I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 361: Negishi: I have a good idea, leader. The advantage is mine when it comes to the knights

"Tachikawa Daigo! You are so unreasonable!"

Back at his home, Negishi, who became more and more angry as he thought about it, let out a roar like a brother Fei Fei. He stretched out his hand and swept away thousands of troops, sweeping his desk clean without any trace left behind.

His chest was rising and falling, but he was still not satisfied with it.

"What did you say to me that it needs to be investigated? How could Kato know where the leader is?" With a beer belly, Negishi untied his tie and threw it aside.

"Isn't that clear that it is Jiado's weapon? You even admitted that the traces!"

"As one of the creators of the knight system, do you insist on ignoring this fact and favoring humans?"

"Do you think of yourself as a protozoa or a human now?"

Yes, a long time has passed since the old man, the leader of the protozoa, was killed.

Although the protozoa and humans have a cooperative relationship, even after the knight system was created, the protozoa did not take too much possession. Instead, they fulfilled the treaty signed with humans and handed over the knight system to humans for use.

As a price, after humans possess the Kamen Riders, they will destroy all the zerg and protect the lives of their protozoa.

This is the reality hidden behind the knight system.

But now, the knight who was supposed to protect the protozoa has instead taken the life of the protozoa, and even the leader among the protozoa was killed.

No matter what, humans must give an explanation!

And what did Tachikawa Daigo say? After he recognized Jiado's dagger, he denied that it was Jiado who did it.

Isn't this a joke?

Could it be that Jia Dou is something that can be ridden by tens of thousands of people, and that an individual can be selected by Jia Dou and then become a Jia Dou to kill people?

Tachikawa Daigo, you are one of the creators of the knight system. Can you convince yourself of this reason? Can it?

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and Negishi even had the urge to kill Tachikawa Daigo in his heart.

This guy seems to have completely switched sides to the human side, completely forgetting the fact that he is a protozoa.

This guy...is already a traitor to the protozoa!

"It's normal for him to choose that way."

But at this moment, a clear female voice came from the room that was supposed to be empty.

The moment the female voice sounded, the originally dark room was instantly lit up. The light brought by the lights dispelled the darkness, and Negishi subconsciously raised his hand to block his eyes that were stimulated by the bright light.

Negishi, who had no family and no bad habits, was even more frightened when he looked at the woman in front of him who was wearing a white leather coat with a side ponytail hanging down on her chest.

As a protozoa, he knew that there were several women in Tokyo, and all of them were masters.

"Who are you!" Suppressing the fear in his heart, Negishi calmly opened the drawer and tried to take out the gun.

"It shouldn't be difficult to understand Tachikawa Daigo's choice." Phoenix raised his eyelids and looked at the extremely nervous man: "Even if Kato really killed the leader of your protozoa, you protozoa can't defeat Kato. How about a fight?"

"From the day the Knight System is handed over to humans for use, the initiative is no longer in the hands of your protozoa."

Phoenix crossed his legs, bit by bit.

"The answer is simple, because you still need the protection of the knights, and you need the knights to kill the bugs for you."

"It was precisely because of this that Tachikawa Daigo did not fall out with humans, and even...asked humans to punish Kato."

"But you strongly demanded that humans hand over Kaito at that time."

As he said that, Phoenix showed a joking smile: "Isn't it great? One is playing the bad side, and the other is playing the bad side. That's why humans finally made the promise to kill the Kaito adaptors."

"Don't you and Tachikawa Daigo have a good understanding of each other?"

What Phoenix said completely fell into Negishi's ears, which also caused his face to change several times in a very short period of time. It was not until Phoenix finally finished speaking that anger showed in Negishi's eyes. .

"Who wants to cooperate with that guy!" Negishi roared: "He is just a traitor to the protozoa!"

Negishi clenched his fists and raged helplessly for a while. Negishi was extremely angry and panting violently in his chest. It took a lot of effort for him to gradually calm down.

"You're right about one thing." Negishi, who calmed down, was like a chef with his feet off the ground, his smart IQ once again occupying the high ground: "Leaving the knight system to humans is the stupidest behavior."

"It is simply a ridiculous joke to expect humans to protect protozoa."

"It's so stupid!"

Leading the topic to this point, Phoenix's goal has been achieved, and the rest is just a matter of course.

"Now that we already have the knight system, why don't we protozoa recreate it ourselves and use it ourselves?" Negishi calmed down the anger surging in his heart and said calmly: "In the end, the only role humans can play is to provide materials. It’s one o’clock.”

"Even without humans, the knight system can still be developed."

"Really?" Phoenix put down his legs. Although these long legs wrapped in leather pants are very attractive to humans, for Negishi... they may not be as beautiful as a catalpa-shaped insect. .

"But the earth belongs to humans."

"But it can't always be human." Negishi's eyes flickered with uncertainty: "So, the topic has reached the place you want to guide."

"You should be able to tell who you are."

"Phoenix." Negishi is not someone who is easy to fool. To be able to become the main militant among the protozoa, he is not a brainless fool. Finnis also knows this very well: "Or you can call me..."

"Your backer."


Rushing all the way to the center of the so-called forbidden area, Jia Dou and Sword Scorpion, who were already prepared for a fierce battle, were stunned not to encounter a single enemy, not even a zect elite monster.

It was completely different from the situation before when Tiandao came here and was beaten violently by Phoenix.

"What's going on?"

Sword Scorpion can be regarded as the person who is least aware of the situation. Looking at the calm sea and the silence, he can only look at the only downward entrance.

Just as he was about to go in, Kabuto grabbed his shoulder, and at the latter's signal of shaking his head, he stayed where he was.

"Phoenix may not be here, but she might come back anytime." Tiandao patted Jiado and Jianshou on the shoulders, and headed directly towards the basement: "Help me guard for a while."

"Don't worry, I will tell you any information underground."

As Tiandao's voice gradually deepened until it was no longer audible, Sword Scorpion shook off Jiado's hand.

"Are you so willing to stay here?" Jindai Ken inserted his sharp sword on the ground: "I also heard your conversation last night. You should have a reason to go down."

"That's right." Kato turned his head to the side: "But that guy has magical power, and he may be able to find more things than me."

"Does that mean he can empty everything out?"

"No." Jiado denied: "It means that the most precious thing here will definitely be obtained by him."

Sword Scorpion turned his head in surprise, it was hard to imagine that this guy actually had such trust in the way of heaven.

"You two Heavenly Dao really trust each other." Sword Scorpion said with emotion: "It's really strange that two Heavenly Dao can be accommodated in one world."

"It's not two statues, but one." Jiado raised his hand. Even in the room under the ruins, he still had to make this gesture: "He and I are both the way of heaven."

Although he looks different and has a slightly different personality, there is no doubt that he must be himself from another world, which is another possibility of Souji Tendo in another world.

Chief Tiandao has noticed this, and he believes that Shenshan Tiandao also understands this.

Between the way of heaven and the way of heaven, who said we have to fight to the death?

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