I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 553: Niram, I ask again, Tsumurai, you are probably not tempted, right?

"I don't understand!"

Standing in the room behind the scenes, Zimli stared at Neelam who was enjoying the food with an unprecedented angry attitude.

There was a table full of things, but it looked like a lot, but in fact there wasn’t much.

After all, the content of Japanese ingredients has never been the type of large quantity and full control.

Zimli looked at Neelam angrily.

"It is clearly forbidden for the game administrator to develop a taboo relationship with the contestants. Why can the Tiandao player's wish come true and why can he write it down?"

Wiping the corners of his mouth gracefully, Neelam smiled: "So, are you in love with him?"

"How is that possible!" Zimli's eyes widened: "I have never seen such an annoying, self-centered guy! I never want to see him in this life!"

"That guy was shamelessly walking on the street holding my hand. Everyone around him was saying that I was his girlfriend, and they were all smiling and praising us!"

Zimli said, unconsciously hugging herself with both hands: "It's so terrible. That kind of scene. When I think about such a world continuing to exist, I just..."

"Since he has countless shortcomings, you don't like this world." Neelam stretched out his hand, fumbled under the table for a moment, and slid the box containing the ID core for the Desire Grand Prix from the table. .

"Then let's start the next round of the Desire Grand Prix." Neelam said with a smile.

Zimli didn't speak, and she didn't even plan to open the box. She just looked at it, not knowing what she was thinking.

"After the winner of the Desire Grand Prix is ​​decided, the next round of the Desire Grand Prix will start one month later." Zimli withdrew her gaze and looked at Nilam: "This is only the second day, and the competition has not officially started yet. It’s time.”

"During this month, some contestants will need to be voted by the audience, and the evil demons and the direction of the game process will also need to be prepared. Only after all preparations are completed can the second round begin." Neelam stood up from his chair. Stand up.

"But that's according to normal procedures."

"The last round of the game can be said to be his own performance. Therefore, the program team has been preparing for this round of games earlier." Neelam put his hands behind his back and walked slowly behind Zimli. : "Everyone knows that Tiandao players will definitely participate in this round of competition, so the audience has been carefully scouting this popular opponent."

"Did the strength of the Tiandao players excite the audience?" Zimli murmured.

"The brand-new players that have never been seen before have brought a new viewing experience, which naturally filled the audience with freshness." Neelam leaned into Zimli's ear and whispered: "This era is really It’s the right time to meet someone like this.”

"But you should know that Tiandao players are very self-centered. He is always self-centered and confident, and will never be influenced by any external things." Zimli talked about every aspect of Tiandao like a treasure trove.

Unexpectedly, the more she spoke, the darker Neelam's face would become.

"If he participates again, I can't think of anyone else who would be his opponent."

"Zimli..." Neelam distanced himself, stood in front of Zimli and stared at him closely: "Let me ask you again, you probably won't fall in love with him."

"How is that possible!" Zimli raised her head with disdain on her face: "That nasty guy, that hateful bastard!"

As she said that, Zimli's face turned a little red, but she still looked aggrieved.

Neelam looked at Zimli's expression. As a person from the future who has never been in love, he really couldn't tell what kind of choice Zimli's blushing and resentment represented.

To love or not to love, something that is obviously very simple appears to be both.

Women are truly indistinguishable creatures.

"This round of the Desire Grand Prix has attracted much attention. Countless spectators came here to see it. The quality of the contestants has also been greatly improved compared to before." Neelam said from a silent female secretary standing aside. He took the document in his hand and said: "These are the contestants who were voted by the audience. Take the drive and ID core and invite them."

"But..." Zimli looked at the document handed over by Neelam, with a troubled expression on her face: "He has just won the victory, and the Desire Grand Prix starts so soon. Is it unfair to him?"

"Zimli, you are really thinking about him now." Before Nilam could speak, the woman standing beside him with a fierce face spoke up.

"Have you become his girlfriend and your heart is all about him?"

"There is no such thing. I am still the game guide of the Desire Grand Prix." Zimli will never admit that she feels that way: "But, as the God of Desire who won the last round, I think Tiandao players have the right to enjoy This is his world."

"He will participate." Neelam pressed his hands down and stopped all subsequent words: "Isn't he going to carry all the misfortune on his body and turn it into happiness?"

"The identity of the god of pleasure and the power to realize wishes is the path he must pursue!"

Yes, as long as there is such a desire, then he will want to fulfill such a wish, then he will...

"I see."

After Tsumuri returned from the game hall, Tiandao looked at the numerous ID cores scattered on the table and gained a new understanding of the news Tsumuri brought back.


“The live broadcast is still on now.” Tiandao asked: “Are you telling me this openly?”

“As the winner of the last round of the Desire Grand Prix, you are the first to be invited.” Tsumuri bowed slightly, not understanding the implicit meaning of Tiandao’s words: “So I just told you the truth.”

“The Desire Grand Prix…even the winner cannot escape the reincarnation.” Tiandao tapped the table with his fingers: “The loser will once again join the battle for the first place after touching the ID core to satisfy his own wishes.”

“And in order to keep the fruits of his victory and ensure that the world of his wishes always exists, the winner must prevent others from winning and changing the world, so he must also join the game.”

“The Desire Grand Prix is ​​like a reincarnation. The loser will continue to work hard unwillingly, and the winner will continue to participate in order to maintain his victory, until forever.”

Tiandao opened his eyes. Although he could not see where the live broadcast camera was, it did not prevent him from saying these words.

"Human desires are like rolling stones on a mountain. Once they start, they will never stop."


He punched the table and looked at someone talking in the camera, his face as cold as frost.

"Tsumuli... You said everything before the live broadcast was turned off?

You still say you don't like him?!"

No one knows Niram's anger at the moment. When Tiandao said something pretentious, not only Tsumuli was thoughtful, but even the audience was a little surprised.

"So, is there any way to get rid of this reincarnation?" Tsumuli asked.

"Of course there is." Tiandao smiled slightly: "What's important is not the contestants, nor is it to win all the time, but the power itself that reshapes the world."


"Nothing." Tiandao smiled casually, reached out and found the Red Fox Core among the many ID Cores on the table, and held it in his hand: "Then my choice for this round of the game is... to participate."

"Just like you said, I have worked so hard to create a world that I haven't enjoyed for a day, which is a bit too unfair to me."

"Didn't you say that human desires are like..." Tsumuri widened her eyes: "You too!"

"That's right, since you have won once, you must keep winning, otherwise the fruits of your victory will be taken away, and the wishes you made before will be replaced." Tiandao looked at the ID core in his hand.

"I don't want anyone to take you away from me."

"No one can do it."

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