I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 501 Where are Tsugami Shoichi's teammates? Where are his teammates? Come and save them!

The unremovable ring seemed to indicate that he would still be captured by Melina and become a beast of burden in the future, which made Tiandao sweat uncontrollably.

That was a terrible future that he could not even imagine.

Before he became a Kamen Rider, Tiandao was just a worker who automatically left work at a certain time, and there was no such thing as unpaid overtime.

But Melina's words, a bleak future called overtime, seemed to be waving to Tiandao in front of him, showing him a kind of self-entrapment smile.

Tiandao shuddered inexplicably and tried harder to take the ring off.

But the more anxious he was, the more he wanted it, the harder it was for Tiandao to take it off. Even if his fingers were rubbed red, the ring seemed to be on his hand and could not be taken off no matter what.

"There is no need to be so anxious." Melina looked at Tiandao's sweaty appearance and knew that he was actually quite resistant to the future imposed on him.

But sometimes, you can't resist and not bear all this.

The future of this universe has no future to speak of, and those who live in this universe must be aware of the burden of saving everything.

"Just like you said, maybe I can really find it." Melina slightly shook her head, nodded, and then stood up again, putting down the cloak in her hand.

She took a few steps back.

"I'll go first." The gray robe covered her figure, and the hood covered her flaxen hair again: "I hope it will be as you wish."

"Of course, I hope there will be no day when we meet again." Tiandao took a deep breath, put his hands under the table to hide, and showed a smile of sincere wish on his face.

But his words did not get a response, and the shadow swaying in the darkness had long dissipated in the darkness, unknown to anyone.

After seeing Melina leave, the smile on Tiandao's face suddenly disappeared, and instead, he used his willpower to materialize... a pair of pliers with a resolute expression.

"I don't believe it today. This thing can't come down!"


Whether he will bear such a fate is a probabilistic event. Tiandao doesn't think that such a low-probability event will happen to him.

There are so many worlds in the world, and there are so many different lives in each world. Why is he the special one among the countless existences?

As a person, how can I be so special.

Tiandao doesn't think I am so special.

So after Melina left and said that she would come back to mess with him if she couldn't find him, he still laughed it off after being excited.

As long as you have a clear understanding of yourself, you won't have any expectations of yourself.

So Tiandao quickly recovered and became what he was at the beginning.

After all, the world of one night is too short. For Tiandao, he didn't even have time to explain many things, and he didn't even have time to imagine the changes in this world.

He didn't even have time to go to the Fifth Generation.

Not to mention that he needed to meet someone who surprised the Black God before leaving.

That is, the person who needs to solve all disasters and sources in this world.

And he knew the identity of that person when Melina projected the screen.

He had seen him in the Decade world and even fought side by side.

He was Shoichi Tsugami, also known as Kamen Rider Agito.

But unlike the confident and strong Shoichi Tsugami in his memory, when Tendou really saw Shoichi Tsugami with his own eyes, he could feel a sense of immaturity from him.

This feeling means that he is not mature yet, and he has just embarked on this battle road for a short time, and his immaturity is reflected in all aspects.

Agito's brain waves are different from those of ordinary humans. As a holder of the power of light and a special existence walking on the road of evolution, the brain waves of this kind of people are naturally special.

Tiandao found Tsugami Shoichi's location very flexibly, but at this time, the originally dark sky had a trace of light, and Tsugami Shoichi, who had nothing to do, was naturally in a dream.

During this period of time, except for the truck driver who was keen on sending people through time, basically no one was hanging around outside.

Judging from the situation on the Neon side.

Tiandao did not intend to break in and communicate with Tsugami Shoichi face to face, but stood outside with his own scattered energy, following the invisible spiritual fluctuations to form a resonance, and then entered Tsugami Shoichi's dream.

The world of the real world is too short, and it is a bit troublesome to communicate with Tsugami Shoichi. Then, at the level of consciousness where time is stretched to almost eternal, Tiandao has enough time to talk to him.

The Black God asked him not to interfere in human affairs, and Tiandao chose to obey.

But I just came to see him, it shouldn't cause anything, right?

The world of dreams is wonderful, but the world of dreams is also strange.

Tiandao hadn't had any other dreams since his bloodline awakened. Whenever he fell asleep, he would always dream of that broken place on the top of the sacred mountain.

There were no beauties in his dreams, nor any strange things like flying into the sky and hiding in the ground. There was only an old man who was trying to torment him, which made him extremely annoyed.

There was even a guy named Shura during this period, which made Tiandao somewhat reluctant to sleep.

However, what Tsugami Shoichi's dream was like, Tiandao could only see it clearly after passing through a thin film.

Then... his feet sank and stepped on the solid deck, accompanied by the up and down swaying tide and surging waves, which looked like the end of the world under the dim sky.

The wind was howling, and the sea seemed to be very angry, indicating his mood at this moment.

... Just being on this cruise ship and looking at the surrounding environment, Tiandao knew that Tsugami Shoichi was having a nightmare.

"The most profound thing in memory? Even if you fall asleep, you will always remember it." Tiandao whispered.

The next moment, the shattered glass fragments hit with a bang, but they passed through the moment they touched Tiandao's body, revealing his slightly illusory body.

This is proof that Tiandao has not yet completely integrated into this world.

A huge sound emerged from the cabin, the sound of people panicking, the sound of something falling to the ground and breaking, accompanied by some strange, subtle whispers.

In Tsugami Shoichi's dream, the horror hidden in the darkness seemed very scary.

But it was only scary. When Tiandao tried to look carefully, he often saw nothing.

That was something that Tsugami Shoichi himself could not understand, so naturally he could not reflect it in his dream.

The next moment, a figure was thrown out of the cabin, and the whole person fell on the deck in a very embarrassed state. The body covered by wind and rain was shining with a metallic luster.

This is Agito, and it is Agito in basic form.

Then, a figure holding a trident walked out of the cabin slowly. The wind and rain could not bless him, but he respected it and commanded everything on the sea.

It was like a sea god.

This posture is indeed quite intimidating to those who have not seen it, but... As Tiandao, who has dealt with the four archangels countless times, the current appearance of the water angel really did not give him any pressure.

He knew the fact that the Water Angel was a rookie, and now he was like this because he was in his home field on the sea.

If you don't believe me, let it go ashore and try:JPG

The Water Angel with full suppression power turned the trident the moment he stepped out of the cabin, guiding the sea tide to turn into a surging dragon, surrounding the huge ship.

The dragon head made of water looked at the prey on the deck with greedy eyes, waiting for the order of the Water Angel to jump down.

"It's time to end here, human." The trident turned slightly, and the Water Angel issued his own judgment.

Just like the archangels issued the final extinction of mankind.

Now, it's just a replay of the past.

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