I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 482 Tiandao Zongsi Look, I told you! Tiandao, if you had a sister

Chapter 482: Chief Tiandao, look, what I said! Tiandao, if you had a sister...


Kado Yaji:?

The moment this news that made two people's minds buzz was revealed, it was impossible not to surprise them.

Neither Tiandao nor Kadoyashi thought that they would have such a relationship with each other.

Although they are friends, their relationship is not very good.

In fact, both of them were thinking that it would be better not to meet each other after this time.

But now what did General Jack say? He said we are brothers? !

Are you still making this kind of joke? From top to bottom, how could we look like brothers?

"No, if I stab you with a sword, would you dare to bully me like this?" Tiandao waved his hand, with a look of helplessness on his face: "Do you think I will believe it? General Jack, you don't want to disturb my mind with such nonsense. ”

Tiandao was able to successfully escape from the depths of his own sea of ​​consciousness, that is, the top of the sacred mountain, and return to the real world.

The collision with Shura was not that strenuous. After showing Shura the mental skills he had learned, the two sides fought, and finally ended with Shura's victory.

As a general of the Ming Realm, although Shura is a little embarrassed due to his own characteristics, his own combat effectiveness is definitely not low.

Because of this, he showed a very skillful side in the battle with Tiandao, and also showed a new possibility for Tiandao.

Shura pointed out the combination of the skills of the mind and the armor, as well as the unexplored uses of the Xingtian Armor.

Compared with crossing the road by feeling the river by myself, having Shura's guidance and teachings can be said to have made sufficient progress in the way of heaven.

At least for now, he no longer has only a smattering of proficiency in Xingtian Armor, nor is he just using his mind energy and armor separately.

This kind of teaching is the way of heaven in the minds of those with a mind on the sacred mountain.

Although for him, the cultivation of mental energy is still not something to be seen, but the Shenshan Heart Master also knows that there is no rush for this kind of thing, so he can only start from the most basic first.

If a person cannot even understand and control his own power, then how can he climb higher mountains and reach deeper realms?

So after Tiandao woke up, he looked at General Jack who had exposed his back to him and looked completely trusting. Without saying a word, he gave General Jack a sword, taking away General Jack's life, and at the same time announced his return.

And now, he also got such exaggerated news from General Jack.

"Tiandao and I are brothers?" Also shocked was Kadoya Shi. He pointed at himself and then looked at the fierce guy next to him. He didn't know why for a while and suddenly laughed.

"Are you kidding...General Jack, I only have one relative now, and that is my sister, Kadoya Saya!"

"Whether I call him Kadoya Saya or Kamiyama Saya is not certain." General Jack covered his waist and said with a sneer: "You juniors, you still don't know what happened back then."

"Tiandao, the fundamental reason why your grandfather participated in the Knight War is that Monya Shi's parents died under the attack of the Krysis Empire." General Jack coughed a few times. Although his body was injured, the energy in his body was still there. The memory is still providing him with the ability to move.

"That's his niece, Kadashi's mother, with the blood of the Kamiyama family flowing through her body."

General Jack narrowed his eyes and said harshly: "Kadoya Shi, why do you think you can fall into an endless reincarnation and stay awake in the never-ending battle? Even the world itself can make you Will you continue to fight?"

"The fundamental reason is that the blood of the Shenshan family flows in your body, and you are also burdened with the fate of fighting to death!" General Jack grinned, and outlined a cruel smile with his mouth full of blood.

"Only with such a fate can you maintain your sanity in the endless hell and fall into this endless battle forever."

"The fate of the Shenshan family." Tiandao's expression changed. He didn't expect that he would hear this word again in this world, and hear the explanation about the fate of the Shenshan family again.

"Why do you know?"

"I know your Shenshan family no less than you do." General Jack smiled cruelly and continued: "This kind of fate exists in every one of you Shenshan family, no matter who you are, as long as you are burdened with this kind of fate, No one of blood can escape this fate.”

"Kadoya Shi, the same goes for you."

"But it is precisely because of this bloodline that you can adapt to this infinite reincarnation and survive the never-ending battle soberly."

From a standing posture to half-kneeling on the ground, General Jack's face became extremely pale and his condition was extremely poor. It was obvious that he could no longer hold on.

"Kado Yaji, that kind of blood allows you to survive in the endless hell until now." General Jack fell to the ground, but even so, his eyes were still staring at the two people, and he would kill them even if he died. The figure remembers: "But that kind of blood will swallow you up now!"

"I will watch you, waiting for the day when you fall into hell!" General Jack used his last strength to shout these words, and then his eyes became cloudy, and even his voice became gradually lower. .

"I will. Watch you."

Before he finished speaking, he saw that the memory that had been integrated into General Jack's body was expelled from General Jack's body, fell to the ground with a snap, and shattered in an instant.

Countless fragments spread out in all directions, making it impossible for this memory to remain in the world.

The shattering of the memory means that General Jack's body has become what it was before, and the half of his body that was originally connected has also shattered.

General Jack's body was once again divided into two.

But although he died, the message he left behind made Tiandao and Kadoshi look at each other, looking at each other's completely different faces, and they didn't know what to say for a while.

We are brothers?

"Brother?" Xiaoye's cautious voice suddenly sounded, and this brother, not only Kadoshi turned his head, but even Tiandao turned his head.

"You. Are all my brothers?" Xiaoye held his hands in front of him, and he was really a little unsure.

"You only have one brother, and that's me!" Kado snorted coldly, pushed someone away, and walked forward calmly: "I will prove it to you, I..."

Before he finished speaking, Tendō, who was pushed away by Kado, turned around and rushed to Xiaoye without saying a word, and held Xiaoye in his arms at the critical moment.

Then, the green strange ghost face that suddenly appeared in the space came, and hit Tendō in an instant, and blew him away.

[I found you, sister! ]

In the innocent and straightforward innocent words, there was a child's joy for winning a hide-and-seek game.

But no matter who it was, after seeing this inhuman existence, there was only fear and fear in their hearts.

"New life form!"

Kamen Rider-J's expression suddenly became ugly. He never thought that he would see this thing again one day.

"How many terrible monsters have these guys, Dashka, created!"

The strength of the still-incubated Gran Zailas II is still unknown to everyone, and with the appearance of this new life form...

Even though General Jack is dead, the dilemma in front of us has not been alleviated.

It has even become more difficult.

"Are you okay?" Tiandao landed steadily on the ground, feeling the burning pain on his back. After extinguishing the strange energy remaining in his body, he looked at Xiaoye who was protected in his arms.

"Tiandao." Being held in Tiandao's arms, Xiaoye raised her head blankly and looked at the man who was looking at her with his face lowered.


Tiandao was stunned, and a very subtle feeling suddenly arose in his heart.

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