I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 457: The Heart of the Divine Mountain, I absorbed your fighting spirit for three years befor

Chapter 457: Heart of the Holy Mountain, I absorbed your fighting spirit for three years before I revived... (Tiandao medicine is always the same)

As soon as these words were spoken, both Kaitou Daiki and Mitsukami had a personal understanding of what Kado Yaji said about Kadoyaji setting his target on himself.

"Why? It's clear that Tomorrow has helped us before, even you and your sister..." Guangxiahai was particularly puzzled. Tianda didn't insist on Kado Yashi's life like other knights.

Logically speaking, there should be no conflict between the two parties.

But why? Why does Kado Yashi have such an unyielding attitude?

"That's why!" The words explaining the way of heaven coming from Guang Natsumi's mouth obviously stimulated Kado Yashi's nerves even more. He turned around suddenly and did not shy away from his words.

"I will never let him go."

"He will appear in this world, it must be because his own world has also been integrated." Looking at Mitsumi Natsumi's speechless appearance, Kado Yashi's voice unconsciously lowered a bit: "So in order to protect myself In this world, he will still confront me.”

"It was a matter of time."

"So, there is no need for you to say anything else." Kado Yashi pursed his lips: "Everything is determined by fate, and I have already decided what kind of path I want to take."

"Between me and Heaven, only one person can survive." Kadashi raised his head slightly: "Both he and I have this awareness."

"You can't understand it."

Kado Yashi snorted coldly, turned around again, and was too lazy to say anything more to Guang Natsumi: "You have always been like this. There are some things that even knowing you have no effect on."

"If you want to know something, get the power. Get the power to participate and know." Kado Yashi's voice gradually walked away with him, and was drowned by the wind.

"Until you can stand in front of me."

"At that time, I will tell you everything."

Watching Kado Yashi go away, Guang Natsumi clenched his fists and was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say.

"It means that you will also become a Kamen Rider, and then..." Daiki Kaito waited until Kado Yaji left before joining in again: "Kill you too."

"Are you going to kill me?" Guang Xiahai murmured.

"He regards Tiandao as his strongest opponent, so he will put Tiandao last." Haidong Dashu withdrew his gaze: "In other words, he may have to eliminate other knights in order to protect himself, but Only the way of heaven is the one he actively wants to kill."

"Once the Dao of Heaven is defeated..." Guang Xiahai raised his head and stared at the big tree in Haidong: "Doesn't that mean..."

"That means Shi's complete victory, and this world will eventually be completely destroyed." Haidong Dashu added the unfinished words: "Everything will end."

Saying that, without waiting for Mitsumi Natsumi's reaction, Kaitou Dashu immediately took off his steps and chased Kado Yashi.

"I'm going to see what he's going to do next. You go back first, Guang Xiahai."

Daiki Kaito followed Kado Yashi and waved to Mitsumi Mitsumi from a distance: "No matter what, if that guy stays there alone, it's hard to tell if something goes wrong."

"Then you must be careful, Mr. Dashu." Guang Xiahai nodded, knowing that it would be useless even if he followed.

Holding the camera that Kadoyaji was wearing before, she could do nothing but not hold back Kaidou Daiki.

"Don't worry." With an OK gesture, Kaito Daiki's figure also disappeared from the end of Guangxiahai's sight, and together with Kadoya Shi, they both disappeared.

But on the side of heaven.


A slap was slapped on the head of Tiandao who seemed to be in a hurry. Before Tiandao could turn around, the figure that suddenly appeared immediately took control of Tiandao's hands and began to drive with his own will.

"Your technique is really rough. If you continue to mend it like this, he will become a dementia even if he is not stupid."

The moment this familiar old voice sounded, Tiandao was immediately stunned.

Especially when that streak of white hair floated in front of him, he couldn't help but exclaim: "The Heart of the Holy Mountain?"

"Well...didn't you blurt out and call me a bad old man this time?" Shenshan Xinzhe stood behind Tiandao, wrapped his hands with white silk, smiled happily, and at the same time controlled Tiandao's hands to perform sewing work. .

"Why are you still here? Hasn't the Hokage Stone been..."

"It is a fact that the Hokage Stone has returned to the bright world, but it does not mean that I will disappear." The Heart of the Holy Mountain still has the same expression, always cheerful.

"I exist in the heart of every owner of the Five Elements bloodline. Anyone with the Five Elements bloodline can meet me through the bloodline."

"That is to say..." Tiandao's eyes lit up and he suddenly spoke excitedly.

"Feel good at my techniques." The Heart of the Holy Mountain said in a condensed tone: "Using the power of mind to turn into threads to repair broken memories requires not only exquisite techniques, but also keen observation."

"I'll only perform it once, you watch."

As soon as the Shenshan Heart Master finished speaking, he immediately began to control Tiandao's hands with all his heart, and used extremely exquisite craftsmanship to join the broken memory fragments one by one, intertwining the threads and connecting them.

The dazzling hand speed and the dazzling techniques all showed how profound the ability of the Shenshan Xinzhe was.

If Tiandao did it alone, even if he could succeed in the end, the time required would be incalculable.

With the help of Shenshan Xinzhe, Tiandao completed all of this in a very short time.

In the dance of the silk thread, the broken memories were stitched together one after another, making Minglong's sea of ​​consciousness gradually complete and qualified little by little.

When the last trace of the silk thread sewed fell, Minglong's sea of ​​consciousness suddenly radiated infinite light, and in an instant it turned into a picture scroll, gradually closing up.

This is a move that a person's memory must have after it is complete, that is, to hide most of the memory instead of showing it directly.

Those memories hidden in the subconscious are also secrets that a person subconsciously does not want to reveal.

The fact that this could happen means that Minglong's consciousness is gradually recovering, and he is completing his self-construction bit by bit, making Minglong really Minglong.

The Heart of the Mountain broke the thread of his will, waved his sleeves, and with a wave of his hand, he led Tiandao back in an instant, from Minglong's sea of ​​consciousness, back to the familiar place of Tiandao.

The top of the Mountain of Gods.

After a long absence, Tiandao once again entered the top of the Mountain of Gods, and it seemed that things had changed.

The top of the Mountain of Gods was still the top of the Mountain of Gods, and there was no change.

Except for the desolate ruins and the weeds everywhere, there was nothing else.

The Heart of the Mountain of Gods looked at Tiandao happily, his eyes full of praise.

"It seems that you have finally awakened to your true power."

"Heart of the Mountain of Gods, I am no longer a flame dragon." But facing the Heart of the Mountain of Gods, Tiandao still said this.

"Although you are no longer a Flame Dragon, you are still the owner of the Fire Bloodline, and you are still a Light and Shadow Warrior." Shenshan Xinzhe said with a smile: "Do you remember what I said before? You are not called a warrior just because you have armor."

"Armor Warrior, the important thing is the warrior, whether you have armor or not is not important."

"Then..." Shenshan Xinzhe's words are indeed very familiar to Tiandao, after all, he has heard them countless times: "You appear this time..."

"Because you still need me." Shenshan Xinzhe stroked his beard: "Regarding the Flame Dragon's fighting skills, I have given you everything I can give you, whether it is the Southern Fist or the Advanced Secret of the Southern Fist, or the secret method, you have mastered it all and turned it into instinct."

"Then what you should learn now is a brand new power."

"Brand new power?" Tiandao was stunned: "Are you talking about the Xingtian Armor? But I have seen the chip of the Xingtian Armor, isn't it just like that..."

"Get ready, what we are going to learn next is not the physical combat method, but the skill of mind energy."

"First of all, this move." Shenshan Xinzhe raised his hand.

"Heaven-shading Palm."

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