I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 551: Heavenly Dao: I did play a game with you in the first round, but we'll see what ha


The terrifying fortress towering over the city poured out terrifying firepower on the earth. The blue light cannon and the red light beam tore the earth, destroyed all the tall buildings, and shrouded the entire city in flames of war.

It covered the sky and shrouded the entire city in shadows. It was an absolute weapon of war and a divine weapon that brought death.

No one had time to pay attention to how many people died because of this.

The dark green tentacles swayed everywhere, like a battleship, but the mobile fortress that was alive opened its mouth and roared like a cow.

And above this battleship was a decent castle, a building decorated with gorgeous decorations.

"Castle." Tsumuri's voice rang in Tiandao's ears: "This is the enemy of the final battle, with the power to destroy the world."


He turned over to avoid the bombardment of the beam, and the broken earth and rocks splashed on his body, but they were all blocked by the armor.

Tiandao's speed of advancement remained unchanged. With one hand raised in front of him, his green figure transformed into several shadow clones in the blink of an eye, and started different advances from different directions.

"Because you are the only one, you can't get help from other contestants." Tsumurai's voice was a little solemn: "Please be careful, the burden of saving the world is on you!"

"I have no interest in saving the world." His figure disappeared in an instant, and after dodging the whip that fell on his head, Tiandao soared into the air, and his figure in mid-air landed next to the tilted and collapsed house, and then jumped again and soared into the air again.

"Tsumurai, get ready for my victory!" Tiandao shouted, and two huge shurikens emerged from behind him, surpassing Tiandao himself in the blink of an eye and rushing forward.

The high-speed rotating shurikens cut through the three tentacles of the castle, and then were shot down by the bombarding light cannon and disappeared.

But the time gained was enough.

He threw the green double knives with marks on them towards the hull under the castle. Two green streams of light tore through the castle and penetrated deeply into it.

Tiandao seized the opportunity and immediately activated the teleportation technique, allowing himself to instantly transfer to the location of the double knives. At the moment of his appearance, a basketball-sized energy ball had already condensed in his hand.


He pressed the energy ball under the castle. Although it was a plant, the defense of living plants was not bad.

Tiandao's attack did not cause much damage, but instead exposed his position, allowing more tentacles to hit him.

This is what Tiandao wanted.

Holding the double knives, Tiandao concentrated his energy on the soles of his feet and stood under the hull of the castle.

Although he was upside down, it was enough for Tiandao.

The double knives danced wildly, and the green knife light flashed continuously, cutting off all the tentacles that attacked.

But the harder Tiandao struggled, the more tentacles came to encircle him, covering the sky and the sun, trying to block all his range of movement and completely control Tiandao.

While his main body attracted most of the castle's attention, the shadow clones separated by Tiandao instantly exerted their strength and jumped from different positions at the same time.

Some took off with the help of springboards, while others were thrown into the air hand in hand.

There were many strange ways to take off, but in the final analysis, there was only one plan, that is, to enter the top of the castle, just to get on the deck.

Although the castle attracted most of the attention of Tiandao, so many ninja foxes with the same posture appeared at the same time, and the castle's cannons that were pouring firepower on the city were not for display.

It was nothing more than adjusting the trajectory and firing at these ninja foxes.

Traveling through countless light streams, most of the shadow clones were unable to change direction in the air, resulting in being concentrated, and finally exploded into a cloud of smoke in mid-air and ceased to exist.

In the light stream bombardment, the green ninja fox stepped on the body of another victim and made a second turn in mid-air, successfully breaking away from the attack, leaping above the sky, and throwing the steel bar engraved with the mark on his hand towards the deck of the castle.

The next second, a red beam of light bombarded and instantly annihilated the shadow clone.

But the steel bar that fell down with a whistle was still firmly inserted into the deck of the castle.

The Flying Thunder God (energy) mark lit up slightly, and the next moment, a green figure suddenly appeared and half-crouched on the ground.

The main body that was almost surrounded before, with the help of the shadow clone, successfully boarded the deck of the castle.

"It's worthy of you." Tsumuri gave praise on time: "It was clearly announced at four o'clock in the morning that the final round would start, and you didn't have any time to prepare, but you found a way to deal with it so quickly."

"Now it's just a small step to victory." Tiandao snapped his fingers, and a red box fell from the sky and landed in front of him.

After opening the box, Tiandao inserted the buckle into the other side of the drive without even looking at it. Then, the red armor covered his body, combining with the original green.



The ninja buckle is owned by Tiandao himself, while the thruster buckle has the powerful ability to amplify the wearer's power dozens of times. Now that it is owned by Tiandao, it has given him more confidence in conquering the castle.

"Tsumuri, next... don't blink." Tiandao turned around, and the moment he raised his finger in front of him, the red fox disappeared in an instant, leaving only a hot and burning mark on the deck.

The red flames swaying in the wind, though weak, would never be extinguished.

Boom boom boom!

The unstoppable figure rushed into the castle. It was running on the ground, but it was so fast that it seemed to be flying close to the ground.

The full-powered teleportation and the powerful horsepower brought by the thruster made Tiandao's speed even faster.

The light stream that was dragged out was divided into two, one blazing and the other emerald, like two fox tails swaying in the wind, causing great damage to the inside of the castle.

Tiandao himself did not do anything, but the speed was so fast that even the wind pressure brought by the advance and the trampling brought by the feet landing were enough to cause great damage.

The collapse of the castle was really destroyed because it could not withstand this force.

The castle did not want to give birth to evil demons to fight, but it did not know what kind of evil demons would be qualified to deal with this terrible Kamen Rider.

With both hands spread out, the willpower attached to the hand blades, and the condensed blue light blade covered the palms. Everything along the way was cut off one by one under the waving of both hands.

Nothing could stop it. The body of the castle was completely destroyed. There was no good place to find it. Even the floating posture in the air became unstable. The main body burst out countless sparks and was shaky in the air.

Breaking through the last line of defense, Tiandao walked around the castle at the fastest speed, leaving his footprints in every place, and finally climbed here.

The core position of the castle, the castle tower.

Turning the thruster buckle on the waist, the roar of the sufficient motor was endless. Although Tiandao stopped, it was not the end, but for a further victory.

The remaining 2.5% of the willpower was vigorously urged, and the flames spewed out by the thruster buckle turned into blue and white, and the hot fire covering the whole body of the red fox was also transformed into blue and white.

"Now that things have come to this, it's time to show you my unique skills as a hero." The burning blue fox fire was even more surging, and the huge body of the castle was wrapped in blue fox fire. It fell from the sky with a wail, and could no longer fly in the sky.

The behemoth fell to the ground, crushing a broken high-rise building, shaking the earth, and raising a cloud of dust.

"Are you going to... self-destruct?" Tsumuri exclaimed in surprise: "Whose hero's ability is to self-destruct!"

"Hey, then you see it now." Tiandao shouted loudly, holding the emerald double swords in his hands, the blades also infected with fox fire, stimulating the sword light that swayed freely.

The blue sword light annihilated all the spreading dust, and the castle's body, which was violently destroyed and burned by the fire, came to an end at this moment.

The sharp sword light appeared from the inside, dividing the body of the castle into four parts, and slid down smoothly along the incision.

It was so smooth that it seemed that even the friction was cut off.

Next to the falling body, the ninja holding a sword raised his hand and gave a thumbs up to the sky.

He knew someone was watching him, so he shared the brilliant fruits of victory with her as soon as he won and enjoyed the joy together.

Tsumurri, see, my victory!

Tsumurri was angry and amused.

"This guy..."

Her eyes flickered, and she smiled. She didn't know whether she was resisting or happy.

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