I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 365 Galaxy, you never expected that even if this author wrote a knight, he would still prais

"The enemy that the great god Gaigai is talking about is you, the one who possesses the power of the king that does not belong to this universe!" Feiyuzhen stretched out his hand and pointed at the other party from a distance.

"Get out of this world!"


Although he didn't know what he was crazy about, being scolded by name made [Tian] a little curious.

"Kamiyama Feiyuzhen?" Knowing this person's name from the long river of time, [Tian] immediately understood: "So that's it, Gaigai's choice? A novelist in the world, with the ability to create stories and write, and then use this as power to transform and fight."

"It's really novel."

Seeing that this foreign king still had the mind to comment on him here, Feiyuzhen didn't get angry, but took out a book from the bottom of the box.

"Humph, don't think I can't fight against you guys who have the power of the king." Kamiyama Feiyuzhen took off the dome hat he was wearing, threw it casually, and threw it into the gap of the world.

The Flame Sword and the Holy Blade Driver appeared at his waist, and with the book in his hand, it can be said that the preparations for the Holy Blade series to transform have been completed.

"That book is..."

At the moment the book was taken out, [Tian] could feel the breath of a creature of a very high rank from it, and staring at the book, he could see through the cover the giant dragon with its wings spread and soaring into the sky.

This book contains the power that is enough to sublimate a person into a dragon.

[Ultimate Bahamut]

"Release it!"

Inserting the book into the Holy Blade Driver, Kamiyama Hiwashin suddenly pulled out the Flame Sword, and the sword body was burning with raging flames.

The book that was about to be opened was ready to equip him with a new power and give him new possibilities.

[In the dark abyss, there was once a dark...]


The subsequent lyrics were interrupted, and the golden ball of light suddenly shattered. A figure with brilliant gold appeared from it, and did not give Kamiyama Hiyuki a chance to finish the lyrics. He kicked Kamiyama Hiyuki's belt.

The powerful blow belonging to the Emperor kicked the book named [Bahamut] off the Holy Blade Driver and forced it to separate. The ongoing transformation was forcibly interrupted, and Hiyuki was kicked out without surprise, flying into the distance in the hyperspace and disappearing.

The figure wearing armor took the book into his hands and watched silently.

There was no emotion in the red goggles, and the overall golden body showed an extremely noble appearance. The huge shield on the chest had the strongest defense in the entire Mingjie, which was the symbol of the ultimate armor.

The tiger head on the shoulders had both form and spirit, and in the tiger's mouth, there was a gun muzzle that could release the power of justice.

The two protruding spikes on the arm guards add extra breath to it, like a pair of open eagle wings, about to fly.

On the golden belt, the belt dial engraved with the five elements represents the power He possesses.

In the center of the five elements dial, the yin and yang diagram composed of black and white magatama is even more superior, as the manifestation of the sky of the two-element sky.

The heavy back armor is stacked layer by layer, and the red cloak flutters in the hyperspace, without wind.

The length of the skirt just reaches the ankle, and the exposed golden leggings hidden under the skirt armor make his originally bloated upper body look much more coordinated.

The self-image of the Supreme Heaven in the human world is also the posture that He shows to the world when He descends to the material world.

This appearance has another name in the human world.

Emperor Xia.

"The transformation time is too slow," the emperor said in amazement while appreciating the story written in this book and feeling the writing style of the novelist Kamiyama Feiyuzhen.

It was not until Kamiyama Feiyuzhen appeared in front of him again that the emperor closed the book and looked at him.

"I know that you people in the Kamen Rider universe are very martial. Even if the transformation time is long, you will have a very handsome look and a long lyrics, the enemy will definitely stand still and wait for you to show your appearance." Throwing the book in his hand away and returning it to Kamiyama Feiyuzhen, the emperor spoke again.

"But it's not like that in our country."

"Too slow, do you really think I don't exist?"

The Mingjie doesn't care about this. Either you don't need to change the form, or the speed of changing the form is very fast.

And this is also the characteristic of their Armor Universe.

Just like the characteristics of the Kamen Universe, you must listen to the lyrics before you start fighting, otherwise you will never do it.

It was quite naive, just like the material world in the Spring and Autumn Period, when the two sides really stopped fighting after the war was lifted.

Kamiyama Hiyujin caught the book and looked at the book without any damage. He felt even more resentful.

"How could I know that you could kick the transformation protection special effect apart with one kick..." Covering his face, Kamiyama Hiyujin muttered: "So it seems that you will never give me this opportunity?"

"I recognize your identity as a novelist." The emperor said: "The writing is good, and the golden spirit hidden in the dark abyss is indeed shining."

"But Bahamut listened to your call (referring to the lyrics) and flew out of the dark abyss for too long."

Kamiyama Hiyujin:

"Aren't you the demon king that God Gai Gai said will destroy our universe?" After what happened just now, Shenshan Feiyu also realized that something was wrong.

Just now, this king from a foreign land gave him a hard blow, but finally chose to hold back. If he was the demon king who destroyed the world, he should not be merciful.

Feiyu really knows that as long as he is beaten down and the Kamen Rider - King of Time (True King) is destroyed, then there will be no one in the Masked Universe who can stop him.

"Every universe has its own way, and I will not interfere." The emperor said, "But there is something in my world that has strayed into your world."

"I want it back."

"A thing?" Shenshan Feiyu was a little confused at first, but soon he seemed to have remembered something, and it suddenly dawned on him.

"That!!! That's the one!!!" Shenshan Feiyu shouted excitedly: "That thing is yours!"

"Of course, those are things from my bright world." The emperor nodded: "We both belong to the Tokusatsu world. I will not interfere too much in your universe. If I find the lost treasure in my world, I will leave. ”

"You should have told me earlier!" Shenshan Feiyu really let down his guard. Although there was some misunderstanding at the beginning, once he made it clear, Shenshan Feiyu was really grateful for the other party's coming.

"I know where that thing is! Rather, it has brought a lot of trouble to our world!"

The Emperor understood.

The Hokage Stone has given birth to a village with the blood of fire in your world. Isn't this a big trouble?

With the level of human reproduction, as long as these people with the blood of fire spread out, everyone would soon have this blood.

Is that okay?

From now on, if people from the Masked Universe are inspired by their bloodline, they will shout: Flame Dragon Armor, merge!

Did the Flame Dragon Armor fly directly across the universe to the Masked Universe to wear it?

What the hell?

"Let's go, I'll take you there." Shenshan Feiyu is so excited. Has the owner of the sword in Fantasy Almighty finally found it?

The sword that shut down the normally functioning fantasy almighty, and the terrifying monster who could solve all these troubles are finally here.

When he thought that he hadn't seen Luna for a long time, Shenshan Feiyu couldn't help but miss him.

Luna, wait for me! Protect yourself in Fantasy Omnipotence!

I'll come to save you right away!

This is the agreement between us!

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