I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 455: Shocker We have learned from previous lessons and decided to put brainwashing first (re

"Found it."

When the sun gradually set in the west and was about to set, Haidong Dashu finally successfully escaped from the overhaul card and returned to Guangxia Photo Studio, carrying everyone's expectations.

Upon his return, he brought exciting news.

"That guy, now aliased as Colonel Zoar, has become a cadre of Overhaul Kari." Haidong Dashu quickly drank a few sips of tea to relieve his nervousness: "Also, I was in Overhaul Kari, I also saw..."


The current is dancing wildly, and the completely out-of-control laboratory has become a forbidden area for life.

Dr. Death stands alone here, becoming the only one standing.

Wires emitting sparks danced around like snakes, and the force field was disordered due to the terrifying magnetic field.

The utensils in the house were flying around randomly, bringing with them a wave of waves.

And on the central experimental table, connected by several wires, a blank memory also resonated with General Jack's hateful emotions. On the surface of the originally empty memory, Gradually, patterns belonging to General Jack emerged.

That was none other than General Jack himself, raising his cape and holding the sword of Clexis high.


Countless electric sparks suddenly exploded, and the next moment, the entire laboratory was overturned in a terrifying wave of energy, and everything was decomposed in the surging energy.

Wrapping his body with the cloak of Death to prevent himself from being decomposed by this rioting energy, Dr. Death slowly put down his cloak and stared at everything in front of him.

The memory that has been developed is floating in front of Dr. Death, emitting a purple light that flickers on and off.

The next moment, just as Dr. Death raised his hand to hold it, the memory flew into the smoke with a "whoosh" and was submerged into the billowing smoke.

Even Dr. Death couldn't see clearly what was going on inside.

"Dr. Death?!"

Outside the laboratory, a certain one-eyed man wearing a military uniform and a Self-Defense Forces cap led his men here and kept looking at the situation inside.

"Wait outside! Colonel Zoll!" Dr. Death gave the order and stopped Colonel Zoll from entering: "No one is allowed to come in without my order!"



Just a moment after Dr. Death issued the order, the long sword flying out of the smoke and dust swept past Dr. Death's side, picking up all of his disheveled white hair.

What followed was an overwhelming force that grabbed Dr. Death's neck and forced him against the wall.

The red cloak was carried away by the extremely fast figure, making a hunting sound. General Jack, who was no longer standing in two halves as before, seemed to have returned to normal, and immediately displayed his traditional skills as an experimental subject.

First kill the scientist who resurrected himself.

"Do you want to repay kindness with vengeance?! General Jack!" With the power of Dr. Death, he was absolutely unable to fight against General Jack.

With his feet off the ground, he could only keep kicking his legs and trying his best to speak.

"Don't forget! I resurrected you!"

"You have the nerve to say that?" General Jack's eyes showed cold murderous intent: "I will be cut off in the middle by the heavenly way of the sacred mountain, and I will end up like that. Isn't it thanks to you?!"

Dr. Death:…

"If you hadn't hugged my feet, would I have lost to Shenshan Tiandao?" General Jack snorted coldly: "Dr. Death, although I and the Shenshan family are sworn in, I have never forgotten the fact that you tricked me! "

"Misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding!" Dr. Death smiled with difficulty: "I... was also... out of good intentions..."

"Do you think I don't know?" With that said, General Jack let go of his hand and allowed Dr. Death to fall freely. He suddenly fell to the ground, leaning against the corner and coughing and panting.

"If I hadn't known that you didn't mean it, I would have killed you just now." General Jack turned his hand away and said, "Since you made the mistake unintentionally, and you really tried your best to revive me, I can forget about it."


With that said, General Jack turned around, raised his hand to summon the sword back, and inserted it in front of Dr. Death.

"What I hate most in my life is someone hugging my leg."

"Next time, I will kill you!"

"Tsk...General Jack..." Tiandao rubbed his temples: "This guy is actually still alive."

"Why, you don't have the confidence to deal with him this time?" Haidong Dashu took a sip of coffee and said with a teasing voice: "I think he really hates you."

"There are so many people who hate me. If I could remember every name, would I still be alive?" Tiandao rolled his eyes: "But...since Narutaki has joined the Overhaul Card, I have to go." ah."

"Are you going to overhaul your card?" Guang Xiahai was stunned for a moment, but immediately said, "Is it too dangerous?"

"I want to see why Narutaki joined the Overhaul Card." Tiandao sneered and said, "Besides, doesn't General Jack want to kill me?"

"I'll send him to your door right now and let him kill him."

As soon as the words finished, Haidong Dashu's expression changed slightly. He unconsciously took out a card from his arms and watched the changes on it.

"What's wrong?" Haidong Dashu's face suddenly turned ugly. Both Guang Xiahai and Tiandao saw it.

“…J Knight is also sealed.” Kaito Daishu took back the card in his hand and sighed: “There are only two knights left.”

“Sword Knight and Kuuga.”

“Onodera…” Guang Xiahai murmured.

“Is Sword Knight not sealed yet?” Tiandao was stunned, but then reacted: “Yes, as long as Sword Knight is still alive, Shi can always have a super-standard weapon. Of course, he will try to let Sword Knight go, or keep it until the end.”

Although he felt in his heart that Kadoya Shi kept Sword Knight to deal with him, but Tiandao still did not take the initiative to say it.

After all, even he actually kept a trump card.

"Haidong, let's go." Putting his hand on Haidong Dashu's shoulder, Tiandao said in a deep voice: "Let's go early and come back early, let's have a blitzkrieg!"

"Tsk... Sooner or later, you will get back the price of my mission with interest." Haidong Dashu is not the kind of person who is willing to work for others for free. He has secretly prepared a clear price for Tiandao's current order.

Having said that, Haidong Dashu quickly activated the ability of the dimensional wall and moved to the base of Dashocka with Tiandao.

The sudden appearance of the two attracted the attention of someone who was alone in the room. Colonel Zor turned around and wanted to shout when he saw Tiandao and Haidong Dashu, but a domineering energy forcibly invaded and enveloped Colonel Zor's head.

The energy entered Colonel Zor's brain from his seven orifices. Tiandao wanted to fight quickly and did not intend to stay here for long.

After all, General Jack's sixth sense is like a dog's nose. He can sense the breath of the people of the Shenshan family from thousands of miles away. Tiandao really didn't dare to stay for long.

Using his mind to quickly explore Colonel Zor's brain, Tiandao could only feel a fragmented spiritual world and intermittent memory fragments that were not a whole at all when he invaded the sea of ​​consciousness.

In the blank sea of ​​consciousness, there was only one mark engraved on Colonel Zor... No, it should be said that it was the most conspicuous mark in Minglong's consciousness.

"Be loyal to Dashocker, serve Dashocker in everything, and sacrifice your life..."

Reading out this text that was obviously engraved in Minglong's sea of ​​consciousness by external force, Tiandao was silent.

Sure enough... In this fusion world, Minglong had no way to escape. He had been captured by Dashocker long ago. Even his own memory was cleared and he was brainwashed by Dashocker into a puppet.

A loyal dog loyal to Dashocker.

After confirming this, Tiandao in the outside world opened his eyes and pushed Haidong Dashu away from him, causing him to fall towards Minglong.

"Haidong! Go!"

The next moment, the murderous intent that was as powerful as a bamboo broke through countless walls and came directly to Tiandao.

The murderous intent came first, followed by the great sword that broke through countless walls and stabbed directly at Tiandao's face.


The materialized boomerang staff emitted a red light and knocked General Jack's sword back.

Tiandao did not dare to stay, and immediately withdrew and retreated to Haidong Dashu, holding the unconscious Minglong with him, and disappeared into the gray dimensional wall.

Tiandao had not left for long when the roar that resounded throughout the Great Shocker Station shook the sky.

"Are you here?! Shenshan Tiandao!"

"Humph! Want to run?"

"Everyone, go out and find Shenshan Tiandao for me, even if you have to dig three feet into the ground, you must find Shenshan Tiandao for me!"

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