I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 412: After I get the Hypa insect, will I also have a nest of royal bees?

Is the fate of the Shenshan family not over yet?

Then I said before that I had cut off the fate of the Shenshan family. Was it just my wishful thinking? Was it just my

Dagub's flaming fist failed to knock Tiandao down. What really made him unable to get up temporarily was still this sentence.

When he thought that the fate of the Shenshan family had been cut off by him, that kind of joy, that kind of joy, all turned into confusion at this moment.

Daguba was still entangled with him. The winner would continue to live with the resentment of the loser. In other words, Daguba would always entangle him, and the fate of the Shenshan family would never be cut off.

Then, is there any meaning for my fighting all the time and what I wanted to do

Until now?

"I am here not because I am qualified, but because I have something I want to do." Hei Jiadou took a few steps forward, straightened his back and stood in front of Tiandao, who was lying motionless on the ground, completely blocking him behind him and protecting him.

"I won't allow anyone to hurt him!"

"Ah?" Negishi was stunned, then burst into laughter: "You want to protect him? Are you kidding?! Hahahaha!!! Too funny! This is too funny!"

"No, what's your relationship with him? You actually want to protect him?" Negishi covered his stomach with both hands and laughed very happily: "This is really... Do you think... He is someone important to you?"

Negishi's laughter is very annoying, which can be seen from the frowning expressions of Yaguruma and Kagami, not to mention Kurokoto who already has a strong dislike for Negishi.

But Kurokoto was not so angry that he went crazy, nor did he howl and vent himself uncontrollably, but stood there with his fists clenched, still standing in front of Tiandao, without moving a step.

"My life, since I was very young, what I experienced was never what I wanted." Hei Jiadou slowly loosened his clenched hands: "Kusakabe for the future of mankind, Negishi for his own ambition, the protozoa for their own plans, and humans for the control of power"

"In my life, you have always wanted to get what you want from me."

The more he talked, the stronger the pain that Hei Jiadou suppressed in his heart became. That kind of emotional expression made Tendo Souji, who cultivated the power of will, feel particularly sensitive.

"It's like I was born to serve others."

"But there is a person who, after meeting me, doesn't want to get anything from me, but..." Electric arcs jumped in his pale yellow eyes, and Hei Jiadou raised his hand and pointed at the monster standing in front of him: "Just for me."

"In my life, he is the first and only person who is for me."

"Not to get something from me, not to ask for anything from me, he doesn't think I am Tendo Souji, but to let me be myself!" Hei Jiadou turned slightly: "That's it."

"That's it?" Negishi asked: "Just because of this?"

"That's enough." Hei Jiadou lowered his body: "In the memory of Mimic Tiandao, Kusakabe Xi should be my relative."

"But even this memory was given to me by Kusakabe." Hei Jiadou slapped his head: "But it's not necessary. Kusakabe gave me the memory. No matter what he wants me to do, it doesn't matter."

"I found what I want to do, and I found the meaning of my existence in this world!" Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Hei Jiadou issued a battle declaration to a terrifying enemy: "I will protect him!"

"I will protect the most important person to me!"

After being rescued, Mimic Tiandao actually went through a long period of confusion.

In his memory, there is the figure of Kusakabe Xu. His memory tells him that it is her relative, and it is his real relative after he was given the name of Kusakabe Souji.

Strictly speaking, the Kusakabe who presided over the experiment of Mimic Tiandao is no longer the original human parents of Tiandao, but the Kusakabe mimicked by the protozoa.

Therefore, Mimicry Tendao is more qualified to be called Kusakabe Xu's relative than Tendao Souji.

This is also the reason why Kusakabe Xu has a strong response to Mimicry Tendao's call in the original work, and in turn, Mimicry Tendao has a strong response to Kusakabe Xu.

With this memory, Mimicry Tendao and Kusakabe Xu are like two family members who should really rely on each other, supporting and relying on each other.

But Kusakabe Xu may not think so, because the appearance of Tendao Souji has occupied the position where Mimicry Tendao should have existed, making Mimicry Tendao an existence that can be dispensable.

Then, having lost his only relative, even this false memory is useless, and the meaning of Mimicry Tendao, who is completely free of worries, living in this world is lost.

So in the original work, he wanted to destroy the world.

But here, he found someone he could rely on, a person he chose and recognized compared to the false memory.

It was completely his own choice.

"Hmph, you really don't know what you're talking about." Daguba didn't know the art of mimicry, and he had no interest in the black-armored fighter in front of him, so he attacked directly. He raised his palm and clenched it hard in front of him. His extraordinary telekinesis squeezed the air in an instant, causing the black-armored fighter's body to burst out with countless sparks in an instant.

With just one move, Hei Jiadou was killed instantly and thrown aside like trash.


Tendo Souji and others ran over and helped Mimic Tiandao who had just finished his transformation.

"Is it true that I am still too weak? Even one move..." Blood was flowing from the corner of his mouth, and his arm was twisted at an exaggerated angle, which was enough to prove how serious Mimic Tiandao's current injury was.

"Even if it's me, I can't last more than one move under his hands." Tendō Souji comforted Mimic Tendō: "The Knight System was created to deal with bugs, but that monster is no longer as simple as a bug."

"Can't we just watch and do nothing?" Kagami punched the mud in anger: "Damn it!"

"If he is defeated here, that monster..." Kazama Daisuke shuddered unconsciously: "Then this world..."

"Hey! Tendō! Get up!" Kazama Daisuke was still shivering over there, while Kamishiro Ken was already shouting loudly, cheering for Tendō: "You are not someone who will be defeated so easily! Get up!"

"How could the person I Kamishiro Ken wants to surpass lie on the ground motionless! Tendō!!"

Listening to Kamishiro Ken's cheering, Kazama Daisuke and Yaguruma looked at each other, nodded in tacit understanding, and joined Kamishiro Ken's camp together, turning into a cheerleading team, cheering loudly for Tendō.

Even if you can't participate in the battle, it doesn't mean that you are useless!

"Tiandao Souji."

At the moment of death, Mimic Tiandao grabbed Tiandao Souji's arm with his intact hand, and under the latter's gaze, handed the insect instrument of Hei Jiadou to Tiandao Souji.

"Even I can't use it." Before Tiandao Souji finished speaking, he was interrupted by Hei Jiadou.

"No! If it were you, it would be completely possible!" Mimic Tiandao stared at him: "That monster is invincible, none of us can beat him."

"But Xiao Xu is different." Mimic Tiandao's eyes revealed a heavy meaning: "You should understand, right?"

At this point, Mimic Tiandao's eyes rolled up and he fainted completely.

And before he was about to fall, Tiandao Souji held him in his arms and laid him flat on the ground.

"Xiao Xu?" Tiandao Souji held the black armor in his hand: "It was because I disappointed Xiao Xu that such a monster was born."

"It's really bad. I actually left my affairs to Tiandao."

"But now."

Tiandao Souji held the black armor tightly.

"It's not too late."

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