I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 444 Brother Kadoya, you smell so good (swipe card)

No, the Knight War should have ended when I left the world of Decade.

The turmoil caused by Kadoya Sayo, Kadoya Shi's sister, had already ended, and Yingyue's ambition was destroyed, and even Yingyue himself was veiled.

The knights went back to their own homes, and Kadoya Shi could continue his journey. Everything had been resolved, otherwise he would not have left like this.

But now, when Tiandao returned to this world again, everything here had changed beyond recognition.

The Knight War, which was thought to have ended, is still going on.

But why?

Also jumping out of the window, Tiandao stared at the mushroom cloud that was slowly dispersing over there, which dissipated little by little under his gaze.

The Dragon Rider and Sword Rider, who had already taken the lead in going over there, disappeared in Tiandao's sight, entered the smoke and dust, and lost their traces.

So now there is only one thing in front of Tiandao.

"Kadenashi... Could it be that the Knight War is related to you again?" Although he returned to this world again, in view of the changes this time, Tiandao was not sure for a while whether Kadenashi had become the culprit again.

If Mingtaki appeared in front of him at this time, Mingtaki could probably tell him the answer.

But the possibility of meeting that guy who also shuttled between the worlds was really low.

"Let's go and have a look first..." With this thought, Tiandao made a decision and also flipped down from the third floor, taking steps and lurking carefully towards the battlefield over there.

But halfway through, before he could enter the smoke and dust, a figure flew out of the smoke and dust at a very fast speed, and the figure flying back was so fast that Tiandao had no time to dodge.

With both hands stretched forward, Tiandao caught someone who hit him, but the huge force that fell on him still made him unable to help but step back a few steps, and then stabilized his body.


Sword Rider had prepared to fall to the ground, but he didn't expect to be rescued suddenly.

"You are the one just now..."

Before he finished speaking, a mechanical voice sounded in the ears of Tiandao and Sword Rider at the same time.

[Final Form Rider]

Although it was a cold and emotionless mechanical voice, Tiandao was definitely not unfamiliar with this voice.

After all, they were partners fighting side by side.

But now...


After the sound effect was broadcast, the next moment, Sword Rider, who was still standing in front of Tiandao, was suddenly wrapped in a strange light, and then began to change in the air while Tiandao was stunned.

With his feet together and his head pressed down, the armor on his body began to change. In an instant, Kamen Rider Sword really turned into a big sword.


The great sword flew away and sank into the smoke and dust. Soon, the sword blade tore through the air, and the sword wind that rose in an instant dispersed all the dust, exposing everything that was no longer covered up in the real world.

Holding the huge long sword, he slashed down, and the one who fell under his sword blade was the red knight he had seen before, the existence called Shinji and called Dragon Rider.

The magenta knight threw the great sword in his hand casually, letting it disintegrate in mid-air and return to the appearance of Kamen Rider.

The sword rider who fell to the ground in embarrassment had not yet reacted, but saw countless cards overlapping, rushing out a path directly to the sword rider himself, locking it.

[Final Attack Control]

The sound effect sounded again, and the soaring magenta knight crossed down in the shape of a knight kick, passing through the portals composed of cards.

At the same time as each pass, the power of his own knight kick would increase by several points.

On the forehead, the purple light shone very brightly, bringing ominous and destructive light and shadow.

By the time Jianqi realized the fierce killing force, he wanted to turn around, but it was too late to respond.


He crossed his hands in front of his chest and blocked the attack with his arm guards, but the strong force exerted on Tiandao pushed Tiandao's body hard, forcing his feet to leave a long mark on the ground.

Even though Jianqi was right behind Tiandao, the two of them could not stabilize their bodies at all and were pushed back together.

"Ha!" The final explosion brought by the final attack control exploded, and the shock wave pushed Tiandao and Jianqi out together.

The two broke through the outer wall of the factory together and fell into the abandoned factory together.

Jianqi could not maintain the transformation, and the moment he fell to the ground, he released the transformation posture and fell to the side in a human posture, losing his combat effectiveness.

Tiandao stood firmly on the ground, his hands crossed in front of his chest, feeling the white smoke rising from his arm guard and the traces of his feet plowing the ground, speechless for a moment.


The red fragment was thrown out from the hole and fell in front of Tiandao, rolling to reveal its own appearance.

Tiandao lowered his head slightly and looked at the red fragment.


Reflected in Tiandao's azure goggles was the still smoking, broken horn.

And this horn was the horn from Kamen Rider-Kabuto's head.

This incomplete fragment was enough to explain the fate of Kusakabe Souji.

"Interesting." Taking a step forward, stepping into the factory from the outside, the magenta knight stared at someone who was still standing with his emerald eyes, revealing a happy smile: "It's you..."

"Is this what you really look like?"

Seeing a person who has been haunting him, seeing a person he wants to see the most, Kazushi Kazushi is so happy.

All the past events emerged in his mind, and the more Kazushi Kazushi thought about it, the more he felt how pleasing and happy he was to see this guy at this moment.

You came just in time!

"Have you fallen, Kazushi Kazushi." Standing up straight, Tiandao stared at this guy: "Or is it finally..."

"It has nothing to do with those things, it's just that a group of people want me to do something I don't want to do." Kazushi Kazushi interrupted Tiandao's subsequent words: "But when I saw you, I knew I did nothing wrong."


"They force me to leave this world. I hate it most when someone asks me to do something." Kamen Rider Kamen Rider took out his sword, which is the card box of Decade: "But now, I think my behavior of hunting knights is correct."

"Can you stand in front of me openly?" Tiandao raised his tone slightly: "You guy..."

"Revenge if there is a grudge, and grudge if there is a grudge, right?" Tiandao sneered: "Why, you don't want to turn against me for a woman?"

"How can you talk like that?" Kamen Rider Kamen Rider sneered: "It's just that you wanted to fight me at the beginning, and I have been waiting for this battle until now."

"I have wanted to beat you up for a long time." He passed the sword tip across the palm of his hand and wiped the sword tip, as if he was going to consecrate it.

"I've reserved a prime position for you in the card box." Kazushi Kazushi said coldly: "Okay, it's time for you to become a card."

"You talk a lot of nonsense." Tiandao sneered: "You don't think you are my opponent?"

"Really?" Kazushi took all the cards out of the card box, held them in his hand and spread them out in a fan shape, then sprinkled them into the sky, turning all the cards into scattered snowflakes, outlining a desolate background.

Raising his hand suddenly, Kazushi Kazushi pinched a card with two fingers, and slowly turned it over under Tiandao's gaze.

"I'll make you shut up now."

Inserting the card into the Decade driver with one hand, Kazushi Kazushi raised his head and patted the side of his belt with one hand, with an extremely arrogant attitude.

"Humph! Can you do it?!" Tiandao laughed several times, raised his middle finger fiercely at Kazushi Kazushi, and then grabbed someone who was unconscious on the ground without saying a word and started the teleportation.

Although there may be accidents, Tiandao had to do it.

After all... he still hasn't figured out how to use this Xingtian Armor.

Fighting with a completely unfamiliar appearance is courting death.

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