I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 346 It’s okay, I’ll add another chapter. How are you going to deal with Shen (examination) H

Fortunately, the stairs were not long enough, so Jiato could not achieve the same achievement as a certain orange brother, so he did not hesitate to stand up long ago, and directly moved the horns to carry the insect device, and changed his posture. .

"cast off."

【Cast off】

As the voice of Tiandao Souji sounded, Kaito's built-in voice system also sounded, causing the heavy armor Kaito wore on his body to gradually loosen.

As Tiandao Souji completely moved the horns, all the external armor was ejected by powerful force and separated from Jiato's body.

These splashing armors also successfully repeled the Zerg that was about to pursue it, forcing it to dodge these armors.

The huge horns were lifted up from under the chin and integrated with the forehead. The red beetle, hiding the knight's posture under the armor, was revealed to the world.

【Change Beetle】

The shattered armor interfered with subsequent attacks. The Zerg regrouped, resumed their offensive, and once again charged towards the King of Armor.

King Kato was not afraid at all. Faced with the Zerg's attack, he stood still and did not move. He only waited for the opponent's attack to come and turned his head to avoid it, and then pushed the Zerg on the chest with his palm. and pushed it out hard.

Without waiting for the opponent to stand firm, Jiado turned from defense to offense, took a few steps forward, and came behind the Zerg at a faster speed. He stuck one foot in the Zerg's retreat and knocked it down with one blow.

The Zerg that fell to the ground lost the possibility of accelerating, but King Kaito had all the time to activate it.

As soon as he slapped the side of the belt, it immediately started to accelerate. In an instant, countless sparks burst out from the Zerg's body, forcibly knocking it from the ground into the sky.

...Kato King is not the kind of person who refuses to avenge his grudges.

After the acceleration ended, Tiandao stood in the open space not far away and pointed his finger to the sky, while the insect that was knocked up by the continuous attacks fell heavily to the ground, letting out a series of wails.

It is obvious that the speedster's ability is like this. He can solve the battle in an instant, or launch thousands of attacks in an instant, all in one breath.

In the eyes of a speedster, one second is almost equal to eternity.


With a slight snort, Kabuto King slowly turned around. In his huge blue eyes, victory was a given.

Holding back the pain, the Zerg got up from the ground, turned on its acceleration ability without saying a word, and chose to escape.

But now Jiato is not in an armored stance that could not use acceleration before. He can also activate acceleration, and he will pursue the Zerg and will not let him go.

"Team A protects the church; Team B defends the retreat and provides fire suppression for Team C; Team C steps forward to suppress the zerg and gather them together."

The captain of the elite team belonging to Zect is a being who can transform into Kamen Rider-Kingbee.

The entire fandom is like a group of worker bees, needing a leader to lead them.

The King Bee is such an existence.

In other words, the existence of Miying, an elite team, is due to the existence of the Queen Bee.

Although all the Kamen Riders created by the Knight System can fight against insects,... the insect meter is not something that anyone can start using after getting it. It requires corresponding qualifications and certain qualifications to fight against insects. instrument matches.

For example, the King Bee requires teamwork. Once he abandons his subordinates, the adapter will be abandoned by the King Bee Insect Instrument and lose the qualification to transform.

Several other insect instruments also have such conditions.

The adaptor of the Armored Insect Meter must have absolute self-confidence, be self-centered, and have a sense of existence like the sun.

The adapter of the Steel Fighting Insect Instrument must have the determination to never give up and the will to never lose the will to fight no matter what.

The adapter of the Thunderfly Insect Meter must be as unfettered as the wind and have a free heart.

Sword-Scorpion Adapters need to have something to pursue and the enterprising spirit to pursue it forever.

The two locusts, because they were abandoned by the knight system, were attracted to people who had the same experience and could survive no matter how desperate they were.

Only the chosen ones can be recognized by the Insect Meter and become Kamen Riders.

The elite team led by the Queen Bee exploded with strong execution and combat effectiveness under his command at this moment, causing considerable suppression of the unmolted zerg that appeared due to the accusation of molting zerg.

The molting zerg, which is the same type of zerg as the one that Tiandao General Division dealt with, is currently facing a one-on-one duel with the royal bee.

This is what is called soldier against soldier, against general.

It depends on how the main generals of both sides are deployed.

Because most of the people who have been attacked recently are newlyweds, Zect's judgment on the target of the Zerg's attack is also the same.

It's just... they guessed wrong.

The zerg attacks were indeed regular, but they did not attack newlyweds, but... people wearing white clothes.

The battle plan drawn up by Shuichi Tadokoro who was part of the liaison team failed. The battle plan of Yuzuki Misaki and Mihin Kagami pretending to be a married couple to lure the zerg out failed.

But because of this, the Queen Bee's transformer, Yakar, sensed the Zerg's true intentions, and was able to successfully stop the Zerg before it attacked the next person, and a battle broke out.

In the battle with the Zerg, the Royal Bee had the upper hand, and under his command, his subordinates also had the upper hand.

It can be seen that if nothing unexpected happens, it is a sure thing for Mi Ying to win another victory.


Kabuto, who turned on the acceleration ability, and the Zerg he was dealing with, broke into this battle, making the originally clear situation a little complicated.

What was complicated was not the appearance of the two molting Zerg, but... the Mi Ying team was a little agitated because of Kabuto's appearance.

After they noticed Kabuto's appearance, they seemed to have some other emotions.

Although it was obscure, through the strength of the gunshots, Tendou Souji had clearly judged the changes brought about by his arrival, and therefore... he also knew that these guys were only temporary allies.

After kicking away the Zerg that was fighting on its own, Kabuto tilted his head and looked at the elite soldiers under the organization called Zect.

"Kabuto, let's accelerate together and get rid of them all at once!" But the Queen Bee seemed to not feel this atmosphere, and gave orders to Kabuto on her own.

His subordinates had already forced those ordinary alien insects together, and they could completely get rid of them all at once under acceleration.

And the tone of his order was as if he was really Kabuto's immediate superior.


However, the self-centered Tendou Souji did not choose to refuse at this time, but obeyed the Queen Bee's order, and actually cooperated with the Queen Bee to accelerate together.

... So, please remember that this is the only peak of the Queen Bee in the entire drama of Kabuto.

As the price of this order to Kabuto, it will never have any highlights again, and it will not eat without flattening.

It belongs to overdrawing the future.

And the alien insect that was fighting with Kabuto, after being kicked away, had no courage to fight again, but disappeared and ran away directly.

The original enemy, Kabuto, now obeyed the orders of the Royal Bee like a member of the shadow, completely ignoring them.

"Knight Kick."

"Knight Stab!"

Kabuto pressed the button of the insect meter on his belt, and prepared his ultimate move in the countdown of "3, 2, 1."

The Royal Bee turned the Royal Bee Insect Meter on his arm, pointed the stinger of the bee tail forward, lowered his body, and was ready to rush forward at any time.

After a moment of accumulating strength, the two rushed forward together, one after the other, killing all the gathered alien insects with one blow, annihilating them in the Knight Kick and Knight Stab.

And this scene happening below also fell into the eyes of a certain red beetle flying in the sky at this moment.

"Really capable."

The red beetle soaring above the sky, with a white tail dragging behind it, chased the cockroach in front of it that was flapping its wings and flying through the clouds.

"Then I can't fall behind too much."

As soon as the words fell, Tiandao accelerated the speed of the flying robot. The stronger power provided him with a faster speed, so that the two who were originally deadlocked broke the balance in an instant.

Raising his hand, the energy weapon condensed in his hand. Although the best choice at this moment was the Pegasus Crossbow, Tiandao, who was very self-aware, still chose the Titan Sword that he was best at.

It's just that his spear skills are terrible, and it's the same if I fly up and give it a knife!

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