I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 354 353 Whoever wants to go back to the Hokage Stone Five Elements Hall can go back, but I’l

Any words have no meaning at this moment, at least to Tiandao.

Thinking from his perspective and using his brain circuits to consider these things, the God of Mountain Heart can only come up with this answer.

Don't ask, asking means letting go and killing.

In short, just kill it from beginning to end, and make this world that you are dissatisfied with turn into what you expect, and then you will be satisfied.

Therefore, the Heart of the Holy Mountain did not say any words of admonishment at all, but directly told Tiandao to kill him after he left.

When a person's eyes are covered by something, he cannot see the road ahead clearly, or even see himself clearly.

That's how it is now.

His eyes were already covered by a layer of bloody gauze.

This kind of him is gradually different from the one he used to be.

If he wants to lift this veil, he can only rely on himself.

The Heart of the Holy Mountain is just a thought that remains in the bloodline and cannot do anything.

Any words become pale and powerless in the face of this change in Heavenly Dao.

"That's what I meant." Tiandao clenched his fists and continued: "But it's not enough. If I can't break through Phoenix's obstacle, I won't be able to enter that place and find the truth about how this world has become. ”

"I need stronger power, even more powerful than now!"

There was a faint red light in Tiandao's eyes, but he himself didn't know this.

Only the bystander, the God of Mountain Heart, saw this change in his eyes.

"Oh? You have already completed three of the five elements. If you want to become stronger, you need to complete the remaining two." The Heart of the Holy Mountain turned his back and headed towards the periphery of the top of the Holy Mountain. Walked over: "So, do you want [gold] or [water]?"

"I need strong power to defeat that woman in Phoenix, gold and water." After pondering for a moment, Tiandao raised his head and said seriously: "I choose gold!"

Although he already knew what Tiandao's choice was in his current state, the Heart of the Holy Mountain who had his back turned to him still sighed involuntarily when he heard him say it.

Sure enough, he was deeply involved in the killing, his eyes were covered by the thought of killing, and he was completely different from the way of heaven he once was.

But knowing is knowing, and the one with the heart of the sacred mountain can't do anything.

Even if I tell him about this, I think Tiandao will be dismissive of it.

"Didn't I tell you before? The way to awaken the metal phase." The Heart of the Holy Mountain turned around and looked at Tiandao, who now had the desire for power (Pava) written all over his face, and continued: "Perhaps you already understand You have understood the mystery of life and death, but now you have to understand another concept that exists in the dark. "

"What [Gold] is, you need to experience and think about it yourself. I can't describe it to you." The Heart of the Holy Mountain took a few steps back: "The way of the Holy Mountain, sometimes, if you keep moving forward, it is better to take a step back. , maybe we can move forward better.”

"There is no such thing!" Tiandao waved his hand: "Don't worry, I will definitely awaken the power of the metal phase, defeat Phoenix, save this world, and save all mankind!"

He was clenching his fists, with seriousness written all over his face, but beyond that, the seed of pursuing power had grown and sprouted, becoming the towering tree that now occupies his heart.

Tiandao was not like this before, and even as the summoner of Fire Armor, he would not become such a person.

This kind of problem usually occurs with summoners of golden armor.

"The second thing." Since there was no way to stop it, the Shenshanxin simply ignored it.

After all, in this world, the summoner of armor does not bear any responsibilities.

The great task of eliminating demons has been completed long ago.

"Be prepared, [Heaven] is coming." The Heart of the Holy Mountain closed his eyes slightly: "When the world was first created and the concept of heaven and earth appeared, the supreme sky was different from the earth that transformed into all things. The way is always the same.”


"What does "Heaven" is coming mean?" Tian Dao is very confused. "Heaven" is coming, does it mean something is coming from the sky?

But isn’t there the universe outside the earth?


It's not another intruder!

"Literal meaning." The Heart of the Holy Mountain said slowly: "For Him, just call it [Heaven]."

"The coming of [Heaven] means that the sky is looking for you." The Heart of the Holy Mountain nodded seriously: "Well, that's it."

"Okay, that's all. Tiandao, it's time for you to go back."

"Wait a minute! You haven't finished speaking yet!! Please make it clear to me! [Heaven] refers to!!!"

Before he could finish his subsequent words, there was only someone's unwilling roar on the top of the sacred mountain.

The top of the sacred mountain that originally existed for the two of them once again became a quiet place where only the heart of the sacred mountain stayed.

Not long after Tiandao was kicked out, the Heart of the Holy Mountain came behind a broken stone pillar and stroked a flower swaying in the wind, with a peaceful smile on his face.

"The sacred mountain rises high, the power of earth manifests."

"The top of the sacred mountain is based on the power of fire."

"The green grass, flowers and vines disperse the dark clouds and illuminate the earth, the birth of the power of wood."

Raising his head, the Heart of the Holy Mountain saw a brand new change beyond the power of the three phases.

The flower under the palm trembled slightly, and some kind of terrifying thought drifting along the wind was like the sharpest sword, cutting the flower in half and crushing it in an instant.

But in the next second, the complete wood phase caused the severed flower stem to fall to the ground again, and stand on the earth again, taking root here again.

Fragile but tenacious life, even if it is cut off, has the possibility of blooming again.

"He is walking on the road to awakening to the metal phase, the most difficult one." Suddenly, a rich voice rang out from the top of the sacred mountain where no voice except the one from the heart of the sacred mountain should have existed.

"Aren't you going to abandon your own body? [Fire]." The Heart of the Holy Mountain stood up.

He had heard this voice resounding on the top of the sacred mountain thousands of times, and he already knew who it was.

"What are you talking about! Wherever I am, isn't the Hokage Stone right there?" As soon as he finished speaking, stone pillars suddenly spread from the ground and stood on the top of the sacred mountain, adding a brand new difference to this dilapidated ruins.

"Obviously there are countless ways to awaken the metal phase, but he unknowingly walked on this most difficult road." The Heart of the Holy Mountain looked at the red stones embedded in the stone pillars, and was somewhat stunned: "Come on. The mass killings in this world had a great impact on him.”

"I don't want to be taken back by [Tian]." [Fire] couldn't hide the fear in his voice: "I ran out secretly without telling Him. With [Tian]'s character, I will definitely not have good juice to eat when I go back. "

"Even if I have to go back, I will go back by myself, and I will never be brought back by Him!"

Although he would be punished a little if he went back, it was not unacceptable.

But if [Heaven] were to retrieve him, the result would be completely different.

"Why do you think I asked you to tell him that [Heaven] is coming?" [Fire] breathed a long sigh of relief and said slowly, "With his acting style, knowing that there is a bloodline of fire at this time, he will definitely Take it back."

"At that time, did you think that the Heavenly Way of the Holy Mountain would still be as capable as it is now?"

"I'm doing this for his own good!"

Those who love the mountain:

"Is there a way to wake him up?" Ignoring [Fire]'s nonsense, the Shenshan Heart Man turned to ask another question that he was more concerned about: "He is now very angry, and he seems to be showing signs of becoming obsessed. "

"The power of the three phases, wood generates fire, and fire generates earth, is a small cycle." [Fire] continued: "Earth wants to generate metal, and he has carried out huge killings before, and this is where he goes. To find the way to the Tao."

"And because gold, like wood, does not exist at all, another form of gold, or a certain concept, is constantly generated by the earth."

"That's one of the perceptions that metal exists in the world."

“This is what the earth is giving birth to.”

"Killing thoughts."

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