don't know Beroba, but her arrival and what she said did become part of my plan." Tiandao glanced at Tsumurri.

"I'm sorry, I lied to you, Tsumurri."

"My dream has never been to want happiness for the misfortune of the loser. That's just the persona I created for you to think."

"And the appearance of Beroba, and the misfortune brought by the Tendō Souji, just let you see the emotional collapse of me who firmly believed in such an ideal."

"And Beroba, who also broke the rules of the competition and appeared in front of the players, will definitely be warned by the competition."

Looking at Kirori with a gloomy face, Tiandao continued: "From the moment she started saying those things, I realized that she was the one who believed it. The person I was waiting for to break my dream and make me collapse is her."

"I can use her to make her say this Everything made me emotionally collapse, as if I couldn't accept it, and then I ran away. "

"And then, you who were scolded by me like that, you would definitely not be able to help but appear in front of me as a game administrator." Tiandao stretched out his hand and pointed at Kiroli: "You will definitely want to kick me out of this game."

"Tiandao General!" Kiroli threw the mask in his hand to the ground: "Did you plan this a long time ago? !"

"No, it's just a series of accidents that happened in front of me, and I just put together a plan temporarily." Tiandao smiled happily: "As long as I can successfully fish you out, although it's simple, it's effective."

"Everything, from the moment you entered this game, you were planning and deceiving us? !" Kiroli's voice was distorted with anger.

"You have been since the beginning! !"

"Don't get me wrong, not from the beginning, I really didn't know what this game was in the first round, so I participated honestly. "Tiandao continued to speak in Kiroli's face: That's also called honest participation?

" "And the wish I made at that time was indeed for Tsumuri."

"Eh?" Tsumuri pointed at herself curiously. After what Tiandao said just now, Tsumuri's impression of Tiandao was overturned again, and she got to know him again.


"Yes, I think the identity of the game guide should be very unusual. You should know a lot of things, and as long as we are involved, I can know the inside story of this game through you." Tiandao glanced at Tsumuri.

"But I didn't expect that you are really just a game guide and don't know anything else."

"So in the second round, my target is the game administrator." Tiandao turned his attention to Kirori: "You should know something, right? Kirori."

"Tiandao Souji!!!" This is the third time Kirori has gritted his teeth and roared at Tiandao tonight: "You are really a guy who can surprise people!"

"Your praise means nothing to me." Tiandao said, looking at Tsumuri beside him: "Forgive me, Tsumuri, I lied to you."


Moving her mouth, Tsumuri didn't know what to say, so she could only stand aside and wait silently for the follow-up.

"You are really good at hiding! I didn't see you before!" Kirori pointed at Tiandao: "Your evil intentions!"

"Using a trick on an organization that has ill intentions can't be called evil intentions." Tiandao sneered: "The live broadcast that Tsumuri has been running all the time has made it impossible for me to say a lot of things, but I have also successfully used this to create my personality, making the audience think that I am that kind of person, and indirectly people like Beroba appeared."

"I know that there will be people like Beroba who will watch your show."

Tendao took the driver and ID core from Tsumuri's hands and wore them on his body.

"Okay, let's stop chatting."

"Kiroli, I know you are not the kind of person who will answer whatever I say, and I also believe that you, who appear as a game administrator, must carry the power of a game administrator with you." As he said, Tiandao looked at the silent Kiroli and continued: "Don't worry, no one will know what you do."

"Tsumu Li is yours, she will do whatever you say."

"Didn't you kill the live broadcast? The audience will not know what you did."

Tiandao's eyes turned emerald in an instant: "And you will not have any help from the Grand Prix."

"This is a fight to the death between us, and only the winner can get out."

"Did you plan this?" Kiroli asked back.

"No, I just took advantage of your arrogance." Tiandao shook his head: "As a game administrator, you saw me wantonly breaking the rules and heard me say that to you. If you can really endure it, how can my plan succeed?"

"Kiroli, you are the game administrator who stands behind the scenes and thinks you are in control of everything. This feeling of manipulating the fate of the contestants makes you unconsciously develop the habit of looking down on everything from a high position."

"You who think you are in control of everything will never tolerate someone getting out of your control."

Tiandao raised his hand, and his open palm held something in the air.

"So I concluded that when I pretended to be Beloba to break through my heart, you would definitely appear. And you also know that the only one who can find me is Tsumuri!"

"Your arrogance is the key to the success of the plan."

"Good! Good, good, good!!!" Kiroli clapped his hands and said: "Tiandao Souji, you are worthy of the title of the God of Desire!"

"But you overlooked one thing." As he said, Kiroli took out the belt belonging to the game administrator from under his cloak.

"That's power!"

"Your plan is indeed excellent, but if I appear in front of you, all you will receive is despair."

Putting the belt on his waist, Kirori sneered and said, "Tendo Souji, let me teach you a lesson now. The success of the plan is only temporary. What ultimately determines everything is always power."

"Even if you are the God of Desire, you cannot change the fact that you are just a contestant."

Pressing the button on the belt, accompanied by a burst of passionate BGM, the display screen on the LCD belt suddenly appeared with leaping notes, dancing with the music.

"I will let you appreciate the gap between us." With his hands spread out to both sides, Kirori smiled cruelly.

"My rights as a game administrator are unlimited!"

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