I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 479: There is also Decade. He wants to summon the Decade armor of the tenth in the Heisei er

This was the first time that the Showa Knights met the Heisei Knights before today.

The last time they met the Heisei Knights was on the Decade set.

That time, it was also the Great Knight War, and the opponent was Dai Shocker. In the end, the knights of the two eras fought side by side, just like now.

Perhaps the only difference is that the Heisei Knights at that time did not show their corresponding ability to change their postures.

And this time, with the help of Decade, each Heisei Knight showed a posture that went a step further on the original basis.

It was the liberation of power, and it was also an extension of its own posture. Compared with its foundation, it was more powerful and more explosive.

And this power was something that the Showa Knights had never matched.

Such a powerful force, a blow to the body of the second generation of Granzailas, what would happen?

Number One was no stranger to Granzailas. It was an existence that had once put them in a difficult battle. If this power could not take it away, but was instead contained by it, the consequences would be unimaginable.

But this shout was a little too late, so they could only watch the Heisei Knights who had opened the final move and rushed towards Gran Zailas II.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Kuuga's ordinary Knight Kick flew in the air.

Agito wielded two weapons, waving his sharp blades and sending out crossed sword energy.

The Dragon Rider rode a dragon from the sky, kicking in flames.

Faiz held a sci-fi cannon and released a beam of destruction.

The Ultimate Creature used a sharp sword to penetrate the portal formed by five cards in a row and released the Emperor's attack.

The knight fighting the evil spirits soared into the air, his awe-inspiring posture like a god or demon.

The red figure holding the Hundred Insect Cannon spread his wings, and the colorful light burst out to catch up with the red cannon and go hand in hand.

The figure galloping on the laid rails with his feet like pulleys, together with the later tram, left a gorgeous sword mark in the air.

And finally, the domineering figure of the emperor hung upside down in the sky, and fell with the broken moon as the background.

Of course, the figure of Emperor is also indispensable.

(How come Emperor is like a ground tiger after this round of detailed description? He is going to summon the earth ground tiger armor, right?)

"Let's go together! End this war completely!" With Emperor's roar, all the attacks fell on the body of Gran Zailas II.

The gorgeous explosion swept its figure in an instant, and the surrounding earth was also broken in an instant, making a rumbling sound.

The soil in the sky was even annihilated in the interweaving of energy, turning into slowly rising particles and dissipating, completely no longer existing.

This is the trace caused by the annihilation of matter in the material world, and it also means that this power exceeds the limit that the material world can bear. It has already touched another level of the world.

In an instant, the Heisei Knights gathered again. Some were behind the explosion and turned to stare at the center of the explosion.

Some were still standing in place, staring at the rising mushroom cloud.

At this moment, both the Showa Knights and the Heisei Knights held their breath and quietly waited for the next development.

Whether it was Heisei or Showa, everyone was waiting for a result, an end that could put an end to this war.

"Heisei Knights, your power is really terrible, whether it is Kuga's ultimate power, or Agito's light power; or the power of traveling through time and space; or the power of the natural king..."

We can't see any of these powers in the Showa antiques. "

As if following the rule that everyone should stand at attention when Kamen Rider uses a big move, Dr. Death did not start to broadcast his pride until this moment in the body of the inexplicably calm Kressi base.

"But it is precisely because of your appearance that we, Dai Shocker, can see the future, surpass the past, and completely dominate our old rival!"

Dr. Death's voice was high-pitched and full of pride, which instantly attracted the full attention of the knights who were already highly nervous.

"Dr. Death, what do you want to say? ! "Listening to the words of this old friend, the uneasiness in No. 1's heart spread more and more seriously, and it has already filled No. 1's mind, making him question in uneasiness.

"Since you know that the power of your Heisei Knights is so terrible, and since you know that the power of your Heisei Knights has the possibility of infinite evolution..."

Dr. Death's voice is full of forbearance and excitement about what will happen next, making his voice sound a little distorted.

"Then Heisei Knights, why do you think that your power can destroy the demons born from your power?"

As soon as the words fell, a figure with a pair of energy wings spread out in the deep pit and soared into the air. The flapping wings blew away all the smoke and dust, making the whole scene look brand new.

Although the wings are not very big, the gorgeous light and shadow will instantly take away all the minds of anyone who sees it.

It is not just energy, but also some spiritual things.

It seems that he has endured too many attacks at once, or he is still adapting to those attacks. The body of the second generation of Granzailas is still changing rapidly.

Except for the wings behind him, every part of his body, every detail, even a nail, is undergoing high-speed decomposition and rebirth.

This means that it is still evolving rapidly and adapting to the power from the knights.

The posture that has not yet been determined makes all the knights feel uneasy and dare not relax at all.

"Watch it, Kamen Riders, when its posture is determined, it will be the end of you Kamen Riders!" Dr. Death said so much. He had completely lost the nature of conversation after cutting off the radio communication. He was just waiting for these Kamen Riders to kneel down in front of him one by one, and that scene became a reality.

He used new technology and all the skills of Dashocker to create the second generation of Granzailas.

In his eyes, it is the Kamen Rider Killer!

"What's going on?" The Heisei Knights gathered again, staring at the figure floating in the sky, and asked in confusion.

"Haven't you discovered it yet? The power of the Heisei Knights can't kill that guy!" No. 1 also gathered with the Heisei Knights. At this moment, the knights of two different eras gathered together to face the terrifying enemy together.

"Not only that, that guy has even adapted to your power. What kind of posture will it become next... I dare not think." No. 1 shook his head. Is this Gulan Zairas more terrifying than the one in his memory?

With this thought, No. 1 immediately turned around and wanted to find Nan Kotaro and let him try the method of killing Gulan Zairas again.

But when he turned around, he saw Nan Kotaro, who was forced to cancel the transformation, fell to the ground with a painful face, and was supported by Kamen Rider-X and Kamen Rider-J so that he would not fall completely.

"Nan Kotaro, what's wrong with you?" Looking at Nan Kotaro with a painful face, many knights didn't know what happened for a while.

"I...I..." With a dark complexion, Nan Kotaro looked haggard, and his bulging veins made his face look extremely ferocious.

"The sun...that...monster..."

Unable to even utter a complete sentence, Nan Kotaro covered his throat and made a "hehe" sound.

"Nan Kotaro! Hey! Nan Kotaro!"

"Don't you understand yet?" Jumping down from the giant metal elephant, General Jack raised his cloak and showed a mocking look on his face: "The sun's light has been taken away. As the son of the sun, he is no longer useful."

As if to verify General Jack's words, the sun that was originally hanging high in the sky was suddenly covered by a touch of darkness from An.

It was not a dark cloud, but a solar eclipse, eroding the sun bit by bit.

"Shoo, Gulan Zailas II!" Without waiting for No. 1 and the others to speak, General Jack raised his sword and immediately declared: "It's time to let them see your power!"

"Power beyond Showa and Heisei!"

As if Dr. Death had handed over the control to General Jack, along with General Jack's words, Gulan Zailas II, who was still adapting to the changes in his body, suddenly released light all over his body, and gradually became brighter from the initial weak light, wrapping his entire body little by little.

At the moment when the sun was swallowed, the second generation of Gulan Zailas, which was shining with thousands of feet of light, was like a brand new sun.

Let the world that lost the sun and gradually became dark, still be filled with light, as if there was no difference from before.

This also allowed the life on the ground to come into close contact with the light from the "sun".

The next moment, the "sun" that was shining with light fell to the ground with a bang, and fell heavily on the ground.

The sun sets, and the brilliant light fits the earth, piercing everything in the world.

The sudden explosion completely submerges the entire wasteland. Whether it is Shocker's soldiers or the knights, everything is submerged in the falling sunlight and disappears in the light.

At the critical moment, only Ming Long saw that something was wrong and immediately opened the dimensional wall, which instantly wrapped him, Guang Xia Hai and Menshi Xiao Ye, and escaped from this world at the critical moment, avoiding the fate of being annihilated in the sky fire.

After the brilliant light disappeared, there was no life left standing between heaven and earth.

Only the metal creatures that were still baring their fangs and claws and the metal elephants that were swinging their trunks showed the final winner of this battle.

"I won." General Jack, who inserted his long sword into the ground and walked slowly from behind the elephant, proudly declared his victory.

"Kamen Riders."

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