I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 382 Emperor Kamen Rider, I will save you! (Knight???)

"Then I'll go in."

If you want to enter the fantasy omnipotence, neither Gaigai nor the Emperor can enter in this posture.

The Emperor who manifested from the Supreme Heaven in the world is still the Emperor, but he is wearing a cloak and a skirt.

Although it is still not as good as the Supreme Heaven, it is already the strongest posture that [Heaven] can manifest in the concept of the world.

This is already a kind of degradation of [Heaven], just like [Earth], which is theoretically at the same level as [Heaven], because of the reason of turning into all things, it disassembles itself and separates itself, making [Earth] of the same level in theory always only theoretically, and it is impossible to realize.

After all, if this theory is really to be realized, then the world and all living beings will be destroyed.

The earth that carries all things and turns into all things will never have a theoretical day.

And if you want to go further and enter the material world, the Emperor's current posture must be downgraded again.

So the red cloak is gone, the majestic skirt also disappeared, and the shoulder cannons on both shoulders were sealed.

So the emperor in this posture finally became the legendary existence familiar to the material world.

Emperor Xia.

"The Ultimate Emperor?" Clenching his fists and feeling his power at the moment, the emperor glanced at the "Red Emperor" beside him and said unhappily: "You haven't changed at all."

"I don't have to go in." Gai Gai smiled happily: "Although it is a posture that has been repeatedly downgraded, the fantasy omnipotent world can only accommodate you with such power."

"It's really hard for you to fight that monster in this posture."

"If it's hard, then you, the god, will do something for me." Stepping forward, the emperor stood at the edge of the page and looked at Fei Yuzhen who was about to turn the page: "In my world, the Hokage Stone, one of the five cornerstones, came to your universe inexplicably. Although I found the stone, the authority as the body disappeared. "It disappeared."

"That kid must know I'm coming, so he's still running away."

"I hope you can find it out, and it's best to put it in front of me as soon as possible."

The emperor turned his head and looked at Gaigai behind him: "Although it's very scared, I won't do anything ruthless."

"OK!" With an OK gesture, Gaigai agreed firmly without any hesitation: "I will definitely let you see that thing as soon as you come out!"

The emperor:.

Although I know that Gaigai is a fun-loving person, he often does things like knowing a lot but hiding it and watching others laugh at him, but for the transaction between these two things, Gaigai won't be so shameless, right?

It can't be the same as that guy, right?

The emperor is still a little relieved about Gaigai.

After all, although he likes to have fun, he just has fun.

If you really ask him to do something, he won't refuse, right?


"Fei Yuzhen, turn the page!" Gai Gai and Zhen Wang retreated outside the book, leaving only the Emperor standing on top of the page.

Following Gai Gai's order, Fei Yuzhen immediately turned a page of Fantasy Almighty, replacing the blank page with the page of endless turmoil.

And this time, before the page was completely turned over, a clearly visible beast roar resounded in everyone's ears. Not only that, the restless light cannon tore the barrier between the book and the world, broke through all obstacles, accurately aimed at Fei Yuzhen's position, and attacked him again.


The decomposed golden shield turned into countless streams of light, appearing in front of Fei Yuzhen before the light cannon hit him, and completed the combination, strongly blocking the light cannon.

The Aurora Shield was intact, and the Emperor appeared behind the Aurora Shield and took it in his hand.

"Let's go first." After a slight instruction, the Emperor pulled out the weapon sticker and threw it directly into the world of Fantasy Almighty.

And he himself turned into a stream of light and also escaped into the fantasy omnipotence.

Coincidentally, at this moment, the page of the book was completely turned, and this chaotic and restless fantasy world was truly presented in front of everyone.

The golden card fell from outside the world into the fantasy world, and the huge robot looking up at the sky took a step forward, as if wanting to swing the gorgeous blue lightsaber in his hand to kill it.

But the next moment, the golden figure passed through the sky, pulled out a golden bladeless sword from the weapon sticker, and fell down like thunder from the sky, falling towards the top of the giant robot.

Before the falling figure penetrated much, a transparent hexagonal stand suddenly appeared. Although the blade of the Aurora Sword destroyed it in an instant, the more the blade went down, the more broken stands there were.

These hexagonal stands accumulated to countless, reducing the Emperor's falling offensive layer by layer.


Red and white lines appeared on the mechanical arm, and the blue lightsaber disappeared, replaced by a jet nozzle.

The Emperor's red goggles reflected the opponent's movements, and he immediately retracted his sword and chose to step on the ground, returning to another place to fall.

The next moment, blue light particles tore through the sky, and once again sank into the outside of the world, tearing a black crack in the azure sky.

"Ultrapower, Spacium particles." The Emperor, who successfully landed, stood up again. His tiny figure was too insignificant compared to the opponent, and even if the opponent lowered his head, he might not be able to see him.

The abilities of the Ultra series were already well-known because of someone, and the Emperor naturally recognized them, so he reacted immediately.

Specium's light was cancelled, and the giant robot stepped forward, stomping down hard on the Emperor.

Knowing that he had not yet grown in size, the Emperor soared into the air, turned the Five Elements Crystal on his belt, switched to [Water], carried the power of the waterfall on the Aurora Sword, and let himself spin at high speed, turning into a stream of water. The green tornado galloped across the ground, out of the range of the opponent's huge feet.

A golden figure appeared in the storm, and the Aurora Sword swept backwards. A green sword energy of tens of meters was released, and with the tearing force transformed from the violence of [water], it hit the robot's ankle hard. on, successfully creating a crack.

This crack was an injury that Fei Yu couldn't create even when he used [Superhero War Chronicles].


Fei Yuzhen, who was watching the battle outside Fantasy Omnipotence, exclaimed loudly: "Sure enough, this monster is helpless when faced with materials that are not its own fusion!"

"That's useless." The true king looked solemn: "Look."

Before the wound that had just been torn by the sword energy had time to reveal its existence, the crack healed automatically, becoming as smooth as new, as if it had never existed.

"Such a terrifying healing ability!" Fei Yu's real eyes almost popped out: "It's too exaggerated!"

"If it is not a fatal injury, it will not have any effect on the monster." True King also felt that it was extremely difficult: "Even if it is a fatal injury, it must cause damage continuously, otherwise."

External discussions had no effect on the emperor in the fantasy world. Sensing the other party's extraordinary healing ability, the emperor reached out and brushed the Five Elements on his belt, extracting all the power of the Five Elements and applying it to the Aurora Sword.

【Five Doors Must Kill】

The Aurora Sword was penetrated into the ground, but it did not cause a huge explosion. Instead, a huge beam of five colors rushed out from the ground, completely covering the huge robot.

The cutting of gold, the corrosion of wood, the burning of fire, the rusting of water, and the squeezing of earth, all the powers of the five elements perform their own duties, creating different injuries on the body of this giant robot.


However, the giant robot, which was completely unresponsive to the fact that it was being continuously hurt, only did one thing, and that was to raise its hands on its chest, then pull one hand toward its side, and then press it against At the elbow of the other hand.

Forming an "L" shaped gesture.

A flash of surprise flashed across the Emperor's red goggles.

That gesture! That ability!

"Aurora Shield!"

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