I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 47 Some people start out with full-level configuration, while others struggle to upgrade. Is

Chapter 47 Some people come out of the mountain with full-level configuration, while others upgrade with great difficulty. Isn't it the same...

As soon as he went out, Wasp set his sights on Kuuga.

Although Kuuga, like Gurongi, disguised himself in human form before transformation, actually in Gurongi's eyes, ordinary people glow white, while Kuuga is golden.

This golden light distinguishes Kuuga from ordinary people, making Kuuga particularly conspicuous even when he is not transformed.

Not long after flying in the sky, Wasp found the human form of Kuuga who was racing on the main road.

"Kuga! Die!"

In fact, Wasp wanted to kill Flame Dragon more.

But Flame Dragon was different from Kuuga. Flame Dragon could really fly up and beat it up, but Kuuga was different. At most, he could take a small bow and arrow and aim there. Whether he could hit it or not was another matter.

Standing above Kuuga, maintaining the same speed, Wasp aimed the poison needle in his hand downwards, carefully distinguishing and constantly adjusting the angle, making sure to kill with one strike.

At this high altitude, I guess Kuuga doesn't even know how he died!

"Hehehe..." Killing Kuuga, how happy is this? When thinking of such a scene, Wasp couldn't help being excited.

Calculating the distance and finding the right direction, Wasp fired the poison needle, and in an instant it fell vertically towards the Five Generation below.

But... as the Heisei life-saving king, Five Generation can be said to be full of luck.

Before Wasp's poison needle fell, a pedestrian who ran a red light suddenly appeared from the side of the road, forcing Five Generation to turn the front of the car and hit it to the side. The whole motorcycle turned several times before hitting the railing on the side of the road and stopped dangerously.

Although the noise caused by the poison needle falling to the ground was small, Wudai knew the existence of the wasp, so when he saw the debris suddenly burst out from the ground and then a pit appeared, he immediately understood what was above his head.

"What a lucky guy!"

After failing in the first attack, the wasp did not attack again. Its poison needles were not unlimited, but it took 15 minutes to incubate after firing one before it could generate another one.

Before that, it wanted to kill anyone unless it landed itself.

But... landing on the ground to fight Kuuga... wouldn't that be pure suicide?

"You saved your life this time, Kuuga." This rare opportunity was not obtained after the accident, and the wasp had no choice but to wait for a long 15 minutes to see if there was another chance.

"Are you okay?" On the ground, Wudai helped the pedestrian who ran the red light.

Although the other party was at fault, Wudai, a good guy, couldn't bear to see the other party get hurt.

Even if he would settle the score later, he still needed to show concern now.

"It's okay, it's okay..."

Godai picked up the toys scattered on the ground. These were toys for children to play with. He also saw many of them in the kindergarten.

"Wasp..." Thinking about the attack of the wasp monster in his mind, Godai was attracted by a water gun when he was collecting toys.

Picking up the water gun and putting it in his pocket, Godai gave the other party a few instructions before riding the motorcycle again.

"Huh..." Taking a deep breath, Godai slowly opened his eyes. The restarted motorcycle carried him. As the speed became faster and faster, Godai sped in the wind, leaving only a residual image.

In the wind, "hensin" covered by the sound of the wind was not noticed by anyone. Only the residual image left behind was left, changing from a human appearance to a green appearance.

Raising the toy gun, the ability of molecular reconstruction allowed the green Kuuga, that is, the Pegasus posture of Kuuga, to get his own weapon.

Pegasus crossbow.

Holding a crossbow in one hand, Kuuga, who transformed into a Pegasus form, had his nerve sensitivity, five senses, and reaction power greatly enhanced, allowing Kuuga to receive sounds from a hundred miles away, and even the sound of earthworms drilling underground could be clearly perceived by him.

"When an evil thing appears, knowing its form is better than knowing its body, and shooting through the evil warrior like a gust of wind."

The comment obtained by Sakurako from interpreting the ancient text in the ruins was always remembered by Godai.

Because he was defeated by the Wolf King and Tendou was seriously injured, Godai had been eager to find something, or to see something, or to feel something for a long time before.

And his strong wish was sensed by the belt, and the belt... that is, the Adam Spirit Stone responded to Godai's desire, and therefore, the green Pegasus form was unlocked, becoming a new power, and was possessed by Godai.

When he first transformed into Pegasus, his overly sensitive feeling allowed Godai to receive a huge amount of information in an instant. Because it was his first transformation, he was unprepared and was tortured by the huge amount of information that hit his mind in an instant.

Fortunately, after several consecutive transformations, coupled with the super ancient text deciphered by Sakurako, Godai had a clear understanding of how to control Pegasus and how to use it.

During the time when Tiandao was lying dead and Gurongi disappeared for the time being, Godai did not stand still, but continued to become stronger.

The motorcycle sped, using Pegasus's super perception to sense the movements in the sky, blocking out those unnecessary and noisy noises, concentrating on finding the sound of the wasp, and the crossbow in his hand was also ready to go.

"Buzz buzz buzz..."

The green whirlwind speeding on the long straight road suddenly turned into the beach. I jumped off the motorcycle, and the green Pegasus crossbow in my hand was pulled open and aimed at a certain position in the sky.

It feels like it's there?

It must be there!

He let go of his hand, and the arrow flew out suddenly. The unaware wasp even continued to fly leisurely, but the arrow flying from the ground passed through his abdomen, leaving a small wound on his body.

The seal energy suddenly burst out, and together with the wound of the arrow, it instantly tore the wasp's body.

"How could it be... me!"

Before he finished speaking, the seal energy burst out, causing the wasp to explode in mid-air, and the whole body turned into a burning fireball and fell from a high altitude.

Looking at the burning fireball falling from the sky, I slowly put down the crossbow.

Although he didn't say a word and just stood there, the emotions surging in Kuuga's heart were hard to wipe out.

Why... did you aim at me this time?

Is your killing game about to start again?

From the sky to the land, will the next thing that appears be something from the sea?

Why did you cruelly take away everyone's only life...

Why did you speed on the road? Kuuga, who couldn't think about a certain question, still had this question even after killing the wasp.

Killing by nature... So, blame it all on nature?

Is this the existence of Gurongi?

Godai couldn't find the answer, or the current Gurongi couldn't tell him the answer.

Or... can the Gurongi themselves know the meaning of their existence?

"Excuse me." Just when Sakurako and Tendou were talking happily, the door of the ward was knocked again, and the person who walked in attracted the attention of Sakurako and Tendou.

The person who came was a little girl holding a small black box, with a stiff expression and a dejected look.

The dead silence in her eyes made her look lifeless, like a walking corpse.

"Shika?!" Sakurako was a little surprised when she saw the girl: "Why are you here?!"

Natsume Shika didn't say anything, but fixed her eyes on Tian Daodu. When the latter was completely confused, the girl offered the box in her hand and spoke with her remaining voice and tears.

"Officer Kamiyama! Please... kill Zero and avenge my father!"


Confused, Tiandao looked at his bandaged foot, and then looked at the girl. He always felt that she was mocking him.

Kill Zero?

Look at me now, what can I kill?

Guess why I'm lying here?

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