I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 464 Damn, you caterpillar, why do you have such a good imagination? !

Create an independent place in the space of the world itself to isolate the internal world from the external world so that they cannot interfere with each other.

In neon terms, it is equivalent to an inherent barrier.

The term used in online articles is called domain.

The slowly burning flame has no temperature at all, just to show the boundary and indicate the scope of this world.

And there are two people who exist in such a world, one is called Xingtian and the other is called Diqi.

"What a naive idea. Do you think this can isolate me from the ability to summon other knights?" Looking around the surrounding space, the Divine Lord Emperor Qiu sneered and said: "Just watch, as long as I want, no matter what kind of knight he is, They will all come to me in the end.”

Taking out a card from the card box, Shen Zhu Diqi inserted it into the drive to read and convert it.

But this time, the voice message for successfully reading the card and functioning did not sound. Instead, an error message was received at the moment of insertion.

Then, the driver on the side of the waist popped out the card, indicating his attitude.


The confident words of the previous second turned into surprise at this moment. The Divine Lord and Emperor Qi didn't know what was happening. He had been able to read successfully every time in the past, but this was the first time he encountered such a situation.

Looking at the face of this card, it is indeed said that Yajituo is not bad. It is no different from the one I used before.

But why? Why does the read fail?

The God Lord Emperor Cavalry, who did not believe in evil, tried other cards again, but no matter it was Jiado or Dragon Cavalry, whether it was Moon Cavalry or Electric King, all the cards displayed wrong messages the moment they were inserted, and then were Expelled.

It seems that all knight cards are unavailable.

"This barrier..." Then if it's not your own problem, the real problem lies with the outside world.

The Divine Lord Emperor Qi raised his head and stared at the surrounding environment.

If there is any difference, it is in this world.

"There is no problem with the barrier itself. It's me who has the problem." Tiandao spread his palm and pointed at the Divine Lord Emperor Qi: "I exude the magnetic field of heaven, earth and people in this barrier. It can be said that in this world, everything is right at the right time and right place. Stand with me."

"Shi, the era when you can read the power of a card by inserting it has passed." Tiandao clenched his fist fiercely: "Now, it's a battle between the two of us!"

"Did you use a magnetic field to disrupt the identification system built into the driver? Or is it a more advanced method?" The God Lord Emperor Qi was dumbfounded. His own Emperor Qi driver itself was jointly developed by Overhaul Ka and the Clexis Empire, and it belonged to the merger of the two organizations. The master of it can be said to be the most advanced Kamen Rider system.

But now... Tiandao's new armor, which he didn't know where to vacate, seems to have more powerful power.

It is even more advanced than my own Imperial Cavalry Drive.

Putting the card in his hand back into the card box, the God Lord Emperor Qi stared at Tiandao and said word by word: "Then why don't you just use the magnetic field to cancel my transformation? You should be able to do it."

"It is indeed possible." Tiandao admitted directly. Since the other party thought so, of course he would not deny it: "But I said, I will give you a chance to take away everything from me."

"This sentence is still valid now."

"This guy..." His red eyes reflected Tiandao's figure, and the Divine Master Emperor Qi suddenly laughed out loud, and he laughed helplessly: "In terms of pride, no one can compare with you. ah."


Instead of choosing Kamen Rider's card, he took out other cards and inserted them into the drive.

This time, he successfully read it.

"The credibility of what you said is questionable."

【Attack Control】

If it is really due to the magnetic field, then why are all my own attack-type cards unaffected?

The Divine Lord and the Imperial Cavalry were waiting for Tiandao's answer.

"Yeah, why?" Anyway, the face is hidden behind the covering helmet of the Xingtian Armor, and Kadoya Shi can't see Tiandao's face through the armor. As long as the voice doesn't reveal anything, Kado Yashi will definitely not understand the point.

It's like Tiandao himself doesn't know why.

But since Kado Yashi thinks so, Tiandao will certainly not deny it.

Although he doesn't understand either.

But Tiandao is still very good at pretending to be incomprehensible, neither affirming nor rejecting.

"This is the place where crimes are judged, and it is a fair execution ground. And the so-called execution ground is not the place where criminals are killed at the slightest sign of their necks, as you think, but..." Tiandao lowered his voice and said in a low voice.

"Each of us determines each other's destiny."

"Oh?" The tone of the Divine Lord and Emperor Qiu's voice was slightly raised: "It means..."

"In this place, you and I only have one chance to make a move." Tiandao was talking nonsense, and he would never admit that his own power had suffered huge losses after the previous eight-position migration. Now he still has to maintain such a field. It was already a bit overwhelming for him.

To be able to fight to that point with the God Lord Emperor Cavalry at full strength, even back and forth, from Xing Tian's basic posture, Tiandao has already performed beyond his level.

"This move will determine our fate." Tiandao continued: "Whether you fall and I live, or you live and I fall, all will be verified in this execution ground."

"We are each other's prisoners, but we are each other's executioners." A faint light flashed on the azure goggles of Xingtian's armor: "How about it? Shi, do you dare to come?"

"I couldn't ask for more." Taking out the attack card again, Kazuya Shi swiped another card: "The final move will determine our fate!"

"Tiandao, you used despicable means to defeat me last time, this time, you can't beat me no matter what!"

[Final Attack Control]

"Really? Without those ancestors, how capable are you? Now I have to try it out." Tiandao ejected the chip in the card box and grabbed two chips.

One of them was inserted into Xingtian's belt, turning the Fire Punishment Sword into the Fire Punishment Heaven Sword.

The other chip was inserted into the sword guard of the Fire Punishment Heaven Sword and read in the same way.

The final secret - Fire Punishment Heavenly Fierce Slash.

[D D D Decade! ]

The stacked cards were arranged one by one, opening up a channel composed of cards, from the front of the God Lord Emperor to the front of Tiandao.

Tiandao lowered his body, grabbed the Fire Punishment Heavenly Fierce Sword with both hands, and when the sword body became blurred, he started his steps and took the initiative to rush to the location of the God Lord Emperor.

The cards blocking in front of him could not stop him at all.

The blurred sword body accompanied Tiandao's footsteps, leaving an equally illusory and blurred gray trace in the space bit by bit.

Passing through countless stacked cards, each time passing through, his own momentum became more powerful, and the accumulated power was enough to maximize the strength of Emperor's attack, even to an unimaginable level.

The meeting of two strong men, Tiandao and Kadoya Shi, Xingtian and God Lord Decade, abandoned all the frills and all the off-field help, and only the final collision between the two indicated that the outcome of life and death would be determined by this blow.

The sword was sharp, the kick was explosive, and both sides tried their best in a world where no one could interfere.


In the outside world.

The scattered cards on the ground were ignored, as if they were abandoned here after losing their owners.

A breeze blew, the card face turned over, and gradually disappeared in the sound of the surging tide.

The next moment, the space collapsed to the limit, and the twisted vortex made the two figures that were not in this world gradually solidify, and appeared in this world little by little.

With both feet stepping on the ground, Huo Xingtian's sword pierced the body of the person in front of him, and the sword body was emitting flowing light, showing its sharpness.

Behind Tiandao, a blade also appeared and pierced through his body, leaving only sparks flying everywhere.

"You... you said you would do a knight kick, but you ended up doing a knight slash." The two sides had never been so close, never had such a face-to-face conversation, never had it before, and now, it was the beginning and the end.

"Same here." The Lord of Gods, holding the card box sword with both hands, said in the same way: "Aren't you the same?"

"What's the fair duel field? One move determines the outcome."

"Tiandao, do you think I will believe your nonsense?!"


"Shi, you caterpillar..." Tiandao twisted the sword and made another move: "Why is imagination so good?"

Kadoya Shi said nothing, but just poked the sword hand forward again to show his attitude.

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