I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 32 A few things about the Steel Mask Man and Gurongi in the ancient times.

What was Yanlong like when he first met him?

Jumping between tall buildings, looking for the next target to kill, Locust's mind couldn't help but recall the scene where it had seen the Flame Dragon in the past.

Compared to Kuuga at that time, Flame Dragon couldn't keep up with its jumping ability.

Kuuga may still have some appearance that can be targeted, but Enryu does not.

You must know that Gurungi and the Fire Village fought several times, and the two sides fought fiercely. Before Kuuga appeared, Yanlong had already appeared in front of them as an opponent.

Although generally speaking, Daguba is the one to deal with the Flame Dragon.

So what is your impression of Yanlong?

He was determined to fight to the death with Daguaba, and finally used his own life and the power of the whole family's blood to seal it, causing heavy damage to Daguaba's Sacred Mountain and Heavenly Valley.

Later, he was seduced by the Rose Girl, and the two became friends, and almost came to the sacred mountain Kazuma on their side of Gulangji.

Or maybe it was Taichi Kamiyama who had released his transformation and, as a human, held a fire crystal to Daguba's head and smashed it.

He is still the last Flame Dragon. With his bloodline weakening day by day, the only one qualified to take on the title of Flame Dragon is the weak Kamiyama Makoto.

Among the flame dragons that Locust saw, except for the last one, the first three were the most powerful ones.

And what impressed him most was of course the sacred mountain, Heavenly Valley.

After all, once the flaming bow is raised, it will be shot down no matter how high or far it jumps, and it will have no effect at all.

So, who is this Yanlong now?

Valley of the Sky? No, he doesn't have the determination of Amanoya.

It's even more impossible for Yizhen to be him.

If Kailash Taiyi is the case, it should be possible.

But Locust would rather believe that the current Yanlong is not even as good as Shenshan Cheng.

The power of blood turned into a seal. At that time, even summoning armor was difficult. Thousands of years later, how thin will the blood of the Village of Fire be?

"It seems that I am more noteworthy." After thinking about this, Locust put Yanlong behind and no longer thought about this guy who was no longer a troublesome person.

On the contrary, it was Kuuga...but he really did something that even Flame Dragon couldn't do.

While jumping, the locust's keen compound eyes locked on a couple walking below. The two humans walking side by side were the two humans it liked to encounter the most.

After all, it can kill two people at once, which is very efficient!

The figure jumping in the air suddenly fell, and the locust spread its arms, preparing to land in front of the two, giving them a desperate death in the wail of the two.

"In this case, it will be the 21st and 22nd!"

Swooping down, the locusts can't wait to hear the screams of humans falling from the sky, and the sight of flowers blooming on the ground with blood flowing.


A sonic boom that broke through the air suddenly rang in my ears. The moment the sound rang out, the locust's body was suddenly knocked away by something. The thin body was pushed hard in front of something. The powerful force generated by the high-speed flight The air pressure is so strong that the locusts cannot escape.

Lying in front of the light and shadow horse, Locust reluctantly raised his head and looked at the completely unfamiliar light and shadow horse and the familiar flame dragon. All assumptions about him in his mind were overturned at this moment.

He...is not a weaker Flame Dragon!


Carrying the locust's body, it arrived at an abandoned factory in the suburbs. The light and shadow horse crashed through the rusty water tank and then plunged into the ground.

When it was about to touch the ground, the light and shadow horse was released by Yanlong and returned to the four-dimensional space. Yanlong flipped his body in mid-air and landed firmly on the ground.

As for the locust, it was pushed into the ground and could not stop even after the light and shadow horse disappeared. It turned into a rolling gourd and rolled all the way. Finally, it crashed into the factory building and was buried by the ruins.


Yanlong stood up, summoned the weapon post, held the flaming bow in his hand, kept the posture of holding it but not firing it, and walked step by step towards the location of the locust.

"You have killed so many people, now it's time to pay with my life!"

Raising the flaming bow, Yanlong followed suit, waiting for the locust to jump out and then shoot it.

Among the collapsed ruins, Locust struggled hard to stand up, but its bloody waist and unresponsive lower body already showed its current state.

It can be seen that the light and shadow horse was seriously injured when it hit the abandoned water tank.

"What is that!" Locust couldn't feel the condition of his lower body at all. He lay on the ground with his hands and looked at Yanlong angrily.

"What the hell is that!"

"Light and Shadow Horse, didn't you see it thousands of years ago?" Although the locusts were miserable, Yanlong still did not relax his vigilance: "What's so surprising?"

"I've only seen the light and shadow pony fly by, but haven't I been hit by it?"

"What light and shadow horse! Yanlong doesn't have this at all!" Locust was furious. He originally thought that he had completely figured out Yanlong's methods, but how could he have thought that Yanlong actually had something new? !

That light and shadow horse, how could the Yanlong in the past have such a thing!

Kuuga can sometimes take out weapons, but doesn't Flame Dragon only have a flame bow and a boomerang?

The rest of the time is all about boxing and can't fly at all!

What is this light and shadow horse?

Thousands of years later, Yanlong keeps pace with the times and has some high technology? !

The erosion on the waist has become more and more serious, and the vital signs of the locust are getting weaker and weaker.

If it is a high-level Gurongi who is hit by such a heavy blow, it may be fine, but the locust can't stand it at all.

"No?" This is another information about a thousand years ago, which makes Yanlong know that in the past, the light and shadow horse has never appeared, and Gurongi has never seen it.

"I don't accept it! You sneak attack me!" The locust slapped the ground and roared continuously.

"If we fight normally, you are not my opponent at all!"

"What a joke, you use superhuman power to kill ordinary people, is it fair to ordinary people?" Yanlong sneered.

"Now it's my turn, why are you talking about this?"

"Don't be so ridiculous!"

"Locust, look at the color of your body, it's so yellow, it looks like you're going to die!"

"Do you know what locusts of your color are generally called among us humans?"

As soon as the words fell, the flame bow that had been accumulating power for a long time suddenly fired a red light arrow, which turned into a red light column and blasted out from the flame bow.

The power was so great that it was enough to cause explosive damage, so it didn't matter whether you aimed or not.

"It's called the grasshopper after autumn."

"It won't jump for long!"

The air became scorching hot in an instant after being invaded by the blazing high-temperature energy. The entire abandoned factory suddenly shook violently. The rising explosion rolled up a violent air wave, and the strong fireworks gathered together, like a small mushroom, slowly unfolding.

This scene of destruction blooming on the locust, I think the locust would also find it wonderful.

After accumulating power for so long, the power of the Flame Bow is not as powerful as before, which can only make a small hole in the ground.

The burning flames rose up, and the blue goggles of Yanlong reflected the swaying and dancing of a fire snake.

Retracting the Flame Bow, Yanlong looked at the explosion in front of him and the breath of the devil purified by the flames, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, someone still fell into the hands of the locusts, and he... couldn't save everyone.

Even if he was an armored warrior, there were things he couldn't do.

A golden light flew out from the rising flames, turned in the air and came to Yanlong, and was caught by him.

Just like when he killed the Leopard Girl, after the locust died, a spirit stone fragment broke away and appeared in front of him.

Counting this, this is the second spirit stone fragment.

So, what's the use?

No one told me this!

Staring at the raging fire over there, Yanlong turned and left, not daring to stay here for a moment.

As a member of the Metropolitan Police Department, how dare he stay here?

Arson in the city, three days of detention.

Knowing the law and breaking it, the crime is even more serious!

Run, Run.

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