I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 421: Fierce Fighting Upgrade, Flame Dragon Stage 2, Explosive Flame Dragon King

If something happened once, it would happen again. Although Daguaba would not be surprised, he would still show an expression that it was indeed the case.

At first, he personally sent Tiandao away, and then he appeared in front of him again.

And now, although Tiandaosang was not sent away by himself, he appears in front of him as always.

With this posture now, with this posture that I am so familiar with that I can no longer be familiar with it.


"Tiandaosang, you should understand that Yanlong is not my opponent." He stood up from the stone. Although Cuba was very happy to see Tiandao resurrected, he was not so happy to see Tiandao transformed: "Now that I have transformed again, I am still just a defeated general under my command."

"With this appearance, I am indeed no match for you." Tiandao admitted this matter frankly and did not feel there was anything wrong with it.

Because before this, he had used Flame Dragon to fight Daguba many times, and basically ended in failure.

Daguba is indeed not an opponent that Yanlong can fight against.

At least as far as the current Yanlong is concerned, this is not possible.

"Tiandaosang, it would be better for us to be more frank." Daguba mentioned the black sword. Although the battle between the huge monster and the flying beetle over there was huge, in Daguba's eyes, it was just like that. Nothing.

If being big means being powerful, Daguaba can use his molecular reconstruction ability to make himself hundreds of meters tall at any time.

"Indeed." He stretched out his hand and brushed the black and white pattern on his belt. The figure of Daguba was reflected in the blue goggles. The blood of fire inherited in his body began to burn violently, and at this moment, it was with The intensity of the resonance of the Hokage Stone is exerted together.

The power of the burning bloodline stimulates the deepest memories hidden in the bloodline, reactivating some deeply buried ancient memories and resurrecting them one by one in front of Heaven.

He took off the blades hanging on both sides of his chest and put them back together. The flame dart suddenly appeared in his hands, reflecting in Yanlong's goggles, shining with a different kind of brilliance.

Brand-new changes that had never happened before emerged on the flame dart.

If the blade is stretched out, the flaming dart will turn into a flaming knife and become the main weapon of Yanlong.

But if the light yellow crystal in the center of the flame dart lights up and changes from yellow to red, then it means that the true form of the Yanlong can be liberated, and

"The feud between the Shenshan family and the Gurungi family has been entangled since ancient times. The stronger the Gurungi family is, the stronger the Shenshan family will be. When Gurungi is sealed, the Shenshan family will also fall." Hidden under the helmet. Tiandao took a deep breath.

"Times have changed, years have passed, and now we are the only ones left in this era."

"But fate still captures us, and the entanglement of fate is not over yet."

The blue goggles suddenly lit up.

"The means used by borrowing the power of heaven and earth are indeed very powerful, but after all, they are relying on foreign objects."

"And external objects cannot cut off the entangled fate between us."

Raising the flame dart, under Daguba's interested gaze, Tiandao pointed the short blade of the flame dart close to his chest, and suddenly inserted it, allowing the short blade of the flame dart to penetrate into the core crystal.

"If I want to cut off the fate between us, I still need my own strength." Yanlong raised his head, and the flame dart in his hand could not maintain its shape, and turned into countless floating red ribbons one by one. All of the Flame Dragon's body is injected into the armor, providing new possibilities for the Flame Dragon's further evolution.

"This is." The fluctuations of life during pregnancy are no secret to the ultimate life form. As an ultimate life form, any disturbance of life cannot be hidden from its ears.

"Fire Dragon Armor, upgrade!"

Clenching a fist with one hand in front of his chest, Tiandao roared: "Daguba, you once fused with the Hokage Stone, reaching unprecedented strength."

"Now, it's time for me to show you."

The rising flames completely submerged Yanlong's figure.

"The power beyond fate!"

[Fire Dragon Armor-Upgrade]

Along with the sound of the mechanical voice, under the full blessing of the Hokage Stone, the blood of fire from Heaven burned blazingly.

In addition, a certain Supreme Being of the Armored Universe is currently in this world. Therefore, the door to the bright world above the sky is opened, and a fiery red illusory portal suddenly emerges above the sky.

The bronze door of the lion's mouth circle suddenly opened, and the fiery red divine dragon flew out from it, carrying powerful flames, hovering in the sky, scattering countless sparks, showing its existence in this world.

Of course, although this fiery red dragon noticed the strangeness of this world after flying out, it could not mishear the voice calling for its arrival on the ground.

With this voice, it doesn't matter even if the world is unfamiliar.

The divine dragon swooped down and fell toward the figure wrapped in the burning flames on the ground. The divine dragon falling from the sky and the figure in the flames completed the combination. In an instant, the Flame Dragon armor took on a new look in the flames.

On top of the head, the red horns became longer and more prominent, guarding the central bulge on the top of the head.

Although the style of the blue goggles remains the same, it has become more three-dimensional.

The white spikes that spread upward from the chest, that is, the shoulders, became more prominent, and the adjustment ports similar to the wings of an airplane were highlighted behind.

The protruding parts of the upright armor are like the collar of a person wearing clothes, making the armor look less cold.

The pendant of the flame dart originally on the chest disappeared, and was replaced by a pendant hanging behind the back, covering the jet port that was not equipped in the basic posture.

It looks like a crescent moon, with the peak pointing downward.

The pale yellow crystal on the chest is wrapped by the entangled white armor, turning into a more three-dimensional hexagonal core, and the full stream of light emerges in the core, which can be said to be shining abnormally.

A large area of ​​additional armor has been added to the arms and legs. Compared with the half-armor posture in the basic posture, the current appearance can be said to be fully armed.

Even the belt is equipped with a waist armor to protect the abdomen, and a skirt armor that spreads downward to cover the hips.

The sharp thorns on the leg armor looked particularly ferocious, but they were all facing outwards, with no possibility of facing inwards.

With one hand bent, the flames were driven and wrapped around the arm, but they suddenly disappeared and were absorbed into the body of the new Flame Dragon bit by bit, instantly extinguishing the originally diffused fire.

With one hand clenched into a fist, the extremely high temperature swept around in an instant, including Daguba. The burning high temperature made Daguba's paleness fade away, and replaced it with a burning red heat.

"Flame Dragon. Upgrade?" Compared with the Flame Dragon that he was familiar with, the one in front of him was unfamiliar, but overall it had only slightly changed.

But. This kind of change has never happened before, why did it change at this moment?

"Tian Dao-san, I see." Daguba raised his head, his excitement was hard to suppress: "Just like how Kuga possessed the Spirit Stone, is this how you would look if you had that Spirit Stone in your body?"

"This kind of Flame Dragon is the real Flame Dragon!"

Dagub's figure suddenly disappeared, and even the afterimage could not catch up with his speed. In just a moment, he appeared in front of the new Flame Dragon, raised the sword in his hand and chopped it down again.

But this time was different from before.

He crossed his hands over his head and used the arm guard equipped on the wrist guard of the upgraded Flame Dragon to block Daguba's attack. Flame Dragon's figure did not move. Even if the force exerted by Daguba's sword caused the earth to collapse, it could not be imposed on him.

[Fierce Fight Upgrade. ]

[Explosive Flame Dragon]

The moment the mechanical voice sounded, Flame Dragon took a step forward, turned defense into offense, and pushed Daguba back with the force of his arms, forcing him to keep his distance.

"Explosive Flame Dragon!" Daguba spun up just moments after landing. The arc of electricity jumping on the sword's edge was a manifestation of Daguba's control over the elemental power of nature as an ultimate life form.

The jumping flashes kept rubbing against the sword's edge, bringing absolute strength to the next attack.

"Since you want to tell me your name, you should make it clear." Lowering his body, Yanlong turned the button on his waist and reappeared the red door in the sky.

A red meteor flew out of the door and circled down, and Yanlong raised his hand and grabbed the handle of the knife.

"It's not an explosive flame dragon, but..." The brand new flaming knife cut into the ground with its blade, and Yanlong raised his head, showing his new ideas.

"Explosive Flame Dragon King."

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