I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 398 Phoenix So the Red Shoes System is really useful.

Faced with a group of zerg that do not have molting zerg, even the Tiandao General Director himself is enough to deal with such a situation.

One round of Gossamer doesn't even take three minutes to kill all the zerg.

Even if it is a molting zerg, there is a question mark as to how long it can last in the hands of General Tiandao.

What's more, there are two Tiandao here, as well as a new Kamen Rider-Gangdou.

So even if there really are Molt Zerg, it's useless. The three of them are almost enough to solve everything in the midst of thunder.

As a series of green smoke exploded and dispersed, the Chief of Tiandao put away the kunai dagger, and Gang Dou also reassembled the double knives on his shoulders, while Tiandao patted the dust on his body with his bare hands and made a gesture. His face looked unconcerned.

"I still can't figure out why a group of unmolted insects appeared here." Tiandao came to the two of them: "Although I have been controlled by the desire to kill during this period of time, but the insects If you were killed to that extent, you should not dare to appear in front of me again. "

"Or do they think that I am really easy to deal with now?" Tiandao is actually quite puzzled: "Did they send a group of cannon fodder to try me?"

If the Zerg is also aware of the changes that happened some time ago, then it is understandable that the Zerg would choose this time to test it.

After all, the Zerg is not a kind person. It is impossible for him to kill him without even farting. He must have done some testing after noticing changes in himself.

If they are really aware of their own weakness, then the next step for the Zerg will be endless revenge.

Are these bugs willing to swallow their anger after suffering a loss?

"In order to explore my true and falsehood, I would really go to great lengths to send some people to die." Tiandao sneered several times: "Although I am indeed very weak now, it is not..."

"That's really nice of you to think that."

Before the subsequent words were finished, Phoenix's voice suddenly sounded behind Tiandao, and attracted Tiandao's attention immediately.

"Phoenix!" Tiandao immediately turned around and looked at Phoenix. His original indifference turned into seriousness in just an instant.

After all, Phoenix deserves more attention than bugs.

But Tiandao never expected that when he turned around, it was not only Phoenix who fell into his eyes, but also an unexpected person appeared in front of him.

"Xiao Xu?!"

That's right, besides Phoenix, there was also Xiaoxu who appeared in front of him.

Xiaoxu was even dressed like a waiter, and she didn't even have time to take off her apron. It was obvious that she didn't come here on purpose, but came here suddenly.

"...the way of heaven?"

Although Xiaoxu was a little hesitant, he could still vaguely identify the red armored man through the voice.

"Xiao Xu! Why are you with Phoenix?!" Looking at Phoenix standing next to Xiao Xu, Tiandao was extremely shocked.

He and Chief Tiandao tried every possible means to guard against Phoenix, but unexpectedly they still found a chance for her.

...Sure enough, if you can only commit a thief for a thousand days, there is no way to prevent a thief for a thousand days.

Something went wrong after all.

"Tiandao...how did you..." Xiaoxu was still looking at Tiandao, a posture that had never been shown in front of her before.

"Those two over there should be..." His eyes shifted and focused on the blue knight and the red knight over there: "Tiandao General Secretary? And... Kagami?"

"No!" Without even a trace of hesitation, Tiandao denied it and did not admit it at all.

"It's true." But Tiandao's denial made no difference to Xiaoxu. Xiaoxu recognized the identities of the red and blue knights almost at the first sight of them.

"Xiaoxu, Phoenix is ​​not a good person." Tiandao looked at Phoenix, who was standing beside him with his hands folded and silent, and quickly said: "How did she..."

The subsequent words were still not finished. In the next moment, two figures, one blue and one red, suddenly rushed out from the left and right sides of Tiandao and rushed towards Xiaoxu at extremely fast speeds.

The two of them galloped forward together, without any intention of holding back. Their raised fists were mixed with violent murderous intent, and they headed towards Xiaoxu.

Xiaoxu didn't make any moves. It seemed that he was too shocked to react in time, and it seemed that he didn't believe that Souji Kagami and Kagami would really punch and kick her, so he stood still.

She just looked at the two people running towards her, just watching them, getting closer and closer to her.

"Hey! Kagami! Tiandao!" I thought that the two were moving forward bravely to deal with Phoenix. Tiandao, who was about to rescue Xiaoxu, also followed the footsteps of the two and rushed towards Phoenix.

Then, in his eyes, who was one step behind, Jia Dou and Gang Dou did not wave their fists towards Phoenix. Instead, they both dropped their iron fists towards Xiao Xu.


Closing her eyes, Xiaoxu clasped her hands on her chest, covering the green pendant she had been wearing, the only pendant left to her as a souvenir by her parents who were killed.


As fast as the red and blue warriors galloped forward, they were thrown back by Beng. The two arced in the air and hit the ground heavily, unable to get up for a while.

Tiandao stretched out his hand to resist the shock wave coming towards him, but he had to stop.

"This is..."

The original human voice could no longer be heard, and only the sound of insects rang in her ears.

The shadow cast by the sun was imprinted on the ground, revealing the person named Kusakabe Xu... no, or the reality of this existence.

The four wings spread out behind her were like a fledgling that had not yet spread its wings and flew, and her slender figure had completely lost the appearance of a human.

The rectangular head had completely verified her appearance at the moment.

"This is the truth." Phoenix finally spoke again: "Miss, you are not a human, but a bug."



Although there were still bursts of insects chirping, Xiao Xu's doubts could be clearly revealed in everyone's mind. Obviously, she did not need to really speak now, but had another ability.

"Telepathy..." Tiandao uttered these four words, looking at Xiaoxu's posture that only he could see, and now he truly revealed: "Phoenix...you..."

"I know you have been hunting protozoa during this period. After all, protozoa have done too many evil things to humans." Phoenix stretched out his hand and turned his palm upward: "So, am I not personally sending the queen of protozoa to you?"


"I...am not human?" Looking at his slender knuckles and his open wings, Xiaoxu stared at all this in a daze, and seemed not to have reacted yet.


But perhaps he didn't need to react, because Gangdou and Jiadou, who had climbed up from the ground again, had turned into a gust of wind again, and rushed towards Xiaoxu with their fists raised.

The two of them were carrying a frenzy of killing intent, aiming directly at Xiaoxu, and there was no Phoenix in their eyes!


Tiandao just wanted to step forward to stop the two, but the next moment, Phoenix suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking his way.

Facing the rushing Gangdou and Jiadou, Xiaoxu, who had no intention of fighting, just pushed forward with his hands in fear, but his extraordinary telekinesis turned into a tsunami and rushed out quickly, like a surging wave, smashing Gangdou who rushed forward and making Jiadou step back involuntarily.

But even so, Jiadou still took a step, and Gangdou still climbed up again. The two Kamen Riders showed frantic killing intent, roared with fighting intent, and continued to come towards Xiaoxu.

The telekinesis impact forced the two to retreat again and again, but the two rushed up again and again without fear of death, as if they really wanted to kill Xiaoxu.

Even if they failed again and again, it was difficult to conceal the two people's determination to kill.

Fight to the death.

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