I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 351 Chapter 350 Heavenly Dao Even if I have to drag time with one hand and carry the world o

Chapter 351 Chapter 350 Heavenly Dao Even if I have to drag time with one hand and carry the world on my back, I will do the same... (Phoenix?

"I see, there is no concept attached, it is just an extension of will. If the dial absorbs, it can only lead your will into the dial. Then, whether the dial exists or not is only in your mind."

Phoenix is ​​a time robber after all, and he is also a time robber who has deceived Tokiwa Sougo. He is knowledgeable and experienced.

Although he has never seen a weapon transformed by will, Phoenix is ​​not incapable of understanding the existence of such a thing.

Time robbers can use the dial to absorb power. First of all, this power must have a clear owner.

That is, the power of Kuuga, or the power of Kabuto.

The so-called concept is [name], the [name] given to this power.

The domineering part of the dial is here, only If the power of the [name] is given, the dial can absorb it.

But a person's will... theoretically is also given a [name], maybe the dial can also absorb it?

But the problem is that Phoenix only knows that the person in front of him is called Tendō, and what is his full name... Phoenix has no idea.

Yes, this guy is not Tendō Souji. If he is, Phoenix should be able to absorb his power after knowing his [name].

However, it is obvious that this guy is not Tendō Souji at all.

His name is indeed Tendō, but this is by no means his full [name].

"In this world, only against you, I really go all out." Inserting the memory into the Lost Drive, Tendō completed the transformation in an instant, and at the same time immediately changed his posture and became Kamen Rider- kabutack.

"Again?" Phoenix was not able to plunder the power of the guy in front of her, which was indeed beyond her expectations.

But she was not helpless.

"But I have completely different power now than before." Throwing away the broken dial parts in her hand, Phoenix took out a brand new dial with power in it in front of Tiandao.

Phoenix straightened the misplaced dial, and Tiandao saw the image engraved on the dial in Phoenix's hand through the black goggles.

"That's it!"

"If you want to defeat Kabuto, you have to use Kabuto's power!"

Pressing the dial against his chest, his chest, which was more undulating than the white bird, shook violently up and down.

With the rise of the hem and the strange black light, an alienated The arm covered with armor tore through the black light on the outside, revealing its own appearance.

The black armor on the whole body no longer looked like armor, but more like biological armor covering the body.

The extremely biological horn rose high and pointed straight into the sky.

The narrow yellow eyes were different from Kabuto's round, non-angular eyes, full of aggression and cruelty.

On the shoulder, a black scimitar-like bone spur flashed with cold light, possessing extremely sharp destructive power.

But the biggest change was the belt, which was originally the belt of the insect instrument, but on this guy, it showed a different posture.

If Kabuto's insect instrument is a mature body, then the belt of this guy in front of him is a milky white larva, curled up in the center of the belt, still wriggling from time to time.

"From armor system to biological system?!"

In shock, Tiandao even shouted.

After all, if this kind of thing does not happen in front of your own eyes, it is simply unbelievable.


Transforming into a different armored fighter, Phoenix activated his acceleration ability in an instant and disappeared in front of Tiandao in the blink of an eye.

Although Tiandao was shocked, he also activated the same ability in an instant.

The moment he entered the accelerated world, he saw the different armored fighter maintaining a flying kick posture and kicking towards him.

The distance was too close, and the opponent started the acceleration first, and from then on he had already taken the initiative!

In the battle between speedsters, the one who lags behind must be beaten.

Without time to make too many responses, Tiandao could only cross his hands in front of his chest to try to avoid taking the blow with his chest.

But even so, countless sparks burst out from his hands and arms, and the whole person was kicked out and fell on the ground and rolled several times in a row.

"Tsk, this didn't even kill you." The power of the alien Kabuto is indeed real, but Phoenix also knows that the power of the alien Kabuto she possesses is not from Tendō Souji, but from the protozoan that mimics Tendō Souji and is imprisoned in this test field.

That guy is another Kabuto, a black Kabuto that is completely different from the red Kabuto.

But it is indeed a Kabuto.

Phoenix had looked for Kagami before, but she reached into Kagami's body for a long time and felt lonely. Then she suddenly remembered that Kagami at this time had not yet become a steel fighter, so naturally she could not get out the power.

Then the power of the mimic Tendō, the black Kabuto, who was imprisoned in the secret room of the test field, is the second choice.

"Why do you have the power of Kabuto." Tendō climbed up from the ground. Although he was kicked hard by the knight, Kabutack's posture was not the kind of fragile posture that would break at a touch.

What he wanted to figure out more was something else.

"Want to know?" Phoenix stepped forward: "You should have noticed that you are not my opponent."

"I have the power of two dials."

As he said, Phoenix took out another dial, which is Alien No. 1, and pressed it into his chest.

The Alien Armored Fighter transformed by Phoenix began to change for the second time.

The overall black biological armor added a strange green stripe, and a strange pattern was drawn on the shoulders. The narrow yellow eyes appeared with granular pupils similar to locusts.

A red and tattered scarf, as if growing from the neck, wrapped around the neck of the Alien Armored Fighter and fluttered in the wind.

And in the most important belt part, the larva seemed to have hatched, but it did not become an insect instrument, but instead became... a vivid locust.

All the power of Alien No. 1 that can be mobilized is added to Alien Kabuto, and the power of Kamen Rider No. 1, the origin of Kamen Rider, is used to strengthen Alien Kabuto, allowing Phoenix to achieve a new evolution above Kabuto at this moment.

On the side of Tiandao, he is not unprepared.

Reversing the memory, calling back part of the exploded armor, and after reassembling and assembling, Tiandao's appearance has also changed.

In the right hand is a drill with a spiral brick drill bit, and in the left hand is a track roller similar to a tank.

The feet are also equipped with external devices for track rollers, which can be used to move when necessary.

Behind Kabutack, a silver-white shovel is carried on his back, and with his current appearance, he looks like he is going to the construction site to shovel.

[Kabutack Armed: Excavator Form. 】

"Have you used your weapons?" Phoenix slowly raised his hand: "But I will let you know how small the power you hold is."

"Let me show you the power of the origin of Kamen Rider!"

As soon as the words fell, the brand-new alien armor disappeared in front of Tiandao again, but this time, both sides were in the accelerated world and it was impossible to accelerate.

But... Tiandao did lose the trace of Phoenix in front of him.


Terrifying sparks burst out from his body, and the next moment, overwhelming heavy blows hit Tiandao one after another. A hundred blows in an instant were not enough to describe it, and a thousand blows in an instant could only barely catch up with this intensity.

Only a moment of ten thousand blows can describe everything that happened in this instant.

Acceleration in the accelerated world is a completely superior ability to acceleration, and it is covered with stronger acceleration. At this moment, Phoenix showed such a terrifying crushing, even surpassing the power of Hepa armor.

When Phoenix appeared again, Tiandao's body was already wrapped in countless residual sparks.

He fell from mid-air and could only land on the ruins in a mess. For a moment, he didn't even have the strength to stand up again.

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