I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 450 Chapter 449 Once the enemy knows you are taking a bath, they will never give you a chanc

"Having said all that, I just want to find a reason for myself to take a bath properly, right?" Although there were occasional silences, Tiandao still said this.

There is no need to care whether you believe it or not. This is a personal factor. Tiandao will not show his feelings to someone who talks a lot when he comes up and seems to be honest.

The fundamental reason is that he has not yet understood everything that is happening in the world today.

"Being able to have free time to take a bath is a happy thing in itself." Hongdu said, and even stretched out, looking extremely happy: "This incident has taken an unprecedented turn, and we, Now it’s finally the last moment and we don’t have to continue like this.”

"What is your ultimate goal?" Onodera, who had been unable to speak before, spoke again.

Although I didn't fully understand what this person meant, it sounded like... they wanted to save Kadoya Shi?

"I don't know." Hongdu said straightforwardly, without any concealment: "We don't know how to save Kadoya Shi. All we can do is deliberately create a cycle."

"It was Kado Yashi's fate that led him to the changes he is experiencing now. We don't know what will happen."

This was beyond the calculation of the knights who participated in the formulation of the plan, and was not at all in their imagination.

After all, what the knights are familiar with is the repetitive story they deliberately created, not the current world line with a new future.

Even they don't know what Kado Yashi's future will be at this time.

But what needs to be done has been done, and since Kado Yashi's fate has broken through this repeated cycle of reincarnation and reached this point, the only one who can save Kado Yashi is himself.

That's all they can do. Next, watch Kadoya Shi himself.

"Shi... Do you already have a way to save yourself?" Onodera murmured: "Or, have you discovered this deliberate cycle and chosen to... free yourself in the end?"

"Tiandao." Onodera turned his gaze to Tiandao, who had been silent since just now: "Is there anything you can do?"

"I don't know either." Tiandao shook his head: "But now he is killing other knights crazily, trying to turn all the knights into cards that belong to him."

"He let you go because he dealt with you last." Tiandao opened his eyes.

"He is still afraid of the ultimate power."

"Hongdu." Tiandao turned to speak and asked another person: "Why don't the knights use a power like Ultimate Kuuga?"

"Because of this world." Hong Du said: "This is a fusion world, with mixed and chaotic powers. Because after their own worlds are merged and mixed, the knights' respective powers have also become mixed, and there is no way to activate their strongest power. posture.”

"Except for the existence that belongs to the world." Hongdu said: "That's the case with the King of Lightning. He is not restricted."

"He is a traveler traveling through the world and walking in time. The world does not have such a strong binding force on him."

"The same goes for you, Onodera."

"You and Kado Yashi traveled through different worlds. You adapted to this power earlier than anyone else, so you will not be affected and can use your own ultimate."

The way of heaven is clear: "So the ultimate empty self was placed last by him."

"Before he gained enough power, he was not sure of defeating the ultimate power."

"Actually, the King of Electron..." Hong Du pressed his eyebrows, feeling quite a headache: "Due to the fusion of the worlds, the timelines were entangled and caused chaos. The King of Electron... appeared in the form of a child."

Hong Du spread his hands and said, "It's not that strong."



"So what do you want me to do when you come here?" Tiandao went straight to the point and asked Hongdu: "Is there anything I can do to help you?"

"No." Hong Du shook his head: "Senior Tiandao would appear here. This is something I didn't expect."

"I can't interfere with what Senior Tiandao wants to do." Hong Du smiled.

"I'm really just here for the bath."

After the three of them left the bathhouse together, Tiandao and Onodera turned back together, only to find that Hongdu, who was walking at the end, had disappeared. With only a towel wrapped around his waist, he was no longer seen by the two.

"Do you believe him?" After Hongdu disappeared, Onodera began to ask Tiandao: "He came quietly and left quietly. Is such a person... really worthy of trust?"

"I can feel that his strength is not inferior to mine." Tiandao pondered for a moment and said this inexplicably: "There is an extremely domineering power hidden in his body."

"If he really wants to do something, with this power, he may not be able to defeat me."

What Hong Du said was actually something he concealed, and that was about the knights' ultimate use of their ultimate power.

Maybe the other knights really did what he said, but... Hongdu excluded himself.

Hong Du, who possesses this terrifying power, is by no means a being that cannot transform. Once he transforms into a Kamen Rider, he will also become the ultimate being, even stronger.

There was no way he wouldn't be able to defeat Kadoya Shi.

But he completely ignored himself, or didn't mention it at all.

What is he still hiding...

"Do you know where Guang Xiahai is?" Shaking his head, Tiandao did not fully trust Hongdu, and the most urgent task was to find him first...


The smoky bathhouse was torn apart by the sudden sword light, and the wooden walls could not withstand such a terrible attack.

Onodera and Tiandao each avoided to the sides, avoiding themselves from facing the sword directly, and forcing the two to separate.

"Tiandao." The flying saber pierced directly in front of Tiandao, allowing Tiandao, who was only wrapped in a bath towel to cover his lower body, to look at the saber and see everything clearly.

The golden horns looked hazy in the dispersing smoke, and the red eyes appeared from the door and walked in step by step.

"Aren't you going to take a bath without calling me?" Coming to the saber, the visitor took out the card from his waist and held it in his hand. Then, his image changed from Agito to Decade in a burst of pixel-focused light and shadow.

"I thought we were friends."

"You can joke with friends in any way you want. I don't mind." Reaching out to stop Onodera who wanted to say something, Tiandao moved sideways a few steps and blocked Onodera in front of him, leaving him alone to face Decade.

"But this store is not owned by me."

"Do you have the money to pay for what you did?"

"That's not important." Decade tilted his head: "Anyway, I am the destroyer of the world, and this world is gradually heading towards the edge of destruction because of me."

"I am going to destroy even the world, so what if I destroy a bathhouse?"

"The destroyer of the world and the destroyer of the bathhouse sound different." Tiandao smiled: "Then put it another way, why did you come here?"

"I was just passing by." Taking out a card from the card box, Decade's tone was quite teasing: "Did you see it? This card is Kamen Rider-Hibiki."

"But even this card can only be ranked behind you."

Putting the card back into the card box, Decade wiped the long sword in his hand.

"Come on, Tiandao!"

"Hand over the card!"

"You bastard!" Tiandao snorted coldly: "You showed up when I was not wearing clothes, and attacked me because I didn't have my transformation device on me!"

"You guy, you are really disgusting!"

Those little thoughts in his heart were seen through, but Deqi still didn't care. On the contrary, he admitted it openly.

"Yeah." Deqi sneered several times: "I don't think I need to follow any rules with a dog who promised to fight me at the beginning, but ended up lying on the ground and rolling around."

"You are unkind." Deqi scratched his neck fiercely with his thumb.

"Don't blame me for being unjust."

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