I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 425 What kind of armored beast can the name Tiandao summon? [Emperor suppresses laughter]

Raising his hand, the gate to the Ming Realm was opened again. Even if Tiandao stood on tiptoe to see the scenery clearly, he could not see everything inside through the portal.

The next moment, a gray stone flew out of the portal and floated down, rising and falling in front of Tiandao, but it did not carry any power. It was a foundation without any power.

The whole was irregular, without the angular and regular shape of the Hokage Stone, and even the color was quite dull and gray, without any brilliance.

[The birth of the Five Elements Stone came from the earth, not the Ming Realm. It was just that the Ming Realm threw five minerals to the earth, absorbed the power of the material world on the earth, and evolved. ]

[The Five Elements are also called the foundation of the eternal world, which is the foundation of the world, and the stone thrown by the Ming Realm can just accommodate this foundation of the eternal world, thus possessing some special power. ]

The emperor slightly lowered his arm and dropped the original mineral in front of Tiandao.

[This is the stone that can hold the foundation of the eternal world, and it is the elemental body of everything. ]

[I must bring the Hokage Stone back to the Ming Realm, so I will give you this stone that can hold the foundation of the eternal world. ]

[What kind of power it can hold and what kind of appearance it can get depends on you. ]

Being able to hold the foundation of the eternal world, it can naturally hold more power from other material worlds.

The five elements are certainly the most basic part of the eternal world, but the material world has more than just the five elements.

"It means... I can use this stone to get a new power?" Tiandao stretched out his hand and touched the stone, but the moment his fingers touched it, the stone "swooshed" into his body, perfectly shrinking its body and existing in Tiandao's body, replacing the previous position of the Hokage Stone.

[The world that the Shadow Emperor chose to descend this time is a world without the five elements. Therefore, even if the Ming Realm throws the elemental body stone over, it will be useless, so the five elements stone becomes a must. 】

【I hope you can understand】

"How much power in the world can be contained?" Tiandao raised his head and asked the emperor.

【That is not up to me, but up to you. 】

The emperor waved his hand.

【You already have the power of the heart, and your will has long been firm. It depends on you what kind of power in the world can be contained by you. 】

"Heart..." Covering his chest, Tiandao opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say much.

"Why did you choose to appear at this time?" Tiandao asked the question he wanted to know most: "Obviously I have..."

【Before the Flame Dragon leaves a deeper memory for this world, I can't let the second-level Flame Dragon leave more legends in this world. 】

【You can't understand it now, but one day you will know that the Armor Universe and the Knight Universe have not been so clearly divided since the moment I came and left a record. 】

【But even if the division is not so clear, you must abide by the final bottom line, otherwise there will be great terror. 】

"Great terror?" Tiandao was stunned: "What kind of great terror."

[A monster that destroys the world, a terrible nightmare, a giant beast that turns everything into nothing. 】

The seal is not permanent. The emperor knows how long the story of the armor can suppress the monster.

But if the second-level Flame Dragon leaves a legend in this world and is classified as a masked rider, then the seal will be weakened and may even become the nourishment of the monster.

And then...

[It is better for the second-level Flame Dragon not to leave a legend in this world. 】

[But the steel masked man can. 】

When talking about the steel masked man, even the emperor couldn't help but laugh abruptly.

[This name is good. 】


What a fart! How come even you know this name!

"The last question." Tiandao stepped forward: "Who am I?"

The emperor was stunned and laughed.

[Who are you? 】

[You are Shenshan Tiandao, that's all. 】

【Everything before has become dust with you, and your destiny is no longer in the Armor Universe, but here. 】

【Who are you? Destiny will tell you the answer. 】

The Emperor knows Tiandao's identity. In His eyes, everything about Tiandao is exposed.

Especially his soul.

Although it is natural, his soul does not belong to a person, but...

【What a unique design...】

"What?" Tiandao seemed to hear what the Emperor said, but he didn't hear it clearly.

【It doesn't matter, there is this. 】

The Emperor hid the previous words and took out a golden scroll. After opening it, it floated in front of Tiandao, allowing him to see everything written on it clearly.

Tiandao read it from top to bottom. If he read it in order, he could recognize that these were the names of different people, and each of them left his own name on this golden scroll.

Although Tiandao didn't recognize any of them.

【This is a contract】

"Contract?" Tiandao was stunned.

[The armored beasts live in the Ming Realm. They have various forms. The Flame Dragon King you summoned earlier is the red dragon form among the armored beasts.]

[As compensation, you can leave your name on the contract, then the armored beasts will notice you leaving your name, and make a match, automatically matching you with the most suitable armored beast. ]

[Those who leave their names on this contract have left a great reputation in the Ming Realm, so you don't need to resist. ]

The so-called armored beast is the war dragon that flew beside him before.

Tiandao has a deep understanding of the power of that dragon, and its power is far more than what he has shown.

Taking the pen floating on the edge of the scroll in his hand, Tiandao exhaled, feeling a little nervous, but also a little excited.

The armored beast... is not the armored beast of the Flame Dragon, but the armored beast that belongs to him...

What kind of armored beast will his name attract?

In the outside world, Tiandao, who has returned to his human form, can't open his eyes. He is no longer in the form of the Explosive Flame Dragon King and has returned to the appearance of a normal person. The surging power that filled his body before has completely disappeared.

However, Tiandao could feel that his condition had recovered to its peak compared to before.

His body, which was originally full of scars, had completely recovered, and all the wounds had recovered as before, leaving only the tattered clothes on his body indicating his previous condition.

The severely depleted willpower returned to its peak, returning to the strength that Tiandao should have, and the looming tingling sensation disappeared.

Although his figure still looked a little embarrassed, Tiandao's condition had recovered.

"It seems that it is not fake, [Tian] really came..." Tiandao clenched his fists and felt the current state, full of confidence.

"The fate of the Kamiyama family has finally ended with me." The return of the Hokage Stone to the Mingjie means that he may not be able to become a fire dragon again in his lifetime.

With the demise of Gurongi and the defeat of Daguba again, the departure of the Hokage Stone means that the mission of the Kamiyama family has come to an end.


Although the experience in the consciousness space is long, it is only a blink of an eye in the outside world.

The battle between Haipa Jiadou and Alien No. 1 is still going on. Tiandao, who has lost the power of the Explosive Flame Dragon Emperor, has no chance of becoming a Flame Dragon this time.

He picked up the Lost Drive on the ground, but now that he only has the drive but no memory, Tiandao still can't transform.

"... Am I going to fight monsters in my physical body again?" Looking at himself who can't transform at this moment, and then looking at the huge monster over there, Tiandao covered his face with his hands, quite helpless.

"So why didn't you come earlier or later, Emperor, but at this time!"

Although it's not that he doesn't have the power to fight, but... if he goes up and fights hard without any protection, he will turn into a puddle if he is hit!

He is so strong, why is it still like this?

"Grandpa..." Tiandao scratched his head.

"Is this the true fate of our Shenshan family?"

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