I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 394 Call someone, I told you to call someone! (Why is my toothache so bad this year? It’s un

After all the dust settled, what happened to Tiandao finally came to an end.

But it is not certain whether another story will begin.

Tiandao Zongsi did not go home, or no one planned to go back, but gathered around Tiandao, wanting to hear what his personal experience was like during this period.

And Tiandao did not hide it, and indeed told everyone about his personal experience, especially Tiandao Zongsi.

Since he has cultivated the power of will, sooner or later, Tiandao Zongsi will encounter the same problem as him.

Then as a reference value, Tiandao's feelings at this moment are quite necessary.

"I don't know when my consciousness was infected." Tiandao led everyone to an abandoned building without being in the ruins or returning to the coffee shop where Xiaoxu was. With his hands in his pockets, he stared at the blood color that gradually dissipated in the sky, leaving only the vortex-shaped dark clouds, and then turned around and said.

"Or rather, I don't realize that my body is occupied."

"What is that?" Kazama Daisuke couldn't live up to his character without leaning against a wall, so this time he found a wall near the edge of the window, leaned back with his hands folded across his chest, lowered his head, and asked in a low voice.

And what he asked was what Tendo Souji and others wanted to know.

"A thought that was born from me." Tiandao said, "Although it may sound exaggerated to you that a thought belonging to a person will have independent consciousness, it is actually very normal to me."

"You can call it another Tiandao, but you can also call it the Killing Tiandao, because in essence, it is indeed an incarnation of me."

"But this incarnation controls you in turn." Tiandao Souji and Kagami stood side by side, looking at Tiandao together: "It seems that the thing you taught me is not as easy to control as it seems on the surface."

"Any power has corresponding risks. While taking on the convenience brought by this power, you must also shoulder this danger." Tiandao could not deny it, and did not deny it: "I have already made such a realization."

Tiandao Souji smiled, and did not say much, but nodded in understanding.

"Then, who is the woman who appeared behind?" Kagami seemed to have been holding back for a long time, and he couldn't wait to ask when he finally got a chance to speak.

"Phoenix." Tiandao said, "I only know that her name is Phoenix, and she does not belong to this world."

"Does not belong to this world?" This time, not only Kagami, but everyone raised their own questions.

"Yes, maybe you don't know, I once encountered a being from another world, and I had a fight with him." Tiandao was referring to the flat woman: "Her name is Shiratori, and she also comes from another world."

"By the way, Kagami." Tiandao said, and turned his words to Kagami: "The knight system you have is called Kamen Rider-Gundo, right?"

"Huh? How do you know?" Kagami was stunned. She hadn't told Tiandao about this yet, so why did Tiandao seem to have known it for a long time?

"Because when I first met Shiratori, the power she used and her transformation form were the knight system you have." Tiandao smiled and took a few steps forward, patting Kagami on the shoulder: "Kamen Rider - Gundou, of course I am very familiar with it."

"I met Gundou a long time ago."

"I was beaten by Gundou a long time ago?" Kagami widened her eyes and looked at Tiandao in disbelief: "There is such a thing?"

"You have really encountered all kinds of monsters." Tiandao Souji interrupted: "Do you even know this kind of person?"

"Of course." Tiandao nodded: "Phoenix and Shiratori are the same existence, I didn't think I would meet this kind of people."

"They are travelers who travel through time and space, with the purpose of collecting powerful power. Each of them has the ability to stop time, which can even be done without transformation." Tiandao looked around, looking at everyone's different expressions, and continued to speak.

"Such an existence is called a time robber."

"Time robber." Tiandao Souji repeated. Although he felt that the time robber was not that simple, it was too complicated.

"The power of our knight system, that is, the acceleration ability, is to accelerate the time particles, make them active, and enter that kind of world." Fengjian Daisuke nodded and said solemnly: "But that is just time acceleration, not time stop."

"If there is a guy who can stop time, then we have no chance of winning at all?" Shenshiro Ken frowned: "Phoenix, what a terrible opponent."

"I don't know what kind of posture she can show after getting my killing incarnation." Tiandao shook his head: "The power of the mind cannot be collected, but the killing thoughts that I rejected can be."

"It's better to say that the killing thoughts that have lost the foundation of existence can't wait to enter that dial to use it as the basis of their own existence to avoid their own demise."

"Phoenix needs its power, and it needs a foundation for existence. Both need each other." At this point, Tiandao couldn't help but sneer: "They are really in cahoots with each other, and they are brought together."

"Stop talking in a murderous tone." Kagami shook his body and couldn't help but hit Tiandao's chest: "It's scary to hear that."

"Phoenix is ​​an opponent we need to be wary of. Similarly, we have to target the Zerg side." Tiandao said: "It's really not easy to have so many opponents all of a sudden."

"Anyway, it's also something worth celebrating that Tiandao can come back." Kagami said loudly, looking happy, and his face was full of indescribable excitement at this moment.

"I've decided, let's have a party! We'll come together when the time comes!" Kagami has never been so proud of himself before. It can be said that the happiest moments in his life are concentrated at this moment.

He has good friends around him, and he has achieved his long-cherished wish. He finally became a Kamen Rider. His companion who was in trouble has also successfully returned to normal. There are even so many like-minded companions around him.

Although there is still a strong enemy that has not been solved, isn't this already worth celebrating?

Kagami has never been so happy.

"If you have a party, it will be Xiao Xu who will have to work hard." Tendo Souji turned around: "I never knew what your skills were like."

"Hey, Tendo! You actually doubt me, but I..."

The two people who were arguing over there walked away, but Tendo did not leave. Instead, he turned around and set his eyes on Daisuke Kazama.

"I have settled the account I wanted to settle with you." Daisuke Kazama waved his hand: "I won't stay any longer."

As he said that, Daisuke Kazama wanted to leave with his tool kit.

But his figure, who was about to leave, was blocked by Tendo, so he could not leave.

And Tendo's actions also made Daisuke Kazama very confused.

"I have something to ask you." Tiandao stared at the stranger to him: "You said I hurt Lei Ting before."

"You mean you fought with me?"

"No, I have no conflict with you." Fengjian Daisuke waved his hand: "It's just that Lei Ting flew to me and said that he was beaten, and then guided me to find you, it was not my fault."

"I see." Tiandao understood, but then spoke again: "That is to say, when you are the holder of thunder, someone used Lei Ting without your knowledge."

"And then was defeated by me."

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