I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 5 What can I say? We are all spirit stones. If you, Adam, can transform, can't I, Fire

Fasting and bathing, sincerity, this is what Grandpa Taier has been instilling in his mind since the time of the Heavenly Dao of Shenshan.

In the past twenty years, no matter what happened, the Heavenly Dao must appear at this time and place.

When I was a child, I came here for the first time under the guidance of Grandpa Taier. At that time, looking at the solemn and ethereal shrine, I was full of curiosity, but under the guidance of Grandpa Taier, I learned the process of offering this spiritual stone for the first time.

After that, the little child became the main operator, and Grandpa Taier became a bystander.

He watched from the side, just giving a few pointers from time to time, but he would never take the initiative to go again.

Therefore, Tiandao, who had been familiar with this process since childhood, put on a red and white priest uniform with red patterns, a tall hat embroidered with flame patterns, and walked forward with incense, took three steps, and with a solemn expression, inserted three incense sticks into the incense burner, and slowly stepped back.

He had crossed his hands in front of his chest, and the ceremony of holding incense and bowing had been completed. The next thing to do was to light the candles and illuminate the surroundings of the shrine with the flickering light of the flames, and it would last until late at night.

He raised his head, and the corner of his eye was on the fiery red stone enshrined on the throne. Although Tiandao's expression was still solemn, he actually had a strong desire to complain in his heart.

Other people's worships are at least eight million gods, well-known gods, but the one we worship has not been officially certified, and it will be labeled as an evil god if we are not careful...

But ours can still be said to be something like a family temple. Just looking at the gods we worship, it makes people confused!

I admit that a red stone is indeed very rare, but it is not to be worshipped as a sacred stone!

Kowtow to diamonds!

And the daily act of lighting candles.

What era is this? Can't we switch to plug-in electric candles?

It will light up at least one night, and it is also energy-saving and environmentally friendly!

But Tiandao has told his grandfather about these complaints, but in return, the old men of the older generation gave an unexpected answer.

"What do you know! This stone is much more important than the eight million gods. Back then, our family..."

"The laws of our ancestors cannot be changed!"

"What Cyber ​​Temple! Get out of here!"

"You little brat! Remember this, traditions must exist for a reason."

"Once something is abandoned, if you want to pick it up again, it may have become someone else's."

"As for what has been passed down from generation to generation in our family, so many people want it, but they don't have the ability to do it!"

"What are you doing with your evil ways, electric candles?"

"Our tradition has been maintained for at least a thousand years, how many years has your electric candle been around?"

Thinking about all sorts of things in his mind, Tiandao didn't show any expression on the surface, and he still burned incense and lit candles, meticulously, and completed the abnormal standard.

After the ceremony, Tiandao retreated backwards until he retreated outside the gate, then bowed politely, and took this last step before retreating.

After changing out of this troublesome outfit in the locker room, Tiandao changed into his regular clothes and walked to the lobby.

Here, Grandpa Taier had no intention of waiting for Tiandao, but had already started eating.

Sake with peanuts, that was so comfortable.

Tiandao, who had known his grandfather's character for a long time, was not surprised at all. He sat down on his own. When he was about to eat, he was interrupted by Grandpa Taier.

"Let's take a look at the family tree in front of you first." After taking a sip of wine, Grandpa Taier said: "In the past, our family did not live on this island country, but on the land of the country across the sea."

"At that time, our ancestor was still the Zongzheng of the clan at that time."

Tiandao picked up the family tree and checked it one by one while his grandfather was muttering.

"Later, a big event happened over there, causing our clan to scatter all over the world."

"I don't know what happened to the other tribesmen, but our branch, carrying the spiritual stones of our clan, lives on this land."

"Speaking of that, there seemed to be quite a lot of monkeys here at that time." The old man recalled the past: "Maybe it's hard to leave the hometown. Even if something happened and I had to leave our hometown, I still want to stay here, even if I'm across the sea, I always have a thought."

Looking through his family tree, Tiandao asked while looking at it : "Grandpa, don't you plan to go back?"

"Hmph, go back... If you go back, our bloodline will be..." The old man shook his head and said, "Tiandao, the news you brought back today is very important. The transformation of Godai Yusuke has appeared before."

"In the ancient times, our clan has been fighting against the devil for a long time."

"And at that time, there was also a warrior who fought against the devil with us."

"That was Kuuga, the person you met before."

The old man sat upright, no longer comfortable, but very serious and earnest.

"I thought this was just a legend. After all, neither the devil nor Kuuga has appeared in thousands of years."

"But the news you brought today made me understand that the legend has come true." The old man sighed: "If Kuga appears, then the devil will definitely appear!"

"Tiandao, our clan's duty to eliminate demons and defend the way must never be forgotten even after thousands of years!"

Putting down the family tree in his hand, Tiandao put on a dead fish eye and looked at his grandfather.

"I'm just a human."

"No, you're not an ordinary person, you're..."

Before he finished speaking, a white spider silk suddenly seeped in from the wall of the courtyard, wrapped around Shenshan Taier's neck, and dragged him out.


Suddenly encountering a huge change, Tiandao had no time to stop it, and could only chase into the courtyard. At the same time, the guy who jumped down from the wall also caught his eye.

The feet stepped on the ground, and the monster's footprints were trampled between the green grass and bricks. The spider that sneaked in silently dragged the old man out and threw him aside, causing the old man to hit the side of the stairs and lie on the ground groaning constantly.

Tiandao hurried to the side of the grandfather, hugged the grandfather and kept asking questions, with an anxious look on his face.

"Grandpa? I will take you to the hospital immediately!"

"Tiandao. Eliminate the demon"

"Eliminate the demon."

But for Tiandao's approach, the old man grabbed Tiandao's sleeve. In the latter's puzzled confusion, the old man stared at him, as if he wanted to pin all his hopes on his only grandson.

The legend that has been passed down for thousands of years cannot be destroyed in his own hands.

The demon has appeared, so the responsibility passed down by the family must be fulfilled at this moment!

Staring at Tiandao's face, Shenshan Taier seemed to have let out his last breath, his whole body softened, and he fainted directly.

Tiandao's heart trembled, but before he could do anything, the evil wind that suddenly came from behind forced him to dodge and dodge to the side while holding his grandfather.

The white spider silk tore the ground, smashed the stairs, and made a huge noise.

Tiandao did not dare to be careless, carrying his grandfather on his back, and hurried to the backyard.

He did not dare to put his grandfather down, this spider monster was the kind of existence that killed innocent people indiscriminately, Tiandao had known this for a long time, and the fighting power of the two sides was also extremely different, and he was not its opponent at all.

For now, the only way was to escape, and to find Godai Yusuke.

If what grandpa said was true, then the revival of these demons became a disaster, then Kuuga must be the corresponding existence to eliminate demons.

In other words, Godai Yusuke is the nemesis of this group of demons!

"Rindo! Blood!" The spider did not mean to let Tiandao go. You must know that in ancient times, in addition to Kuuga, the Fire Village was also an object that made them hate it.

I thought that after thousands of years, the so-called Fire Village no longer existed, but now it seems that there are still many descendants of the Fire Village!

Then it is worth killing!

When it is fully started, the speed of the spider is definitely faster than that of Tiandao who is carrying a person on his back.

The ghostly figure jumps in the air, and can even do a double jump in the air, and those white spider silks are constantly attacking from behind Tiandao, forcing him to dodge left and right, causing his speed to become slower.

As one grows stronger, the other loses strength, and Tiandao is finally caught up by the spider. The two sides walk side by side. The spider snorted coldly, raised his hand and swept it, hitting the side of Tiandao, knocking his body flying, smashing the wooden door in the air, and falling into the house in the backyard.


The spider was very satisfied. Killing the descendants of the Fire Village is more valuable than killing those humans!

"Uh, cough, cough." With his hands supporting the ground, Shenshan coughed up a mouthful of blood and spilled it on the ground. The severe pain in his shoulder made his entire arm unable to move.

The spider was going to kill people.

Looking up, Tiandao saw the fiery red stone enshrined on the throne at a glance.

This stone, which has not changed much since he was a child, is still the same now. In the flickering candlelight, it only showed a bright figure, but also cast a dark shadow behind the candlelight.

"Die!" Leaping out from the corridor and breaking through the wall of the shrine, the spider rushed in with a cruel smile, impatiently.

But it didn't expect that when it entered here without concealment, the breath of the devil instantly filled the entire shrine. This devil atmosphere made the fire crystal stone, which had been motionless all the time, react immediately.

The spider stepped on the ground with both feet, and stood up straight. As soon as he looked up, he saw the fiery red stone being worshipped and the inexplicable breeze around him.

This wind made the burning candlelight flicker, and the restless flames began to gradually expand and burst out bit by bit.


The fire crystal suddenly emitted a strong light, and the candlelight was attracted. The suddenly rolled up flames formed a violent storm, which completely engulfed the throne, the temple platform, and even the God Mountain Heavenly Road itself in an instant.

The suddenly erupted flames soared into the sky, forming a huge explosion. In the flames, the booming explosion sounded like a missile exploding, attracting everyone's attention in this silent night.

In the flames caused by the explosion, the spider crossed his hands in front of him, flew back, and left the center of the burning flames.

But even so, his red body surface that was burned all over his body continued to emit white smoke in the night sky.

That was because he was outside the flames and was only affected by the burning for a moment.

If he was in the center of the explosion, Spider would probably lose his ability to fight in an instant and could only be burned to ashes in the flames.

"Spirit stone!" The moment Spider saw the fiery red stone, he immediately recognized what it was.

Thousands of years ago, the warriors who walked out of the Fire Village had completely different postures from Gurongi or Kuga, as if they were warriors who walked in from another world.

They called themselves Gurongi, but the people of the Fire Village called them demons.

Therefore, the Fire Village also gave birth to the existence of demon slayers, that is

The flames rolled back, and the violently rising flames were all retracted under the flame tornado formed before, as if there was a core.

This core absorbed all the flames back, leaving only the remaining flames, which dotted the gray and charcoal black surroundings in the swaying, and set off the fiery red figure, standing between heaven and earth.

After a thousand years, the devil has appeared, and the sky who controls the four elements of fire, water, wind, and earth has appeared, so the legend that was also active a thousand years ago will naturally appear because of the appearance of the devil.

"Why do you have that?!" Originally thought to be a simple killing of a descendant of the Fire Village, but how could the spider think that his luck would be so good?

After a thousand years, the bloodline of the Fire Village has long been scattered, and there is only one sacred object of the Fire Village. It can't be said that I just happened to meet a descendant of the Fire Village, and this person just happened to have that stone, right?

How could this probability, this tiny possibility, appear on me?

Before the spider came, it didn't believe that there would be such a thing.

But now. The facts in front of it are telling it how good its luck is.

[Armor Fusion]

When the built-in voice sounded, it also awakened Tiandao who was in a state of confusion.

"What am I doing?!" The world he saw in front of him was completely different from before. The arm that was originally seriously injured was restored to its original state at this moment, and there was no pain at all.

Not only that, he could feel a gentle power overflowing from his body, which kept his body efficient and serious.

All the hesitation and hesitation in his heart were also wiped out at this moment, turning into a blazing and inexhaustible courage.

Behind Tiandao, the fire crystal covered by charcoal fire was emitting bright light, echoing with the wearer of the armor at this moment.

Inexplicably, at the moment of putting on this set of armor, a name related to this set of armor that originated from the bloodline unconsciously emerged in Tiandao's mind.

At the same time, the inherited memory buried deep in the bloodline was also remembered, and it also awakened.

At the same time, in another world

"Hmm? Flame Dragon?"

"No. Why isn't this aura with me? Why did it go to Kamen Rider?!"

"What the hell?! I lost my Fire Crystal?!"

The new book has just been published, please invest more and read more.

Anyway, don't keep the book, those who read it will understand, this thing is still very important.

Besides, the fan fiction has been cut several times this year, and I still have to bite the bullet to write fan fiction, which is really a sin.

Anyway, it depends on the brothers.

Woo woo woo.

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