I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 432: I, the Emperor, treat Heaven better than his grandfather treats him! (Capture him!)

"It's over."

Sitting on the ground, the face of Mimic Tiandao showed a relieved expression.

Although he had almost nothing to do with this battle, and he was even the one with the least injuries, the danger level was still high.

"It's too early to say it's over." Tiandao Zongsi put his hands in his pockets and looked at the woman with his back to them: "Did they drive away an invading outsider, or did they attract a more terrifying dragon crossing the river?"

Hearing what Tiandao Zongsi said, Tiandao on the side rolled his eyes helplessly.

"Can you stop thinking that everyone is a villain?" As he said that, Tiandao took a few steps forward and stood five steps behind Melina.

"Now, let me introduce you to you!"

"This is Melina, the guardian of the Book of Omniscience, the guardian god who travels through countless worlds. Any evil that invades other worlds and stirs up waves will be punished by her!"

"She, even if she is..."

Before she could retract her outstretched hand, Melina suddenly turned around, grabbed Tiandao's hand in public, and pulled it over.

Amid the inexplicable expressions of Mimic Tiandao and Tiandao Zongsi, Melina's eyes, which were devoid of any emotion, first diffused strange fluctuations.

"Come with me."


Is it progressing so fast? !


On the other side, Tiandao Zongsi took a few steps forward. He spoke for the first time and his attitude towards Melina was not very good, but he was not too hostile.

Maybe it was because Tiandao introduced Melina just now.

"What on earth are you..."

"He is not from your world." Melina interrupted Tendō Souji and directly told him the origin of Tendō: "He came to this world because of fate."

"What fate? It was you who threw me here..." Tendō muttered to himself.

"Sure enough, isn't he the Tendō of this world..." He had already speculated about the origin of Tendō in his heart. As for the identity of Tendō, Tendō Souji was more willing to believe that he came from another world and was another self.

Of course, since he was the Tendō of another world, he could become the ultimate defense weapon of the earth.

As long as he wanted, he could become such an existence.

Tendō Souji believed in his own talents and his talents in other worlds.

"Even so, whether he wants to leave or not depends on his own choice." Mimic Tiandao also spoke: "Tiandao-san's wishes are the most important."

"He must leave here." Melina's attitude was unusually tough. Unlike her in the past, this time, she gave a positive word: "He has his own mission."

"Since he has put on the ring, it means that he has the qualification."

Melina still did not let go of Tiandao's hand, holding it tightly: "He must go with me."

If it is said that in the past, she was indeed pursuing fate without moving, this time, Melina exceeded the boundaries that the guardian of the Book of Omniscience should do and maintain, but stepped out and broke it.

"You can leave!" Seeing Melina's unprecedented tough attitude and the tense atmosphere with Tiandao Zongsi and others, Tiandao hurriedly spoke and interrupted the increasingly tense conversation.

"But before I leave, can I do something?"

"Say goodbye to them properly."

Melina: ...

"You don't have to do that." Although the eye that was still closed did not open, Tiandao felt that there was a strange gaze in the dark that was only on him.

This world was separated from the Heisei Knight Chronicles and belongs to the seventh Heisei work, the world of "Kamen Rider-Kabuto". Its beginning, process, and ending have long been predetermined. "

"In other words, everything in this world is like Phoenix. All possibilities have been cut off. The fate of everyone has been recorded in the text and has become an established fact. "

"Your behavior of wanting to save Kamishiro Ken is meaningless. "

"When this world returns to the Heisei Knight Chronicles, everything will return to normal. "

"The movement caused by Phoenix will disappear, the protozoa and alien worms will return to the official history, and Tiandao Souji will still not remember you. Everything will return to normal. "

Although this fact is cruel, Melina still has to say it.

Since Touma rewrote the history of Kamen Rider and re-fixed it, everything has become an established fact.

The words recorded in the book are like iron nails, nailing down all possibilities.

Possibilities need to be observed, and under different observations of existence, the possibilities that can be observed are also different.

But the words written by Touma determine all the observed possibilities as one.

There is no speculation, no change, everything is just as written in the book.

It's like a book, before you open it, you have endless enjoyment of it.

A novel, before it is finished, the ending is still uncertain.

But when you open this book and finish reading it, when you see the final ending, all the speculations in your mind are fixed.

Touma redefines the history of Kamen Rider and saves the world, which is indeed good.

But it is also a fact to cut off possibilities and turn everything into a given.

The Chronicle of the Heisei Knights covers the history of the knights in the entire Heisei series.

Everything about kabuto has been settled for a long time.

Tiandao is not an idiot. As soon as Melina said these words, he immediately understood the key.

"You mean, as long as this world never returns to Kamen Rider Chronicles, you can come, right?" Tiandao took a deep breath: "Then I..."

"Then are you sure you can deal with me?" Melina looked at the sky and said: "Or maybe it is the guardian of knight history, Kamen Rider - King of Time and Demon."


"Don't think that you are invincible just because your combat power is as good as the ultimate. You can only show off your power on this planet, and you are far from seeing higher mountains." Melina spoke again.

"You've just begun to see the world clearly. Are you still dreaming of conquering the world?"

The way of heaven is silent.

"Anyway, I want to give it a try." Tiandao took a deep breath: "The memory of us fighting side by side cannot be faked, and I will not forget the time we spent together."

"Perhaps only I will remember all this in the end, and they will eventually return to normal history, but..." Tiandao suppressed his voice: "At least let me say goodbye to them properly in my memory."

"The ending of the Divine Sword may be death, and no one can change it, but..." Tiandao closed his eyes.

"At least let me, before he returns, let him feel happiness from the bottom of his heart."


Although she still couldn't understand or agree with this wasteful and meaningless move, looking at the expression on Tiandao's face, Melina's hand relaxed a little unconsciously.

In her mind, the previous conversation between the big golden ball of light and her appeared.

"You are neither a human nor a dead soul..." The rapidly changing ripples on the large golden ball of light seemed to be him flipping through something quickly.

"So that's it, that's it..." The golden ball of light suddenly said: "I asked why Fantasy Almighty has been able to persist for so long without being destroyed. It turns out that its core is not there."

Melina suddenly became nervous after hearing this statement.

"Who are you!"

"Should I call you Luna or Melina?" Da Guangqiu said to himself: "Fei Yu really couldn't get Luna's answer no matter how he called, that's of course because Luna is no longer within Fantasy Omnipotence. "

Seeing Melina's expression as if she was facing a formidable enemy, the big ball of light shook up and down a little, and then she continued: "I have no ill intentions, I just came here because I sensed your identity."

"The gears of your destiny have begun to turn." He pondered for a moment before speaking.

"What do you think of the way of heaven?"

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