I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 522 After watching Polar Fox, I just wrote some daily life to calm my heart [I relax]

Chapter 522 After watching Polar Fox, I wrote some daily life to calm my heart [I relax ~ eh ~]

Along the way, Tiandao did not speak, nor did he make any tentative movements, but perfectly played the role of a victim.

The look of being shocked by the world view and threatened personal safety, no one could find a flaw.

So he followed the Kamen Rider and came to a seemingly safe area.

"It's safe here, you stay here, it will be over soon." After bringing Tiandao here, the penguin-like Kamen Rider no longer wanted to talk, and he didn't even want to wait for Tiandao's reply. He just left, bounced left and right twice and disappeared in front of Tiandao.

Tiandao didn't speak, but looked around at the place that the other party called safe.

"Obviously still in the barrier, obviously still under threat, why do you say it's safe here?" On the surface, he was calm, but in fact, Tiandao was already calculating these things frantically in his heart.

According to his standards, sending the innocent people outside the barrier would be considered truly safe.

But considering the other party's simple appearance, Tiandao didn't think that the other party could break the barrier, so there could only be another possibility.

That is, Kamen Rider belongs to an organization, and this organization is like ZECT in the Kabuto world, so this place is divided into a safe zone and protected by such an organization.


Tiandao raised his eyes faintly.

What about the barrier? Wasn't it released by this organization like ZECT?

If not, why would there be Kamen Rider in this barrier?

Assuming that this organization has a special way to send Kamen Rider in, is it to open a hole in the barrier, or something else?

But instead of making up for this possible organization and fitting the assumption towards a better side, Tiandao would rather believe in another possibility.

The purpose of constructing this barrier is to let those monsters and Kamen Rider fight in a limited area.

…Although this speculation is cruel, Tiandao is a person who has experienced the Knight War, and not all Kamen Riders are good.

Otherwise, what does Yueying say?

Then the Kamen Riders in this world are not the ones that Tiandao is familiar with, but...

Tiandao, who made various assumptions in his mind, had many ideas, but these ideas need time to prove and verify, so they are only assumptions at present.

Until...Tiandao saw more people brought by different Kamen Riders. In addition to the penguin head, he also saw a wolf head, a cat head, and a raccoon head.

These Kamen Riders with animal headgear are very simple. At least from Tiandao's point of view, compared with Kamen Riders, they are more like special operations forces.

Under Tiandao's gaze, including him, a total of four people were sent here, and they were trembling here waiting for the follow-up.

For these guys with simple equipment, fighting is not easy, and saving people seems to be even more difficult?

Tiandao raised his head thinking this, and a buzzing sound resounded in his ears. Then, the red barrier suddenly dissipated, and there was no longer anything blocking the way forward between heaven and earth.

Tiandao did not move, and still waited in the same place.

"Everyone, please come this way."

In a moment, a group of people dressed like the movie "Men in Black" came to Tiandao and his group.

"The crisis has been resolved, please go this way, we will escort you away safely." One of the leaders wearing sunglasses said, "Please rest assured, all this will not have any impact on you."

Tiandao's mind moved.

The survivors whose worldviews were shattered were in panic, and they seemed to have completely lost their autonomy. They followed the other party like puppets and left to other places.

Tiandao did not keep up, but changed his pace and chose to leave here, leaving first before the other party noticed him.

If possible, he wanted to follow and see, but he was carrying the sin of encountering demons and was suppressed by the world, and his willpower strength was only half of the normal one, which made him cautious no matter what he did.

Although he was gradually adapting to this world, this adaptation also took time.

2.5% of the willpower was obviously not enough to reduce his own presence to nothing, so Tiandao chose to leave, and he could come back after he settled Sha Luo and Jinghe.

At this time, the importance of the ancestral cloak of the Shenshan family was particularly highlighted.

If the cloak was still there, Tiandao could follow and see what was going on, and no one would be able to find him.

The magic use of the cloak is so superb.

But before leaving, Tiandao carefully returned to the previous park to explore the truth. And it was this behavior that made him see a more cruel truth firsthand.

The bodies of those killed by the monsters were lying on the ground in twisted and crooked positions, and walking around the bodies of these innocent victims were a group of people wearing sky-blue protective suits and covering their faces with transparent masks.

And this kind of people are generally called another name.

The corpse collectors.

Tiandao witnessed all this, calmly withdrew his gaze, and then left here along the wall.

Those people were all human, there was no doubt about that.

But why did humans appear so quickly to collect the bodies?

Or how can the social opinions and unrest caused by such a large-scale and level of casualties be suppressed?

Or what means can be used to calm it down?

Tiandao didn't know, but he chose to do nothing and not to stand out, but silently waited for the news tomorrow or tonight.

He wanted to see whether such a large-scale casualty incident would cause social unrest or be as calm as if nothing had happened.

He hadn't figured out the doubts, but he knew about them and had a direction for investigation.

After thinking for a long time, after bringing both Sha Luo and Jing He back, Tiandao chose to use his mind energy to seal the two people's memories of what happened today so that they would not remember them.

This kind of impact that destroyed the world view and the cruel scenes of killing were too exciting for children. Tiandao didn't want the two people's personalities to change drastically because of this, so he chose to let them forget these.

But at the same time, after doing this, Tiandao had an inexplicable thought in his mind.

I can use this method to make the two little ones forget, what if those people also do this and forget everything?

But this kind of large-scale casualties did not happen only once? Could it be that they erased their memories and concealed it every time?

Is it really so perfect?

Before this, I had never even heard of this, and there was no information about it in society.

"Hmm..." She opened her eyes uncomfortably, and Sha Luo's blurry eyes gradually focused, and she saw the things in front of her clearly.

"Eh? Brother Tiandao?" Sha Luo rubbed her eyes and straightened up. She had gradually grown into an adult, and her figure was not so thin.

"You have slept for a day." Tiandao smiled and leaned over, scratching Sha Luo's nose with his hand: "Are you tired from playing today?"

"Not bad." Sha Luo smiled carefully. What appeared in her memory was naturally the memory of them following Tiandao to the park and then to the water park.

The first half is real, and the second half is woven by Tiandao himself.

"Hey~" Tiandao stretched: "Today is quite lively."

"It's too late to cook now, I made you some noodles, and it's just right now." Tiandao smiled and said: "This is the only thing I know."

"Thank you, brother Tiandao!" Sha Luo cheered with satisfaction, clasping his hands in front of his chest: "Then, I'll start!"

After speaking, Sha Luo opened the cup of noodles, and the golden light that rose into the air in an instant blew her hair into a mess, and the fragrance that could make people fall into hallucinations slowly spread to the surroundings.

Jinghe, who was still drooling while sleeping, woke up instantly.

He propped up his body, his eyes widened like copper bells.

"It smells so good!"

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